Well the placement of the objects on lowered surfaces definitely appears wrong, so maybe they changed it at some point to make those objects look right and just left it that way.
I think he did. =P Also, regarding those raised/lowered ground pieces - none of the objects placed on them look right when they're on lowered pieces, I'm willing to chalk that up to just being an engine/tile error.
It looks as though the objects are still lined up to be centered on raised ground. The coordinates for those objects most likely wasn't changed to reflect the change between the ground being raised and the ground being lowered.
Found something. Near the end of Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 819 - Aug 19, 1996, 19.49) is the begining of another game: Code (Text): NOSEGAY is a word (C)T-SN 1993.MARPSY-Q TARGET PSY-Q TARGET DS 00000000-00.. Anyone know what it is? EDIT: This is also in Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 814 - Aug 15, 1996, 07.55)
NOSEGAY LOL. (Rule 34 -- nostril penetration?) That has to be the weirdest thing of that nature I've seen in a while. What's with the hidden mentioning of the word gay in so many video gaymes?
According to the code, it's a Genesis development interface program. Probably to connect the genesis to a debugger pc using SCSI and a special cart with ram and a SCSI interface. The code is streamed from the pc to the cart and the genesis can run the code without needing to write eeproms.
More than likely, that header ended up in the S3D/819 ROM due to DOS memory management semantics. Specifically, DOS doesn't zero out memory before allocating it.
Hmm, extracting the Psy-Q ROM and running it does nothing, even after changing NOSEGAY with SEGA (not that I actually expected it to show a thing). Anyway, I've just found the credits for Toy Story in the 830 proto, starting at 0x20404 (after it says "THE REST OF THE CREDITS WILL GO HERE."): It's gone already in the next build. EDIT: I've just noticed that the Sonic 3D proto that had been released already is actually the 819 version, only with some wierd values added before the country code. Does anybody have an explanation to this?
The first Sonic 3D proto, the E3 version that was dumped and released a while ago, also had that PSY-Q ROM at the end.
Wasn't Toy Story done by Traveller's Tales? Maybe the team was largely the same. Also, my brain parsed nosegay as no sega y... didn't see that word at all. =P
You know one of the "unused" tunes that was inside the other prototype build of Sonic 3D Blast (The first one released by drx)? Well, it was being worked on after that build, and can even be heard in sound test. You should be able to hear the difference right away. I wish I knew how to create a vgm, but I guess mp3 will do. Sonic 3D Blast (Prototype 825 - Aug 26, 1996) Sonic 3D Blast (Beta)
Hey: In all protos less or equal 830: If you press a+start while playing, you'll skip the level. I actually found that out by accident by tinkering with it. EDIT: OOPS has been said already. Did find it out myself though :D
... and that would apply for Sonic 3D except for the fact it doesn't, due to it using a different engine :P