That one's news to me - nice find! In other news where's the best place to find scans of Sonic the Comic these days - I'd like to start making stubs on the wiki, but all I can find are crappy watermarked covers from STC Archive (which no longer exists!). A couple of years ago they were easy to find, now, not so much (p.s. don't suggest torrents my ISP blocks most of the big torrent sites these days and I can't be arsed with the workarounds). Ideally I'd like to make PDFs similar to how it's being done on Sega Retro, but IIRC the set of scans in question axed pages it didn't find useful? (repeats mainly, maybe adverts too). Quality sucks a bit for 2014 standards too - ideally it all needs to be re-done but I can't see anyone pushing 200+ issues through a scanner any time soon. People keep trying to host the collection but bandwidth and time gets in their way. Sonic Retro shouldn't have that problem?
There are a lot of STC scans on Youtube. Have you tried that? It's how I've read most of the issues (Ya know they've had some good stories, but man that art style is just awful. It's Sonic, Tails, Knuckles looking... ok at best, with derp AoSTH Robotnik trying to act way too evil for his design, and a bunch of other characters that look like humans with animal heads. I'd love to see someone take a crack at redrawing some of the main stories). You'll need a membership with Sonic ScanF, but that has all but the reprints.
I don't see any watermark, might I ask you to point them out so I can notice and be annoyed by it on subsequent readings?
Oh, so they have. I never really paid attention to the barcodes, so that explains the not noticing. Sorry I can't be of better help, then.
I meant to post this ages ago. It's nothing really special apart from what I could make of it. In any case, it's a prerelease review copy and doesn't really need it's own topic :v: Download XBOX Sonic Heroes Review Build (U) (ISO) Enjoy!
Hey, Tails looks better than he's supposed to! I don't remember seeing that face+pose before, either.
Oh wow, that's a really interesting discovery! I have to wonder which level it would have been used for - one that didn't make the final cut perhaps? I remembered this video again. How much DO we know about this? It would have been on the Genesis like Spinball right? What with the Sonic 2 GG autodemo thing found, could finding this have some hope?
IIRC it never even was gameplay- it was a basic demonstration made on amiga? I seem to recall Senn saying it was made on Amiga.