Sonic Generations Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 8, 2011.

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  1. NickW


    Kind of like Sonic and the black Knight?

    Also, almost confirmed PC version = win.
  2. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    A ridiculous amount of emeralds? That's your Sonic Spinball reference right there!

  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I see what you did there...

    I'd love if classic Sonic collected Chaos Emeralds that looked more like the ones from Sonic 1. Actually, seeing as how each game has it's own set of emeralds to collect, we should end up with about 54 emeralds by the end of the game XP (Sonic Colors didn't have anything to do with emeralds)
  4. Sure it did, they just weren't related to the story in any way.

    I think 14 emeralds was plenty in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I don't want collecting emeralds to be as much of a burden as getting all S-ranks. 14 would be the maximum number I'd be okay with.

    Speaking of which, Super Tails would be nice...
  5. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Made out of pieces from their blasted previous creations, perhaps? Hmm.

    But anyway, I'm sure the true final boss after the supposed final boss is going to be something above both Eggmen. According to the game's story, at least.
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Just a random thought.

    Do you think they'll call Classic Eggman Robotnik or, well, Classic Eggman.

    If they call him Robotnik that'd just be wonderful
  7. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Seems like that idea could lend itself well to a boss rush. If so, hopefully it could include a boss rush to end all boss rushes. Only like, two or three older ones though. I don't want a marathon run like Sonic 4. That is if it is a boss rush. I'd prefer it not to be. Just throwing things out there. Maybe a two-sided robot that both Sonics tagteam, kinda like SA2's final boss even, with them both taking turns to attack the robot at its weak intervals? So many possibilities for this game and I"m loving that.

    Considering all the fanservice in this game, I actually wouldn't be too surprised if they did call him Robotnik. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't either. I know I"m crossing my fingers for the former though.

    He's appeared on sign posts and has been spotted in a boss fight in the 3DS version so it's very likely.
  8. Frozen Nitrogen

    Frozen Nitrogen

    Wouldn't the door have been easier? Wiki Sysop
    I've not been keeping up with this thread all that much, so forgive my ignorance, but is it confirmed that Eggman is indeed going to DOUBLE N1GGER himself?
    I was kinda hoping it's just Sonic that gets time-duplicated.

    EDIT: O wordfilter, u sew WITTY
  9. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    About the Emeralds...
    Just checking, but aren't the Super Emeralds basically just the Chaos Emeralds beefed up in power from the Master Emerald?
    I would love to see the Hyper forms in the game, but...if what I said above is true, then I dunno...
  10. Well there's been sightings of Classic Eggman on the signposts and I'm pretty sure it's Classic Eggman piloting Big Arm in Launch Base. Classic Eggman definitely seems to be in, it's actually just Modern Eggman we haven't seen yet. O:

    I really, really fucking hope not. Somehow, the final boss should be something created by either Eggman, Classic Eggman, Nega, or something that's so clever and self-referential (I know, too much to ask) that nobody would see it coming. Or that guy from Sonic 1 concept art. Whichever way they go, it seems wrong somehow that at the end of an Anniversary game that cobbles together old ideas, they'd still give Eggman the middle finger and throw in some brand new guy at the end. A mysterious villain could just be the same old toss from Rush Adventure where the 'villain' turned out to be a quite blatant Eggman creation in the first place.

    EDIT: Or something that breaks the fourth wall? In Smash Bros., Master Hand and Crazy Hand represent two halves of the creator of the Smash Bros. universe, bringing the dolls to life (in a metaphorical sense) and toying with them. Now I'm not saying we should fight Yuji Naka's disembodied hands, but still, it's something to think about.
  11. Nora Kisaragi

    Nora Kisaragi

    Shortest game ever confirmed? How disappointing if this is true
  12. Here's an idea; every character spends the entire game thinking it's a new villain that's caused reality to start falling in on itself - including the two Eggmen, who are working together to try taking advantage of this situation, making a time-travelling machine out of time-displaced scrap metal from their past (and future) mechs that Sonic has destroyed. Modern Eggman bosses the silent Classic Eggman around but Classic Eggman actually possesses most of the brains and brawns (being a sort of Gromit to Modern Eggman's Wallace - a silent companion who is cleverer but unable to express it).

    And then at some point near the end of the game, the Eggmen succeed in making their dual-pilot time mech and hop in. They turn on the engines, and bang, through the power of timeywimeyness, the time machine they've created unintentionally turns out to be the thing that ripped time a new asshole in the first place. After all, what is a time-travel story without some sort of confusing paradox?

    There we go, villain sorted. Nothing a bit of rampant fanfiction can't fix, ey?
  13. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Context? Is this counting optional acts, is this referring to the number of acts total or just "per hedgehog," what? Is that something that's actually confirmed, or just something the article writer in question errantly interpreted him/herself?

    EDIT: That's not a paradox. That's predestination-based time travel at work, thar. It only becomes a paradox when you try to mix that in with some actual history-changing, in which event you step into "Wait, exactly which time travel theory are we working with here?" territory.
  14. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness

    If the game ends up being that, then this'll be a short-but-sweet anniversary game... And I don't want short but sweet. I want long and exciting.

    That's why if they're going to have only two acts each (one for each hog), then they should add more levels from past games. That'd be great.
  15. evilhamwizard


    A Google Translate from Sonic20th on Twitter 23 minutes a go as of right now:

  16. When's tomorrow morning in our time.

    It's 2:04 am GMT right now
  17. Frozen Nitrogen

    Frozen Nitrogen

    Wouldn't the door have been easier? Wiki Sysop
    This "New villain" should still just be Solaris. I always said it made sense that the paradox at the end of '06 should rend time and space asunder... so now time and space IS being rent asunder, it would all fit together so nicely.

    Still don't want to see duplicate Eggmen, though. We've already got three of the fucking guys in the game universe... I fail to see how we can improve the situation by adding a fourth.

    Now, if MODERN Eggman just decided to reach into the back of his wardrobe and remember his own sodding name, that I would like.
  18. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Earth shattering announcement?

    Thank God I don't have School anymore.

    EDIT: Also sorry FN, I'm sure SEGA is going to be adding Classic Eggman into the mix with Modern Eggman there as well. The company is prone to adding Characters :| (also who is this third Eggman of which you speak)

    On this note: Considering SEGA is "listening to the fans," you think anyone in SEGA's industries might be looking at this topic...?
  19. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member

    Cue official PC version announcement in T-minus 20 hours. Also Eggman unleashes Dark Gaia again and we're getting Sonic Unleashed 2 for the Wii U.

    Hence the "earth-shattering".
  20. I was skipping anyway

    good job I did :colbert:
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