Sonic Superstars: A New 2D Sonic Game (Fall 2023)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by DefinitiveDubs, Jun 8, 2023.

  1. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Depends on how hands on they are with the base design or if there's someone overseeing it all and they're just executing on a design doc they were given. It also makes even more sense when they're pushing the multiplayer aspect in marketing, which was something Balan Wonderworld tried to do.

    It's entirely probable but until we get a confirmation on what studio made this I'm not willing to say "definitely" (and he'll probably be announced as director if Arzest is announced anyways). I don't think I'm making an ass of myself for thinking it's Arzest but there's always a chance.

    Either way Game Informer's actually wrong that it's the first time he's worked on the franchise in years. He was a supervisor on the Mario and Sonic 3ds games Arzest developed for. Not much but it's still working on the franchise.

    They look like the same assets they use for the CG. It's actually a little out of place. But as some might be able to guess I'm actually a big fan of Balan and its art style so I love the look of this too.
  2. TheCleanerDragon


    Squad Leader Member
    I'm hoping we get something like '06 where only the very first level is not entirely original (Wave Ocean is basically just Emerald Coast 2). But then the rest of the levels are completely new.
  3. KingOfBunnies


    Lmao, when you sign up for the platform to receive your Amy code on, it only lists EGS and not Steam. I fucking hate this.
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  4. RikohZX


    Also those worked up about the loop with boosters, during the character showcase of who's playable they gather speed down a slope and run through two normal loops perfectly fine, so.. hey?
  5. This was pretty much my reaction, except I would have said, "This looks awful. A lot of cues taken from New Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Land 3D as far as I can see."

    I'll reserve full judgment until I know the developer. I just can't stand the visuals as they are right now. Peak "Santiago" Sonic.

    Edit: Visuals have grown on me slightly. The model is not as bad as the normal 3D classic model and seems to take a bit more inspiration from the originals rather than the SoA/SoJ mishmash that we've seen the past few years.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2023
  6. RibShark


    I think it's a mistake, since Steam is clearly listed in the footer of the website itself.
  7. LockOnRommy11


    Just to set expectations, there will absolutely be a speed cap on Sonic and Co, because multiplayer games simply don’t work without it. I would expect the fast sections to be boosted and then there be heavy platform elements with multiple paths elsewhere that you can probably speed through easier in 1p, but take your time in 2p.
  8. KingOfBunnies


    I hope so! It was like that with Colors Ultimate and then they removed Steam after it was noticed.
  9. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    GoldenEye: Source, Other Stuff
    Call me a Sonic Boomer, but the instant Sonic jumped in the trailer, I could tell they didn't nail the physics. The boosters on loops reinforced that concern.

    Though with that said, it still does look fun. I'll likely pick this one up at launch.
  10. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    please do not call him Santiago ever again that meme is actually the worst fucking thing on the planet
  11. I may be jaded on my opinions, and certainly showing some of my legacy Sonic CulT-like heritage:

    This game's going to suck isn't it? Someone called it earlier and it's screaming Sonic 4: Episode 3. I wish they would just take 3D Classic Sonic and take it behind the shed. It had it's novelty in Generations, got abused in Forces and now it feels like it's going to get exploited.

    I would rather this be all sprite based. I'm simply not a fan, and still feel the big burns, from the Sonic 4 saga to see this art style doesn't work. It'll have boosters all over the shop, Dimps design oozing everywhere.

    I will admit, they had me at the beginning with the Sprite into 3D segment, and back forthing, and then Nack/Fang (looks like Nack's names getting retired in the West as an fyi; all marketing is saying "Fang"). But that's the thing, this intro to a trailer was the same shit they pulled on Sonic 4. If they made a game about transitioning between sprite work and these 2.5D models, then we'd be cooking. Instead, I get the feeling there's going to be zero sprite work in this game and it'll feel rough.

