Yes they're separate strips. I'll have a quick re-read of the book soon to see if there's anything interesting
Thanks! If you could confirm the pages numbers of the first two comic strips, that would be useful for the Retro wiki too. --- Speaking of useful for the wiki, YuTwo at the Sonic Stadium message board has scanned the limited Sonic Mania Introduction Manual.
that's fine and dandy, Pre-Redesign they looked more like Sonic Characters anyways, it would be quite nice to see these characters reappear at some point
Um, how so? Their redesigns were specifically done to address the fact they didn't look like Sonic characters.
I think they're talking about the one right before the Mecha Sally arc, as that one's pretty much a more in-style version of Sally as she looked in SATAM.
Seems to me like Tee will be doing more music for this "demons ate my neighbors" game. I don't think it has anything to do with Sonic unfortunately. It took twelve years for this to happen... Sonic Unleashed doesn't lag on the Xbox Fridge.
Holy shit wowwwww. Can't believe it took 12 years to finally get this game to not be a slog. I wonder if Sonic 06's load times are significantly decreased?
Holy shit, this is huge. I'm even more hyped to get a Series X now, but it's out of stock everywhere online 06 isn't retrocompatible on the Xbox One I believe, so I don't think it's available on the Series X either.
Oh what a loss I can only hope for similar results for the PS5 but I doubt that as you can't download it only stream it.
In Xenia 06’s loading screens are no problem at all. Presumably, it’d be the same scenario if it was playable on Xbox One or Series X.
I assume it also fixes the Werehog levels' framerate? If so, that should make them a lot more bearable. Even though it wasn't their only sin, I found their abysmal framerate to be one of their worst flaws.
Thanks for the credit Pengi! I noticed you gave a "Thumbs Up" to my post about this on Sonic Stadium too. I've updated my original post and have made a second post focused on the Additional Thanks section of this manual. I feel it's way too lengthy and extensive to post on this thread (and I'm also more accustomed to Stadium's formatting) so here's a link for it: I recognized some of the names on it so I decided to do some research and try to figure out why everyone else was included. For example, one of the names I learned while doing my research was Chris Davidson who is is a music producer and DJ. He goes by DJ Cutman and would go on to create the music label, GameChops. In an article he states: “We provided two songs for Sega for their game Sonic Mania, which was a real-life goal.” Archived Source: Those two songs being “Time Trials”, the song for the pre-order trailer, and “Friends”, the Hyper Potions song for the opening animation. According to the Gamechops website Chris Davidson, DJ Cutman, had mastered both of these tracks: "Time Trials" Article Source: "Friends" Article Source: So not only did Hyper Potions create those tracks but Chris mastered both of them as well (which was something I didn't know) and that's why he's in the manual. I was stumped with a few of the names (specifically Penny Lee, Jacquelyn Moore, and Austin "Tails" Webber) so if anyone has information to provide on them I will be glad to update my post with credit.
Yuji Naka has owned a Lotus Elise since at least 2001. He still races with an Elise today. So was Princess Elise named after the Lotus Elise? Would you be fine with having your scans on the Sonic Retro wiki?
I saw this on Reddit today and wondered if it is new or not - I haven't seen some of these but that doesn't mean they haven't been seen before, or that its genuine as there's no source: I really like the concept of taking the Sonic Jam sonic and putting him in SA1. Is there a hack / mod for that?