I would imagine that code from $3F0000 on was 100% intended to be there, as an interface to their development hardware for debug purposes.
I'm pretty sure Alisia Dragoon used the C button to frame advance, but you had to press it on controller 2. EDIT: nope, just looked it up, and it's A to frame advance.
Absolutely. When you boot with the PsyQ cartridge, that image appears at $000000, and so boots. Using hardware in the dev cart it relocates itself to $3F0000. NOSEGAY is in there because they needed the word SEGA to get the cart to boot, and they were paranoid about using the word SEGA on it's own The code won't do much without the rest of the dev hardware.
Maybe it was a mock-up, DHZ style? Or it was real, and the leftovers might still be in one of the ROMs.
I can't believe I didn't notice that! NOSEGAY! That's extremely clever. I should try something like that with Megamix. :D
I parsed it as "NO SEGA Y" too. But seriously, I can't believe you didn't notice that about pressing A while pause to advance the level, the final version does that if you use the level select :/ And another game that uses A for reset, B for slow down and C for frame advance is Phantasy Star 2, except you don't need any debug code to get it working, just pause the game as normal. Oh, and the Saturn version has even MORE controls while paused: A: Advance one level B: Advance one zone C: Go to PPz3 X: Get one ring Y: Get one medal Z: Get one extra life
I'm not sure where else to put this, but here it is anyway. Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn Tech Demo 8) View attachment 2220 Yea, its back, and his hand is in a gun- like position. It appears they were working on this version at the same time as the genesis version. Also, the buttons are all start and a different color than in the final.
That background was last modified on September 6, just 6 days before the MegaDrive version was compiled... and they already had a tweaked model by then. Perhaps they just kept it on the demo as a joke. =P
just a mention, dunno if it's been mentioned becase I could be fucked to read this entire topic, but the saturn version, in the sound folder the file is listed as "e3" something something. You think crooked eyes sonic was at e3 in 1996?
Well, I remember the Genesis E3 build of Sonic 3D didn't even HAVE a menu... so I think it's just a filename left over from the E3 build.
I have a random fact that is somewhat of a tangent; in the ending for Team Sonic in Sonic Heroes, Sonic does the eye thing. His one eye literally move independent of the other one, just figured may as well mention it here.
Another thing is that at the end of the last stage, the goal is located in what appears to be a rebuilt Egg Mecha, which makes it funny that, given all the size comparisons to the Egg Carrier, no one mentions its size in relation to the Death Egg, which was almost certainly bigger.