    There's the multiplayer factor too. I get the whole "Lets make NSMB" but Sonic, (and forgetting that since Sonic 2, someone else could play as Tails...). But to play a Sonic game where I may be Sonic, and a friend may be Amy; I just can not see how they will make it so that I can still do the explore a level, the routes, go stupid fast; without leaving Amy or whatever floating in a bubble like Mario games do. I just don't feel like Sonic games are suited for this local multiplayer level exploration, but I'm happy to be proven wrong.

    Irregardless of my views, I'm a sonic fan so out comes the wallet eh? Lol
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  12. Chimpo


    I Gotta Be Me Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Don't Forget! Try Your Best!
    Is shittier Sonic a better name?
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  13. serpx


    I have to admit. When I first watched this, I absolutely hated it (minus the end Nack bonus). But, after seeing what others felt and seeing it to be mostly positive comments here, I watched it a few more times because I was probably being too big of a Sonic 2D purist.

    Visuals: At first glance, I absolutely hated it. In fact, this was the #1 gripe I had about the trailer. I could smell the Sonic 4 vibes in the air, and I wanted the Sonic Mania sunshine instead. However, after watching it a few more times, it's semi-growing on me. But, I'm not sure if that semi will go any further than that. The tropical level map visually look incredible, however the jungle level is what makes me feel like the game is a visual downgrade compared to the classic sprite design. I'm grateful they kept everyone's classic look. When I heard Sonic Team was making the next 2D Sonic, I 100% expected them to butcher Classic Sonic forever and replace him with Modern Sonic. I'm so thankful they're keeping the classic boy alive.

    Anyways, the visuals may grow on me as long as the gameplay and everything else is solid. However, I still prefer sprites versus this "modern" look that they keep pushing down everyone's throat.

    Gameplay: So, I heard that this gameplay uses the Retro Engine. If that's the case, then the physics should be there, which gives it a WAY higher fighting chance than Sonic 4 had. Seeing classic Sonic grind absolutely "grinded" me up more than anything, but as long as the gameplay is FUN, and is close to the classics in feel, then it'll be okay. For the Halo fans out there, it's like Master Chief using the grapplehook for the first time -- it doesn't look like it fits at all, but it's super fun so most of us are cool with it.

    While I love that Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, AND Amy are playable -- is anyone else getting kind of burned out from the main cast? I can relate when it comes to a readiness to play as someone like Blaze, and I'd LOVE some more Mighty and Ray gameplay. That was BEYOND refreshing to play as those two to mix up the classic formula.

    Additional questions: 1) Will the playing with friends gameplay be too slow to be enjoyable? 2) And why do they keep insisting on bringing back IMO the worst special stage gameplay from Sonic 1? Please tell me that's not for the Emeralds.

    Story: Seeing Nack (or Fang, I forgot which is most commonly used) getting more love after Sonic Mania made me go from "I'm not crazy about this trailer," to "Yes!! The boy looks like he's staying!" I've been wanting him to be in a mainstream title since the 90s. I hope the story is an epic, like Sonic CD and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. This is coming across like a party-game or side-game to me more than anything, unfortunately.

    Style: Yes, party-game. It feels like a new classic Sonic title to me mixed with some party game vibes (I got that from when they transformed into those squid things -- is that a call back to something?). Also the Sonic vs. Eggman moment where all those Sonics attacked him. Stuff like that just gives me "playful side game" vibes versus a mainstream title.

    Anyways, our investment into classic Sonic keeps him alive, so I'll be buying this (unless it's a complete failure). I pray Sonic Team does it justice, and that it's successful so we can continue getting more alongside 3D titles. I'd also like a serious 2D title someday where they pour their heart into a great story and world like Sonic CD.

    Cautiously optimistic.
  14. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    As someone who thought 2D Mega Drive Sonic was abandoned again in light of Sega's tepid response to Mania's critical praise and modest commercial success post-Encore Pack/Plus. (Not helped by Sega's rushing/butchering of the mobile remasters with Origins--which if based off the download code shenanigans, is what they're still doing with the Plus physical re-release.) This was an honest surprise? Although I'm trying to make sure to keep my expectations heavily tampered and reactions are kinda mixed, I'm cautiously optimistic here. (Full thoughts spoilered cause it's long.)

