As someone who's not that interested in the MH series, but jaded TRUE SONIC FAN, Worth a punt? Am I missing anything coming in at uh, number 4-gee?
Nah. Monster Hunter is the most refined and perfected grind fest around. If you like grinding, jump in.
So can you play as that weird character or is the creature just one of those things that follows you around?
I always just figured we were meant to believe it to be under construction. I mean, the flooring looks incomplete and has a hazard tape style texture... ...and the outer part in Wing Fortress Zone is clearly under construction too.
It does mention that the Death Egg is still being constructed in the manuals, it's quite surprising the amount of detail they put into these games stories that most people don't notice. I honestly would have thought they'd just slap a 'complete Death Egg' into the Level Select and be done with it, but no they made it look mid-construction, alongside that sparkle that is Dr. Robotnik going to Westside Island.
It is? :specialed:/>/> Is there any quote for this at all? I don't meant to sound sceptical, but I've never heard that before, and I own all the western games and variants and it's not something I've come across in the manuals. Plus it waaaay overshoots the island, and the jingle itself is associated with Super Sonic/Chaos Emeralds. I always just believed it to be a shooting star/object as a sneaky nod to the fact that the game was hiding something special: Super Sonic.
No, I don't really think it is; I've merged the topic into here now. And speaking of that topic of discussion - that came out of nowhere! I've never played the Monster Hunter games but this is pretty interesting.
To quote the Japanese Manual: "Drawing an arc of white exhaust, Sonic slid his favorite plane, the Tornado, down toward the island's silhouette…and almost as if it were following him, a shiny little figure came down and suspiciously disappeared on the other side of the island." There was someone else who brought this up somewhere, but I'm unsure where and whom.
Well I'll be darned. /> That's so awesome! How am I still learning things about a game I've played for 20 years and studied for about 10? Well spotted. You sir, have earned a
Well, thanks for mentioning it further. Hey, does anyone remember that old topic about Sonic 3's connections with the anime Laputa? Well, it's made even more obvious in the concept art (bottom left):
This picture always looks like they reused these concepts for Sonic Advance 1 and 2. The bottom looks like Sky Cannon, The right looks like Angel Island SA, and that snow level looks like that ice level in Sonic Advance 2 Hey would you look at that. Other fun fact: In the Seinfeld episode "The Couch," in the scene where George is trying to rent Breakfast at Tiffanys at the video store, if you look carefully enough you can see Sonic 3, Dr. Robotnik's mean bean machine, and Sonic Spinball up for rent. I knew I saw some Genesis games in that episode, now I know.
When else have they edited in ring sounds? Those ring sounds are weird, they sound like they'd come from a GameBoy Colour- admittedly Sonic Advance was being worked on whilst the GameBoy Advance was also being worked on and not yet released, did they think perhaps the sound wouldn't be as good early on or something?