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This can't end well

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Quexinos, Oct 8, 2008.

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  1. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    I forgot to mention, if they do annoy you, the best reaction is to troll them back. Indeed, I spend a lot of time trolling trolls. They, for some reason, are the easiest people to unnerve or confuse, not to mention the very nasty attacks they throw can be reworded and deflected back at them with less effort than they took originally; what results is usually the troll desperately flinging attacks and slowly killing themselves with the impact of when their attacks are, in turn, exaggerated, twisted, and mocked.
  2. Tongara


    Fuck YOU! Banned
    Birmingham, UK
    Zorbtech Productions
    I have autism, but fuck it I love ED.
    Get the fuck over it.
  3. Shadix


  4. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    I know, any time a troll gets trolled they go fucking in sane. It's hilarious. And then they play it off like nothing happened, like "I totally pwned that guy, did you see me call him a sack of monkey poop? lol PWNED!" and they're really thinking, "what the hell just happened?"

    Or better yet, they get on YOUR case about how YOU take the internet too seriously if you even think about responding to anything they say. That's what I love. When THOSE people get banned from forums or chatrooms and they make a HUGE deal about how the person who banned them takes the internet too seriously after they've hacked the website or whatever.
  5. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    I noticed the part about having his medallions taken is off ED... was it not true or something?
  6. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Well, that opinion is wrong, my step brother is autistic, but he's fucking clever. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he can learn new shit within minutes.
    Being autistic does not make a person a retard.
  7. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    Jesus, how stupid are you? I pointed out that people always use the excuse hat if you hate ED you're BUTTHURT. If I have an article then I'm probably more qualified to talk about just how annoying ED can be. I protested ED long before I had an article, due to their transsexual article encouraging raiding people just for being different.

    He's autistic you complete and utter shithead. He knows no better. The majority of ED's target are somehow mentally or socially deficient and to a lesser extent, they don't know better either. Stop making excuses for sociopaths.

    This is kind of true. Ignoring ED does nothing. Chris is one of the least responsive guys to them ever, really, he's made like one video where he's angry at ED. I've talked to him on AIM and as thick as he is, even he realises they're a gang of retards. I've worked up 500+ post threads on r9k trolling EDfags.

    But they're still a big problem. Their attitude is poison and spreads to boards like this through people like Shadix.

    Don't be an idiot. He's autistic.

    ED trolls act regardless of whether their target reacts. The Chris chan article is proof enough of this, he recovers from the attacks quickly but they still continue. It just makes them try hader. In reality most of them are insecure trend kiddies, so if enough people WERE pissed off at them, they'd probably stop. As it is nobody really stands up to ED that can do any real damage to them, except for (the more intelligent posters of) /b/ itself once before it entirely succumbed to the cancer, but even they failed.

    They're not good trolls, there's just a lot of them and they have no regard for other human bengs.

    In reality, ED are not trolls at all, but sociopaths(through their own choice or peer pressure, not some mental illness).

    No, your attitude is social cancer, it's not something to be proud of.
  8. Shadix


    Actually, wouldn't protesting a transexual article still technically be butthurt? just sayin.

    Regardless, like the rest of the topic has said, if you let what they do offend you they win. Their massive trolls, it's better to just cut off their food supply and starve them than to take them on head to head.

    Granted, from the non-picking on the cripple kid perspective Sonichu just has too much content to not find it humorous in some manner. Sick and twisted? sure. Funny as hell? yes yes.
  9. Tweaker


    Having a point of view that is contrary to the majority, or fighting for things you believe strongly in totally makes you butthurt. Absolutely. Without question.

    Get a clue, tool.

    Except they won't stop, because they have strength in numbers. There's only so long you can ignore somebody, and they have the manpower to keep on pushing beyond anyone's reasonable limits. You're saying that we should let injustice run free under the premise that it "might" stop. Well, what I'm saying is that if I saw that kind of bullshit happen here, it would be eliminated right at the source. The faster you take out the socially retarded like this, the better. Hell, I'd say half of the people on ED have worse mental issues than the people they ridicule!

