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The Sonic Frontiers *SPOILER* Thread (With Unmarked Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Sep 29, 2022.

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  1. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    There is no bad ending, right? I just beat the game a second time on Hard and feel like I missed the last QTE by a smigin, but the game progressed as normal so I dunno.
  2. RikohZX


    Just one ending and an extra scene if you 100% map everything, I believe. Not sure if side stories or anything else account into that.
  3. netscapenow


    Is there any proper "postgame" state? I've beaten the true final boss (twice, the second time after I unlocked 100% of every map) but the final island still has the "Get the Chaos Emerald" prompt and my PS5 home screen still says I'm only 66% done.
  4. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    The last thing you can do is save in front of the Gray Emerald on the final island.
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  5. Wait, there is an extra scene for 100%ing? I beat it on hard and got the second post-credits scene with Eggman at the computer. Is there one beyond that?
  6. MootPoint


    Clockwork Aquario's Strongest Soldier Member

    The only thing that the hard mode does is just add an extra phase to the final boss (Otherwise, you just skip to the QTE) and change the second credit song from Vandalize to the song sung by NateWantsToBattle. You don't get anything for 100 percenting
  7. Thought so. I just played again to be sure and didn’t notice a difference (and had to sit through the credits again - thankfully the songs are pretty good). I’m a bit bummed that I’d need to play on normal to hear Vandalize though.
  8. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    A wild thought occurred. The End is a God represented by a Moon, intent to consume all...

    Meanwhile, Solaris is a God represented by the Sun and flame, intent to consume all...

    I wonder if there's an intended relationship there...
  9. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    We are pleased to announce Sonic 06 2 The End of Solaris. We hope you all hate it.
  10. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    This is purely flavor text, right? There seems to be some indication of a language the Ancients used, the architecture is littered with markings stylized like this and there's of course the "ZAP" symbol that goes kinda unexplained. But I don't think there's a way to translate any of it? Mostly just poking the nest here to see if it happens to be something anyone smart is looking into.

    More specifically, the text on the tablet is definitely the same style (language), so it isn't literally three languages on it I'm sure.
  11. Davether


    So what was the deal with that loopy symbol in the sky? There were several unresolved plot threads in the game, but that one was the most confusing one since it was teased throughout various cutscenes. Was wondering if I missed a character interaction or something that explained it.
  12. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    You see it when Robotnik recovers Sage in the final cutscene, so I assumed it was just her.
  13. Kyro


    Its also baked into the walls of ruins and such though, so it cant be just a symbol for sage. I assume personally its some sort of symbol representing the agents and cyberspace as a whole.
    My personal headcanon for the moment is that, some part of sagge is remembered and or stored in cyberspace, and eggman was pulling that data out of cyberspace to recover her and her memories in some form
  14. Linkabel


    Kishimoto posted a message on his Twitter.

    Hopefully the translation is ok, though like always I wouldn't mind if someone that knows Japanese might help in getting a better translation.
  15. RikohZX


    Yeah, it feels like after Rhea "Island" gets the plot dump aside, all of Ouranos was literally the scraps of development slapped together as fast as humanly possible and nothing gets resolution. Sage makes her sacrifice and Sonic doesn't react to it, nor does anyone but Eggman, really. The Ancients died to seal The End and you don't get to see how any of that worked or why the Towers tie into anything. The Master Emerald's already cryptic "it existed beforehand". What the whole Zap logo ever meant.

    No one even reacts to the whole "planet destroying eldritch abomination" The End, or the implications it set into motion for the whole series. It's even less climactic than similar situations games like Resident Evil Village proffered, not that I'm gonna go into detail on that here without being asked.

    Some side story scenes explain why the Cyber Space stages work the way they did, but like, with the place not even getting a proper intro, it feels like the second half of Kronos it was originally intended to be that just so happens to be the final area. Sage doesn't even really do story progression for the region, she just exists to exposit and feel bad about bullying Sonic, and the place has all the real progression in Vaults instead of any minigames like the first three islands.

    You don't have to look into the data and modding scenes to just inherently know that something is screwy with the late game, but it's just blatant after a point that the entire endgame is probably the most unfinished yet playable content in a main Sonic game, and given an incredibly barren paste-over of reused or basic content to justify an end point and credits roll. Even Lost World and Forces "resolved" their plots. Frontiers just ends as soon as the secret Big Bad dies.
  16. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Also at the end before the boss Sonic is saying stuff like he's talking to the Ancients themselves despite the fact that only Sage is at his side.
  17. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    This is interesting. Kishimoto spoke at length about how he wanted this game to be something special for the development team and fans, but that's clearly not the actually outcome. The game has a very average Metascore with reviews ranging from "it's great" to "it's fucking awful".

    To me, the problems with Frontiers are plain as day. And the agonisingly frustrating part of it is that many of these problems have existed in the series for over a decade. How Kishimoto and the rest of the development team can be blind to that whilst clearly trying so hard is just bewildering.

    Frontiers isn't bad. When it's good, like in the Super fights and controlling Sonic in the open zone, it's a decent experience. And when it's bad, it really stinks.

    Cyberspace is unfathomably bad to control, and the mechanics just aren't good. I can't really put into words how intensely I dislike the platforming and exploring of this game. Everything is non-descript obstacle courses (most often in 2D) that feel like chunks from any of the boost games. Over half of your time in any of the platforming sections (including cyberspace) is spent on automatic grind rails, homing on static targets or getting launched from booster to booster. Exploration of the open zone is too often reduced to trying your luck with random springs and boosters to see if they go where you want them to. Chaos Island fucking suuuuuuuuucks. And even though Sonic handles really well, there's nothing to do with all that control. Not to mention that they chose to do absolutely nothing interesting with Sonic's physics.

    Kishimoto... Dude, ain't right for this series. Colours was his one hit, and I'll always maintain that it was overrated because of what it wasn't, rather than judged for what it was. Everything else has been a string of notorious misses. Frontiers is the vision that he and his team worked on for up to five years, and the end result was almost void of innovation and plagued with almost all of the issues his previous games have had. Let someone else take the reigns. Please.

    The characters were good in this game though. Absolute winner in that front.
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  18. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    Another member and I were discussing it on discord and I assumed it meant moving forward or moving on, as its usually shown when a character either dies; resurrects, or talks about leaving Sonic for a while.
  19. To MykonosFan, that's not just any flavor text. It's literally just the story of the Rosetta stone from real life which did serve to revive a dead previously undecipherable language. So it's just Sonic's world version of that.
  20. RagaSonic


    In "SonicFrontiers\image\x64\raw\movie"
    If you convert USM to M2V with VGMToolbox
    You can watch 2 hidden video of protopye of pinball and volcano
    ga3220 and ga3225 exactly.
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