Sonic R - Can you feel the sunshine x Stevie Wonder - My Cherie Amour. Same chord progressions, same note. Also has the arpeggio from Marble Zone at 0:54.
Jun Senoue was sampling some red hot fucking fire. Super Cat - Ghetto Red Hot (Hip Hop Remix) Sonic Adventure - Red Hot Skull (Red Mountain) Just sample 4:11 to 4:15 and you too can add some red hot fire into your songs. Good fucking songs all around.
I love this thread, I wish I had seen it sooner... I've been making a playlist with a similar concept, although not all of these are soundalikes. Still, you may enjoy! And you may also notice toward the bottom/recent entries, I've added ideas generated from this thread.
The beginning of the cutscene where Sonic first encounters Sage and Giganto has music very similar to a track from the End of Eva, down to the melody and everything. Coincidence or cheeky tribute?
It's more the instruments that are similar than the composition, and this is almost entirely based on SA2B and Sunshine being my two most-played Gamecube games when I was a kid, but there's this:
I was listening to this (at 1:30) and thinking: "It reminds me of some Sonic song." Then I remembered Studiopolis (starts at 0:55)
I watched the Jackie Chan/Sammo Hung/Yuen Biao film Dragons Forever a few days ago, and the main theme (which turns up in instrumental form several times in the movie) really strongly reminded me of Sonic 3's Data Select music. I couldn't hear it so much in the main theme with vocals, but in the instrumental score I thought the similarities really stuck out. You can probably hear it best in this version, where the tempo is closest. Compare 0:03 to 0:31 here... ... to 0:17 to 0:34 in this: Please tell me if you hear it as strongly as I do! I'm not sure if it's exactly the same chord progression, but it definitely has the same structure in how the melodic phrases are repeated and developed. Here are some of the slower versions from elsewhere in the film: The mood of that last one feels a bit closer to the version in Sonic Jam's Museum.
Coincidentally, I was playing this game called Wonderputt Forever through Netflix and then I heard one of the level themes and realized it also reminded me of the Sonic 3 data select / Sonic Jam menu themes. Unfortunately the only way to link to the soundtrack is to link to raw gameplay footage, but it's something, I guess. Maybe it's also on the version of the soundtrack that you can buy on Steam? It's pretty cheap right now.
Watching Transformers animated movie and noticed that this background music sounds similar to the Sonic CD end credits (at 49:17 mark)
Ok, sorry for filling the page with cutesy anime stuff, About the Advance games, there are a couple of songs that always reminded me of some magical girl anime. The first one is Music Plant: The composition is not the same, but I think it's incredibly reminiscent of this: Spoiler: Sounds alike It's the witch transformation theme from the second season of Ojamajo Doremi/Magical Doremi. Now, while it could be a coincidence, I think that there's a chance it might not be... the show was pretty popular world wide when Advance 2 was released, and Music Plant's song is specifically played in a zone themed after music... the place looks like a more modern version of the witch world from that anime, so maybe the reference was intentional? We will never know. The second one is a bit more obscure, the waiting theme in multiplayer mode: Again, the composition is different, but it has similar vibes, coincidence or not: Spoiler: Sounds alike A song called "Hoe?" from Card Captor Sakura's soundtrack. It's that song that is played every time something stupid happes. Not sure if the reference is intentional or not, I have no idea... the only thing I can say is that a few weeks ago I've heard this song (distorced with AI) as a background in a meme video of animals doing funny things (but this is unrelated).