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This can't end well

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Quexinos, Oct 8, 2008.

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  1. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    You need to ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER.

    Seriously someone needs to report ED to their host. The only reason they get away with shit is that their hosts's abuse email never responds, ever. If someone contacted the relevant authorities about their host, maybe then they'd have to get their shit in order.
  2. Tweaker


    That's my mentality.

    Well, the effort is what counts—where you have the power, discourage this kind of of mindset. You can't control what all people choose to do on the internet, but a powerful voice can say quite a mouthful. If "making a scene" is something worth ridicule in their eyes, then maybe you should re-evaluate whose opinions you actually value.
  3. I believe you're missing the point sir, I'm not attacking the man, at all. Instead, I stated that he dug the whole himself. Again, just because you're autistic doesn't mean you don't have a lick of common sense, which he seems to show a complete lack of, seeing as he mailed his favored medallion to a random stranger.

    Indeed differences are circumstantial, but regardless of the circumstances, you can overcome the problems you have. Sure I don't know how the lifestyles of the people I know went, but from what I understood, they've dealt with a lot of shit, decided that they didn't want to live their lives out to be that way, worked hard, and overcame it, well before reaching the age of 25. I know one person who had a real bad case of autism, but managed to overcome most of it. This is why I'm saying that he can help himself. Sure he's not me, you, or the autistic next door, but that doesn't mean that he CAN'T fight the effects of autism.

    There you go, a perfect example of my critical thinking skills.
  4. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Perma bans do work, the secret is that they aren't so much permanent as they last far longer than, say, the bans used here.

    Indeed, at one community I went to in the ancient past, I was an extremely persistent egotistical jerk. A 3-year ban did the trick to stop me, after several earlier incidents with unbanning me simply rewarded them with more of the same. In 3-4 months, people are likely to still remember the old stuff and bring it up again. In fact, I've seen it in progress time and again.

    Some of the most important members in one particular community I run were those banned for around a year to a year and a half; this removed their old habits, as they went back and looked over them, and by the time I let them back in, were more focused on improving than remembering the old things and repeating them.

    It is in fact harder to keep track of these long bans, and may tug at one's emotions to read the pleas of those banned and ignore them. It is far easier to just keep banning and unbanning over and over again, so that their feelings are only temporarily quashed, and their output of negative content is only temporarily stopped.
  5. Tweaker


    Well, the main problem is that you're not considering context at all. If someone is a troll and continue to be a troll, there's no good reason to unban them; on the other hand, if someone gets banned in a controvesial moment or otherwise heated stint, the ban was only ever meant to be temoporary.

    Circumstances can wildly affect the effectiveness or length of bans. Trying to adopt an "absolute" policy will only lead to trouble, unfairness, and overall bad spirits. What I do works just fine, thank you very much.
  6. Rage


    Forum Deviant Oldbie
    This thread is like candy. You people spoil me; it's all going to go to my hips.
  7. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Naturally, there is no one perfect method; I simply described mine because I know it best. That said, this topic isn't really about banning methods, so I will withdraw my speech on that in preference of continuing the original subject;

    That the autistic case should, at least ideally, be protected or supervised when doing things like this, lest they inevitably find themselves in the wrong place and victimized. The problem is that the age is variable, as well as whether or not they even realize their potential vulnerability. So it's sort of a difficult topic, hence... this topic.
  8. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    In otherwords you're defending the people that are attacking him. Same crap.

    That's exactly the kind of thing autistic people end up doing. Listen, you're a dumbfuck who has no idea what he's talking about. Casuall knowing a few autistic people does not mean you know anything of the condition.

    BS Right Wing crap used to disregard the problem other people have. A autistic person cannot overcome their problems on their own, and Chris has been completely neglected by his family in that regard. The only social contact he has is online with "trolls".

    None of that is "critical thinking". You didn't back any of it up, it's all based on the presumption that autism is still a minor side illness. An autistic person can't fight their autism on their own because they have no point of reference to know what they're doing wrong. If you're not willing to learn I can't explain it to you.

    There is no way anyone should take your opinion seriously anyway. This is what Hedgie thinks of aspergers:

    lol I have an honours degree in Computer Science.
  9. Rage


    Forum Deviant Oldbie
    Deja vu...
  10. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie
    It's not even worth the effort it takes to post in this thread at this point. You folks aren't here for "community", your here for LOLZ. My opinion of you just shot down Rage.
  11. Ashura2k


    Thants. Oldbie
    Do people here know this person? Why is everyone caring so much? I'm completely unfazed. I've grown to expect this out of the internets.
  12. Rage


    Forum Deviant Oldbie
    Why's that?
  13. Tweaker


    This topic title just became highly ironic.

    In before lock~
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