    Places that exist solely to ridicule others for the purpose of making themselves feel better are fucking pathetic. There's a reason me and SS ditched the Gallery of Dumbasses here, you know.
  10. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    Butthurt is the worst word in existence and you should shoot yourself just for using it seriously.

    They're not. They're dumbass trend kiddies who think it's cool to harass people different to them. If ED are trolls, they're very poor ones. They don't seem to look for a reaction but to ruin people's lives. The Chris Chan talk article is full of this if you didn't read it. If they were good trolls, they wouldn't go after such insanely easy targets.
  11. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Actually regarding Chris-chan and ED I should note that he's actually ADDED stuff to his article that wasn;t previously known - autistic or not, he's dug some of the hole himself.
  12. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    He's uploaded like a few pictures, that's it. "Autistic or not" isn't something you should ever say and you're a dumbass for thinking you can. Autistic people can be insanely gullible and do weird shit without knowin what the hell they're doing. This attitude that autism is a minor ailment people use as a crutch has to stop.
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    That'll happen about the time people on the intertubes stop self-diagnosing it, I think.

    In before people who actually DO have diagnosed autism attack me - I'm not talking about you, so back off =P
  14. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    Autism isn't like aspergers and aspergers isn't near as badly over/self diagnosed as people claim. It should be painfully obvious Chris is autistic. ED is full of uneducated wank stains.,
  15. Sorry, I know quite a few people that are autistic, and they function quite well. So I disagree, they DO know better. This guy doesn't get any slack in my book.

    I mean, I wouldn't use the "Autism is a minor crutch that can be controlled" argument if I didn't know of living proof now..
  16. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie
    Something has become more and more obvious to me this week. Cyberbullying is much more common than I realised, and most of you here happily participate in it. You people haven't become more mature or enlightened, you just have Tweaker to whisk away your idiotic thoughts before anyone gets a chance to read them. If it wasn't for the strong moderation here, it would be no different than 2002 era Sonic Cult. And that's a damn shame.
  17. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    Wow, Chaos hedgie having a stupid opinion, didn't see that coming a mile away.

    That's the exact same thing every shithead on ED says. I have a cousin/friend/brother with autism, and they don't act exactly like Chris Chan.

    But if you knew anything you'd know the differences are circumstantial. That the way Chris acts is because of his environment and as a resultant of what he created for himself online. Just because he comes off as "worse" than people you know doesn't mean he's using autism a crutch. Were circumstances different, you'd see the autistic people getting into the same kinds of messes that Chris does.

    And quite frankly it's kind of sick that you use people as an excuse to attack another person like that, anyway. How much do you know about these people? And what do they function at exactly? Most autistic people have severe trouble even getting jobs. I'd hardly say that's functioning normally. Autism is severely crippling.

    Instead of comparing Chris directly to every autistic person you know, if you had a trace of critical intelligence you'd instead trace back each of his actions to see whether it was he or his autism that was responsible.
  18. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    I guess you missed the drama llama era. Left mostly unstopped, hordes ran about, persecuting DHZ for his problems and throwing immature crud everywhere.

    With re-broadening the community we have seen some of this come back, but thanks to the heavy moderation it is being removed.

    Although I wish bans were more permanent... this tendency for people to never learn is sort of an issue. :)

    As for the autism thing: If he is too autistic to think rationally or protect himself, he needs a guardian, and so the flaws in the situation transfer to the guardian. That is the plain and simple solution. Autistic people and in fact even sane sensitive people probably should not get too deep into the internet, as their feelings will be harmed by those who specifically snipe them. I've walked by the same sort of bullies and been not so much as mentioned, in fact; they want easy targets. Indeed, they don't succeed very often against people who are 'net-saavy'--this leading back to my conclusion that the autistic people of that degree should be protected by a competent outside source, lest they be harmed so miserably.

    'Cuz even though administrators, mods, and people like me might spend all kinds of time hunting down and destroying this sort of bullying, you can't be protected forever.
  19. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    No, permabans are ridiculous. People have a good chance of changing over a period of a few months regardless of whether they try or not. If they still suck, you can ban them again. Stop being lazy.
  20. Shadix



    True, but what exactly do you do to stop it when making a scene only makes you their next target?
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