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Sonic Mania (Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC...Netflix?)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Echoing Laura in that this is amazing news. Most popular Sonic title in 15 years is pretty fucking incredible. Sonic Mania 2 or a similar project must be an inevitability at this point.

    Looking forward to seeing more from Sega, such as hard numbers so we can really see how high the game has soared.
  2. Pengi


    When they say "most popular in 15 years", I'm pretty sure they're paraphrasing this.

    But it's still very promising to hear that it's had "strong sales" that Sega are happy with internally.
  3. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Well pointed out, and thanks for directing me to that, but we do know it has charted highly and sold extremely well.

    We don't know how well just yet, but we do know it's a commercial success as well as a critical one, and that should hopefully ensure a sequel.
  4. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    It's actually a bit more than just "strong sales". I honestly should had posted this earlier when the second quarter IR reports came out earlier this month (sorry), but Mania was primarily credited for Sega actually (roughly) doubling the amount of games they sold in their second quarter this year (8.65M), compared to the amount of games they sold in the same quarter last year (4.65M).
  5. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Holy shit, so we're talking millions of sales here, roughly in the ball park of ~3/4 million? That's crazy impressive and outshines almost every Sonic game ever since the Genesis days.

    Well deserved, and I genuinely hope all this success leads to Sonic Mania 2 or similar projects in the near future.
  6. LukyHRE


    The only one who has a Portal-themed avatar Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Bitching and complaining about my country -.-'
    Whoa, that's amazing news. Of note is that SEGA considers Mania inside the "packaged game software field", which is weird considering the game, minus Switch, was digital.

    Nonetheless, it is extremely wonderful they credit Mania for doubling the amount of total sales. This sure is hopeful.
  7. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    Sega's digital game software field is reserved specifically for their mobile titles. Mania can also be said to have --technically-- gotten a packaged/physical release via the Collector's Edition of the game.
  8. Linkabel


    Does Sega usually wait till February to release exact numbers of what the games sold? Just find it weird that they haven't hyped the sales of Mania if they're that good, especially since they weren't shy about that kind of info with Persona or Yakuza.
  9. Felik


    Meanwhile Sonic Forces is still not cracked.
    I guess it was a good decision to include denuvo after all :v

    + - I'm monitoring this because no way I'm buying this game full price  
  10. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Heh Why crack something that's not worth cracking.
  11. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    February is when the third quarter ends, and the third quarter includes the holiday season. Virtually all of the major Sonic games (mainline games, major spinoffs like the ASR and the first two Boom games) are typically released within that quarter, and those games usually do get their sales numbers reported. The last time a Sonic game released outside the third quarter that showed up in the IR charts was Sonic Rush Adventure...a handheld game from nine years ago.

    Mania's something of an anomaly as it's a budget project, produced by a small group of developers outside the main studio, given a digital-exclusive distribution; that was also promoted as a major Sonic release and has a story (especially its ending) that is canon to Sonic Team's mainline games.

    Sega might finally give sales numbers for Mania when February rolls around (upon which we'll also know how Forces performed saleswise), but it's kinda hard to say either way if you ask me.
  12. makoeyes


    I think it goes without saying that Sonic Mania is one of the strongest quality Sonic titles we've had in a very long time and it's sales and popularity reflect that. Sonic Generations being the other close contender.

    It's sadly rare to have a title that's universally acclaimed, popular and just... Amazing. So many Sonic titles are either faceplanting reboots, strange failed experiments, or just... Unmemorable affairs.
  13. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    So what is everyone's favourite - and least favourite - new/unique [to Sonic Mania] level?

    By far I'd definitely say Press Garden Act 2; I love the being-frozen-to-let-you-break-ice-blocks mechanic. It's a shame it seems like such a short level.

    I would've liked Studiopolis a lot more if it wasn't for the frustratingly annoying red springy balls which are littered absolutely everywhere! They spoil the level for me, because most of the time you can't avoid them, and you literally can't do anything but try to bounce to the next one while you're on them //
  14. Josh


    My favorite is definitely Studiopolis Act 1. The music, the level design, the stage hazards and badniks are all just top-tier examples of what a Sonic zone should look like. (Until the boss comes along and puts me to sleep. Seriously, that one's baaaad.)

    For my least-favorite, sadly, I'd have to go with Titanic Monarch 2. All these months later and I still haven't quite been able to put my finger on what it is, but there's something clunky and un-Sonic about this one, like there was a little too much ambition and not quite enough time to work out the kinks.

    But I'm an anomaly I think, because with the exception of Studiopolis, I actually prefer most of the reimagined stages to the new ones. The only one that felt like too much of a rehash to me was Hydrocity, Act 2 in particular.
  15. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Have to admit, seeing the Hydrocity and Lava Reef title cards, when I went in entirely blind with no spoilers and thus didn't expect them, was a wonderful feeling. A feeling I haven't had since the Genesis/Megadrive days. It helps that they have some of the best music in the series and I loved Tee Lopes' work there.

    Honestly hope Mania sells millions, continues to do well over Christmas and at the dawn of next year Sega is like "Fuck, we need to greenlight Mania 2 now".

    EDIT: Just realised you said new/unique to Sonic Mania! In that case, Studiopolis, or Stardust Speedway since it's so different it may as well be original.
  16. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    It's been a few months now and the novelty value has gone now. And I...actually think this is the best Sonic game ever made :v:

    The only zone I actively don't like is Titanic Monarch, I love all of the other levels (other than Oil Ocean, which I think is only 'ok'; I just don't like Oil Ocean). Every other Sonic game has boring levels, but Mania has the big trump card with this. I don't like most of the bosses either, but Sonic games never have good bosses :v:

    Now I no longer have these ridiculous expectations or want it to be perfect in every way, I really do think Mania is quite a bit considerably better than all other classics.
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I'm ok with Titantic Monarch, but I think putting it directly after Metallic Madness causes final zone fatigue. You go from one last level to another last level. I think it would have been better if they swapped out Metallic Madness for maybe a more unexpected zone, or maybe they could have put Stardust Speedway there and put another Sonic CD level where Stardust Speedway was (Quartz Quadrant :v:, although I guess then Lava Reef's gimmicks wouldn't work... Hmmm idk.)

    Anyway, it doesn't matter. The game's still brilliant. Favorite new level is probably Press Garden Act 2 while my least favorite new level is Mirage Saloon Act 1 ST, because Sky Chase loses its appeal after the first go since it's an auto scroller. That boss doesn't help things either with the odd depth perception issues it has. Knuckles' Mirage Saloon Act 1 on the other hand is lovely.
  18. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Love your renewed glowing impressions and excitement Laura, but despite the masterpiece that Mania is I can't bring myself to declare it toppling Sonic 3K. It comes really, agonisingly, beautifully close, but Sonic 3K is pretty much the pinnacle of the 16-bit era, Sonic Team at its creative peak and the best 2D platformer of all-time.

    That said the fact that Mania can even be considered to get anywhere near it is probably the greatest achievement this fanbase will ever see. Until Mania 2. :v:
  19. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    It really is hilarious to see how much people's opinions differ on Titanic Monarch. For me personally, Act 1 is my favorite zone in the game to speed run. Act 2 does drag a bit though.

    As far as favorite zones including both Act 1 and 2, I would probably have to say Flying Battery Zone. The changes made and the boss really does feel so different from the original that were the art design original, it would have been an absolutely excellent original zone.
  20. Flying Battery would be my favorite as well. I distinctly remember praising it several times as I was playing it for the first time. The boss sucks thought, but I guess we've already stablished that bosses aren't Mania's strongest suit.