    I kept saying for a while that Mania (as well as the classic-Sonic half of Generations) should had been the stepping stone to a 2D (MD) Sonic that was treated with the same importance as the 3D Sonic games. Not a cheap (in terms of budget) digital-only game, not a secondary campaign to a 3D/modern Sonic game, and not a handheld-only game with a fraction of the advertising. A proper standalone 2D Sonic with its own dedicated resources in the same way the recent 2D Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Metroid, Rayman, and Megaman games (alongside other classic 2D properties) were treated as marquee releases. And honestly--at first glance, this honestly seems like Sega finally doing the same for 2D (MD) Sonic, especially if they were willing to make it a surprise reveal in a public event like SGC (as opposed to, say, making it another reveal limited towards Sonic-specific avenues) and it's getting a physical release from the jump. (And being $60--but if the game is indeed good and/or delivers what I want/like out of 2D Sonic, I'm not complaining.)

    Not pulling a Megaman 10 in being another retruax game (or at least, another one that directly copies Mania's aesthetics) and going for modern graphics is a plus (especially with the MD Sonic artstyle; which save for some small exceptions hasn't actually been done before). Personally, I kinda wish they went the full 2D route like with the aforementioned Rayman games (or maybe mixing 2D sprites with 3D backgrounds, like WayForward's games); but I can live with another 2.5D title.

    Especially since--to get to the bigger picture--this game, unlike most of the recent Sonic titles, actually looks like it's trying to be a new experience in terms of content/worlds. (Tempting fate hard here--but it sounds like someone at Sega finally got the memo there about complaints with heavily relying on old content--the PR certainly sounds as much.) On paper, I don't mind new mechanics like the emerald powers and grinding; and Amy finally being playable for an original MD Sonic entry is also a nice positive. Fang/Nack being a true (secondary) antagonist again is also a really good addition--when I talk about Mania being a stepping stone for later games, this is the stuff I'd like to see; forgotten/smaller elements of the old games being brought back to (new) prominence. I wouldn't be surprised if Bean and Bark, as well as Mighty and Ray, are in here somewhere as well.

    Getting into the more critical things--while co-op multiplayer is something I've wanted to see done with Sonic, it's largely ranged from being just "there" in most cases (the MD games) to being actively harmful to the campaign (Colors, Sonic 4: Episode II); and a major part of that is usually Sonic's standard gameplay--between his default fast movement, the level design tailored for single player experiences, and the camera focus/positioning for player one. I'm really hoping the developers for this have made conscious changes to accommodate this, if the co-op multiplayer is going to be a substantial gameplay component and not another layer to a single player experience.

    Of course, the real make-or-break element of this is going to be the gameplay. Outside of Taxman and Stealth being allowed to handle it themselves as with Mania, Sega (internally and otherwise) still haven't nailed even a solid basic reproduction of the MD physics, not since the first two Advance games from Dimps--and some people have seen enough from the first trailer alone to have some reservations. I myself aren't willing to call it just yet; but the dash-panels in the oblong loop and the seemingly fixed player speeds in certain clips does have me somewhat worried. I will say though, going back to the co-op example--the one justification I will happily accept different physics, is if they were altered so the game better accommodates for the co-op multiplayer. I've said in the past that I would like to see a 3D Sonic game/engine where, in trying to better accommodate Sonic's MD gameplay in a 3D world, they went for physics/controls closer to the original Sonic 1, where he had a slower top speed and stronger speedcap in place for his running and rolling speeds compared to the sequels. If that was the approach taken for the co-op gameplay, where the gameplay is slower but the basic stuff is still there--hats off to the dev team, those are the type of changes to the physics I'm happy with.

