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***Tech Demo First Release!***

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by LOst, Sep 16, 2008.

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  1. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    OK, so I have an AMD64 3000+, 1.5GB of RAM and a GeForce4 MX440 (64MB) - even with the lower specs, should I even bother TRYING to run this game? (I suspect the answer is no - I know, one of these days I'll get a better graphics card for this PC, but I'm on the verge of buying a new computer anyway)
  2. Exodus


    You should definitely try!
    I am able to run the tech demo extremely well with integrated graphics, 1 gb of ram and a pentium D. So nowhere near the recommended specs
  3. Acaeris


    Sugarcube... Member
    Apart from your graphics card you have pretty much the same as me, might as well try it. Worst that can happen is you can't run it but at least that gives them some idea what can and can't manage it.
  4. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox

    The recommended specs are definitely exaggerated.

    My specs:
    Intel Pentium M 1.73Ghz
    512MB RAM

    The demo runs fullspeed (60/60) in all three variants. My laptop supports only 1024x768 resolution, so I was using the windowed mode.
  5. The Tjalian

    The Tjalian

    Ok guys, I've taken a bunch of pictures from all 3 versions. I was really hoping to get a video up too, but FRAPS was being a bastard and totally slowing down after only 2 minutes of recording. I'll either try to turn down Vista's graphical hogging or opt out and use WeGame's recorder instead (which I've heard is a lot better then FRAPS for intensive games). Some pictures may be duplicates, or pictures of Sonic in the same position in a different location, this is is because I was trying to get a specific frame of animation for the shot and failing miserably. I would have weeded out these bad ones, but a) My Pro Photobucket account can take the beating b) I'm hungry and dinner is ready, calling my name and c) you can't really get enough of this awesome project.

    I've thrown in a couple of Knuckles shots for good measure, but seen as he's not in HD yet, I'll throw in a couple of his animations which aren't completely identical to Sonics.

    Title Intro

    1x Version

    2x Version

    4x Version

    Feel free to redistribute, hotlink, use as official promo shots, whatever, it's not my game so I don't see why I should act like an ass and demand credit or whatever. Enjoy, and good work with the project so far!
  6. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    OK, tried it

    1x & 2x - 8/9FPS in-game
    4x - 12/13FPS in-game

    So I won;t be playing this any time soon, but nice work, guys. =P

    EDIT: This is windowed, I didn;t try it fullscreen.
  7. Acaeris


    Sugarcube... Member
    Not bad Overlord. I play WoW at less FPS than that :P
  8. Rarmander


    Poetaster Member
    An Empyreal Child
    Perfect Chaos? :P

    That being said, this looks amazing thus far. I truly hope this gets finished sometime, and I have definite faith that it will. (Or at least I'm really hoping.) It was even worth booting into Vista. (Yeah, I have Vista on my Mac. I only get a 4.8 from the rating, though. :))
  9. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    You got a better rating than I do. I've only got a stinky 3.0
  10. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I have a 3.1 on account of my graphics capabilities. This thing is like the Genesis of computers. (Remember, that's the rating of your worst performing component rather than an average of the performance of all components.)
  11. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    Intel Celeron D 356
    3.33 GHz
    512 MB RAM
    ATI Radeon Express 200

    Runs full speed both windowed and full screen. I think a mere frame is skipped occasionally.

    Also, CPU usage went of to 50% or so, and I think there was 37,000 K of memory or so in use.
  12. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    So should any of you guys care what they're saying about the tech demo elsewhere? Like, for instance, GAF? GAF is full of both tons of whiny internet nerds with a few of them actually studing game design and that sort of thing as a professional career. There's also a lot of gaming journalists that hang out over there.

    Some people at GAF do know what they are talking about, but some people at GAF are also just sort of pissing in to the wind. Some people in the GAF thread I linked aren't too happy about some of the art choices, it seems.
  13. SF94


    Tech Member
    I played it just fine, but not on full screen. My screen can't handle that resolution, but I know my video card can...

    Edit: Forgot my specs...
    2.40 Ghz Pentium 4 CPU
    512 MB of ram
    GeForce FX 5200 with 128 MB of Vram
  14. Cyberblade


    Can't catch me ya bastard! Member
    Sonic Shift
    I'm really glad to see this project finally show something playable. I'm even more glad to see that the engine does Sonic the Hedgehog justice. It's very well done, and the movement feels just as it should. It also ran perfectly fine through WINE, and I still got 60 fps. Basic specs for reference.

    1 gig ram
    2.66 Ghz Pentium D
    256 Mb Geforce 8500

    The only bugs I found related to game size. In full screen it displayed the full image, but off to the left of the monitor it was started from with a big black bar to the right. Windowed displayed a similarly sized window, but everything was moved to the upper right of the window and made impossible to see. I'm not entirely surprised though as many games don't like to full screen to either monitor properly with Twinview on. Considering the odd case it worked quite well enough to be perfectly playable.
  15. Some thing in SA, some dislike the art, others don't.

    Also I know it's the same as Sonic 2's credits but wouldn't it be nicer to do something about having 7 pages of credits for all of us non-staff who contributed little things?
  16. Phos


    Going for the high score on whatever that little b Member
    I suspect that anyone with an nvidia card having problem with with full screen mode could use fixed aspect ratio scaling (accessed from the Nvidia control panel) to get around some of the problems. It also prevents your screen from stretching the game (or any other full screen stuff) improperly.
  17. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    Vista Ultimate x64
    3GB RAM
    AMD64 X2 5600+
    NVIDIA Geforce 8600 GT

    Getting constantly 60fps with no frame drops. Ever.

    Seriously you guys, invest the dosh for a decent PC.
  18. The Tjalian

    The Tjalian

    I really hate NeoGAF sometimes. I'm studying in games development myself, Bachelors Degree in fact, but you don't see me nitpicking at every little thing (which IMO, there isn't much room to do considering it's a demo build, and when there is, it's just being really petty). I've seen some of the planning and enthusiasm for this project in these forums, whereas the majority of GAF haven't, they just see a demo build and then don't understand the work that's gone on behind it.

    A lot of GAF users talk the talk, but I doubt most of them could actually walk the walk.

    EDIT: Oh, and seen as we're comparing/listing/wang waving:

    Intel C2D @ 2.33Ghz
    2GB RAM
    Nvidia Geforce 512MB 8600GS
    22" Monitor (1680x1050 native res)
    Windows Vista Home Premium

    All 3 versions work fine on my machine, both in windowed and full screen mode, and going from window to full screen in game works fine too. I never have any slowdowns.
  19. jman2050


    Teh Sonik Haker Tech Member
    I can't speak for people in other forums, but personally, I couldn't care less about how much "effort" a group or person puts into their work, cause that's their prerogative. I care about results. As far as this project goes, it's a good start, but the results are nowhere near where they need to be for me to be overly enthused. Not that I'm trying to disparage anyone, but that's the way it is.
  20. The Tjalian

    The Tjalian

    I understand that, but at the same time, it's just a demo and so far, the results are good. The gameplay mechanics showed so far are pretty much 100% the same as S2, and the artwork is recreated very well. Some people are going to complain, but that's more down to personal opinion then actually doing something wrong, but what some people do is they take their opinion and think that their way is the only way it should be done, and all other variations are wrong, which is incorrect. There's obviously going to be some room for clashing opinions in any remake (as obviously, there IS going to be change), but there's been a lot of thought process behind why they've chosen that route, however said people seem to ignore that.
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