Theres currently an N64 emulator being developed. Theres a beta of it, but computability is low, and the games run at 15fps. Also, I'll up a new pack. The homebrew channel was released a while ago, and a bunch of things have flawless wii-mote support. I've just been to busy to up a new pack.
The homebrew channel actually makes me wish I still had a Wii. Sort of. Nevermind, not really. The homebrew looks great though, really puts an end to the virtual console.
To anyone who is installing the Homebrew Channel, be wary of the recent Nintendo Channel. I've heard reports that it actively seeks what channels you have installed on your Wii machine. As of yet, Nintendo has done nothing about it.
You can opt to not update to that channel. The flipside is you don't get the Nintendo Channel for demos and stuff for the DS. Sounds worth it to me.
Jimmy, it is entirely worth wasting one of my trial posts to tell you that I need that new pack. I can't get the updated Homebrew Channel to install by myself for some reason. The last pack you gave out was awesome, and I'm looking forward to the new release.
For those who don't know, it's already even possible to inject almost any game into the NEO-GEO VC emu. Unfortunately for us Euro guys, the people who are working on it still don't know how to make those run in PAL60.
Just a heads up, the Wii System Menu 3.3 closes the gate for truncha signing. Twilight Hack is broken, as is the Datel Freeloader. Don't update if you still want to be able to use it.
Alright, I'm making a pack today, look for it in the next hour. Anyway, if you updated to 3.3u your out of luck, you won't be able to install. My new pack will include Homebrew channel beta 8, and a ton of emu's and homebrew.
Here. I have folders for you to put your own homebrew in. app/whatever-the-fuck-you-want is were each homebrew goes. You can put an icon with it too. Install the boot.elf using the twilight hack.
WTF? Why do you think so? That would be bad news. The N64 titles are the only ones I'm interested in since I never had an N64. And yes I really want to play DK64 too... Edit: Heh weird fluke, it quoted as blackzero, while it was a quote by chaoshedgie. Manually corrected then lol.
.black//zero and Chaos Hedgie are the same person, so no it wasn't a fluke on your part. Oh shit that's me
I may as well throw this in here, but I leave it up to the mods to decide if this nugget is critical enough to warrant its own topic. For those of you who picked up a Freeloader from Datel, do NOT apply Update 3.3 (why would you anyway unless you don't care or REALLY love those blasted Miis?) Aside from killing the Twilight Hack, which is irrelevant now, it kills the Freeloader. At first it was rumored, but I've been seeing lots of reports from people saying it no longer works, so much that Kotaku pretty much filed it under a "confirmed" status. So yes, for emphasis, Do NOT upgrade to Firmware 3.3 if you want to keep your Freeloader working.
I'm hoping for PSP style custom firm ware for the Wii. I've one on my PSP, allowing it to replace the Nomad, GB, GBA, Game Gear (and play SMS games). Although, I'm far away from my Wii, so it might have updated itself while I'm away BUT my mom might have unplugged my router before we left, so it might not have. Region Lock Out sucks (yet another way in which the DC was awesome), luckily I'm in the USA, so I don't have to wait months for games to come out (Is Brawl REALLY taking this long to be localized?) And I fail to see the point of hacking the Wii for any reason other than region lock out. Well, maybe for playing them on TV's over component... Now this has me interested.
What is this "Region Lock Out"? Is it something that stops you playing a USA/JAP game but in a EUR console?