    I am going to say this though--I don't entirely mind the physics not being entirely up to snuff, if the level design is good if not outright stellar/in the hallmarks of the MD games. That was the saving grace for the classic Sonic's half of Generations for me--as half-baked as the physics were, I really enjoyed the multi-layered routes and dynamic approach they chose in building the levels, as well as some of the platforming setpieces involved (although as game mods have shown, having more accurate MD physics made the game much better to control/play). If we could get similarly enjoyable stage design here, I would be fairly happy. (Although it goes without saying that having physics that get just the core components right --not 1-to-1, just the basics-- really shouldn't be hard to do by this point and would easily improve this as a MD-oriented game.) I feel like for something sporting co-op multiplayer, the level design should have a really strong playground structure (I think Sonic CD, when divorced from the required time-traveling elements, best fits the bill here), with the stage mechanics/gimmicks being the big focus of the platforming.

    And going back to what I said about the mechanics--on paper, new additions to the MD formula can be good, but the execution needs to be well done. They have to be natural extensions of the underlying gameplay that's there, and not put in the game just for the sake of having a new mechanic. You want to have something like Mania's addition of the Drop Dash or Ray's flying abilities; or (at worst) Mighty's Hammer Drop. Don't have shit like Sonic 4's Homing Attack and its co-op moves (the Rolling Combo especially), where they are broken to the point they override the gameplay and have no other thought into their design beyond basic lock-key scenarios (the Wisps powerups was a good comparison here), that the game will even force you to use at times. The boss segment at the end of the trailer kinda has me worried that could be the case for the emerald powerups, with the waves of Sonic flying across the screen. I imagine by this point, I'm very much preaching to the choir though.

    The real make-or-break for me is who is the studio responsible for this, and what have they previously done. Really hope after Mania's success, Sega made sure to pick a team with an actual pedigree in moderately good platformers (instead of another BRB scenario).

    Not going to lie, that would worry me a lot. Even dismissing the recent misfire that was Balan Wonderworld (which can be partially excused due to certain design priorities Naka wanted for the game), Arzest's gameography has been consistently mediocre, with Yoshi's New Island especially painting them as a go-to studio to serve up C/D-level entries to classic platformers.

    I guess at the end of the day, I would still be willing to give them a chance over, say, Dimps or ST themselves; especially since Oshima himself is on the project. But if that studio really is involved, I'm really hoping that whatever team of directors and designers assigned to Sonic Superstars really have a knack for good platforming design, if not good (MD) Sonic game design, above everything else.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2023
  15. Garth


    This one caught me by surprise. You learn as a Sonic (and Sega) fan, to not get your hopes up too much but there seems some good stuff in this early promotional video.

    The sonic 4 debacle still irks me to this day but it wont stop this being a day 1 purchase, fingers crossed.
  16. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    hm that was a thing that I was thinking of too, where exactly is that Emerald Hill footage recorded? it looked slightly off to me, at first I thought we were getting a sprite-based game. If it's not taken from Origins (and thus I wouldn't recognize it), where did they record the Emerald Hill footage from and is it possibly from this game?
  17. DefinitiveDubs


    The Voice Maestro Member
    Cyber City
    Mega Man Zero: The Definitive Dub
    I sympathize with people complaining about the price, but bear in mind that the whole world, including Japan, is living in really shitty economic times right now. You can't just plug your ears, say "lalala" and pretend inflation doesn't exist, especially now where it's worse than ever. Even indie games are getting more expensive than they used to be. So it's not surprising that what would've been a $40 game in 2013 costs $60 today.

    Also, I'm sorry, wasn't the entire Classic fandom 10 years ago saying they wanted a game that looked like this?

    And also saying for years and years that multiple characters could easily work in Sonic and specifically citing NSMB and Return to Dream Land as examples of why? What, it's different now?
    Nah, true CulT culture is dropping slurs every other sentence.
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  18. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    No, I think you had quite the insight there. But Arzest being involved, even heavily involved, doesn't directly mean Oshima would be the director. It could happen, but there are no clues in that direction yet.
  19. AdmiralJuicy


    I'll be honest, Classic Sonic grinding is kind of a red flag but I love the models and animations, and environments that were shown.
    The game also looks more like Donkey Kong Country than a Sonic game
  20. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    Looked to me like a sprite animation made for the trailer