Bump, I've just received a NoMad from DAGarden, so I can do 60hz hardware tests as well as 50hz, and a test with.. well.. a NoMad (two birds, one stone =P).
My Everdrive MD has shipped out earlier this week, so I will be added to this list as well in a few days. Since you can also use it to play 32X games when that add-on is hooked up and use it to play Sega Master System games when it is not, it sure gives you a lot to work with for its price. If that works out as well as the Powerpaks did for my Nintendo systems, I might get the Game Gear Everdrive as well.
I also have an Everdrive MD, I only have a Sega CD II and Mega Drive II on me, however. My times for testing are sporadic, however. I am surprised I didn't test earlier.
My Everdrive MD is here and working well. The first rom I tried was the Sonic Triple Trouble for Sega Master System hack and it's working quite well. Need your hack tested on hardware? Contact me anytime for a usually swift response.
I have: 24Mbit Super Magic Drive 64Mbit ToToTek flash cart (no 32x support ;_; ) I have mutliple different version NTSC USA Genesis consoles (models 1, 2, and 3, plus nomad). My Sega CD2 can read CDRs, as well as my Saturn (also modded for NTSC and PAL, USA/EUR/JAP) I also have a Super UFO 8 for SNES, though I can't imagine there's much snes coding done here I'm sure there are enough people here who frequent the forum more than I, but feel free to contact me on AIM or email if necessary
Is that the MD-Pro 64? If so, it works fine with the 32X. I use ucon64 to write to my MD-Pro 64, and have played all kinds of 32X games on it.
I have all three Sega Mega Family consoles, all which are US NTSC. Specifically, I have a Model 2 Genesis, a 32x (FW unknown), and a Model 2 Sega CD with FW 2.00. Since I don't have a flashcart yet, currently, I can only test Sega CD hacks/homebrew and Sega CD-32x hacks/homebrew, since I know how to and can burn playable CD-Rs. I also have a Sega CD BRAM cart, which is extremely rare, and which is in working condition. Email me if you would like me to test your Sega CD/Sega CD-32x hack/homebrew on US NTSC hardware.
The Everdrive MD has been out for quite a while now and I realized that Sonic 3 & Knuckles will not save data because something in the header of each rom is supposed to tell the Everdrive that the game saves data. Almost all Genesis games already have that flag in the header, so nothing usually has to be done. Since Sonic 3 & Knuckles uses Sonic & Knuckles for the header rather than Sonic 3, this flag is not there to tell the Everdrive MD to access its save function. What has to be done to hack the header to make it notice this? What kind of program would we need to use to make a fixed rom for everyone who is buying this particular flash cart? Many, many people would be thankful if one of us at Sonic Retro could provide a fixed rom for them so either giving me instructions on how to do it or somebody else just going "oh that's easy" and doing it really quick would be great.
Well, you can either go into the ED options and override the automatic sram controls, or you can use a hex editor and copy the data at offset $1B0 to $1BB from the Sonic 3 rom into the same place in the S3&K rom. That's the fields related to the save ram. You'll notice the S3 rom starts with "RA" there while S3&K has spaces.
While I'm here and the thread is bumped, I got a Mega Mouse about a month ago, USA region, so if you happen to have Mouse support on your game/hack then I can check it over.
Thank you very much, the ED option trick didn't do anything, but the hex editing worked perfectly. Since I have successfully done this small task, this is giving me more interest in trying out some possible Sonic hacking. It proved that I could actually do something right as long as I have a guide with the hex value definitions, and this site has plenty of those for Sonic 1 & Sonic 2 to start with. Now I don't have to worry about my copy of Sonic 3's FRAM maxing out its write cycles like my old copy did, and sell my CIB copies of the games if I need to. I've been scanning all the contents and selling my games as I complete them.
I now have an Everdrive and can test on the following systems. Original Genesis Model 1 US - The one with the link port 60hz Genesis Model 1 US - no link port 60hz Genesis 2 + MegaCD US 50hz Megadrive 1 AU/EU 50hz Megadrive 2 AU/EU 50hz
I have a Model 1 MD with a flash cartridge and can potentially troubleshoot, should any problems arise.
Ordered an Everdrive MD. Should have it soon. Also have a Genesise/Mega Drive 3 model. I'll edit this post when it arrives. EDIT: Just received it in the mail. Works great!!!!
I have got EverDrive for MegaDrive and Genesis. I can test Rom Hacks for anyone who wants them tested on Real Hardware. I also have a region switch so PAL/NTSC is no problem either
I have a Model 2 Sega CD, so if you ever need me to test your Sega CD related stuff, I can. I also bought a Everdrive a week ago so I should be getting that soon. ^_^
I no longer have my Genesis and SMD setup running because it's a PITA to keep an old 9x box running to send ROMs to it. If anyone wants to send me an ED I'll be glad to hook my shit back up, my computer does have the ability to capture SD NTSC video, and I have tested it with the US C64 DTV so it should be capable of capturing other 240p shit, although if anyone seriously considers sending me an ED I'll want to test capturing from my Genesis to be sure.
I got a Mega Everdrive for Christmas to use on my PAL Mega Drive II/Mega CD II/32X set-up, so I can test ROMs on that. The 32X's region lock prevents me from playing some US and Japanese 32X ROMs.