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Sonic the Hedgehog (the Sonic OVA Fan Game)

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by P3DR0, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    Everything about this project looks and sounds awesome. The music, and the graphics are truly something which have captivated me. I can't wait to see what the stage art will look like, and I definitely hope this fangame will eventually be finished (as many end up unfinished).

    Good luck on this, btw! You guys are doing a great job thus far.
  2. P3DR0


    b0ss Member

    Hahah, now... Honestly about it, I'm actually working on something to make them look more interesting and maybe I'll show it next week (if the animations of it were done), for one thing is sure: It won't be easy to fill your boost and not all the enemies will be stupid to not defend a homming attack.

    The homming attack itself is more for the environment than the enemies, actually but, you'll see.

    Haha, I'm really glad to see that you guys are enjoying it.
  3. Deef


    Lol glad you took it well. Honestly I don't care how it looks but how it plays. But if boosting is rationed out as you suggest and you're doing something different with the homing attack... well that's a good thing.
  4. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    The homming attack isn't different, it still does the same thing. The difference is that not all the enemies are stupid... So, you'll need something more instead of just a homming attack. Think on that annoying enemy from the classics that one wich have a bumper/spring as a shield.


    Anyways, I'm here to ask for you guys help. I was here, sitting on my confortable throne deciding some decaptations, charging taxes and thinking on the main plot of our Sonic the Hedgehog and then I saw a terrible problem on it:

    The story requires you to collect some Chaos Emeralds to follow... But, here is the thing, one of the problems of the recently Sonic's games is that they obligates the player to do something... I don't wanna go in that way. So, I just can think on one solution for that problem:

    Difficulty Selector.

    Instead of defining how many hits a boss needs to be destroyed (like Sonic Rush's difficulty selector), this one will give two options; The first one:
    The player doesn't have to enter in the special stages, the story flows like he had succed on the emerald chase.
    Normal: The player have to succed on the Special Stages to go futher.

    I'm not saying that it's an Unleashed thing like: "Hey, you gotta collect this zone Emerald to reach to the next zone." but there will be a part where the player will be blocked to go without X emeralds.

    So what do you guys think? Any ideas are welcome.
  5. Felik


    considering how much is done so far it's a little bit too early to think about such things imo.
  6. Fuzedknight


    Epic Gnome Time! Member
    I'm going to hafta agree with Felik on this subject.

    In terms of this idea though, it sounds like it will work pretty well if the special stages are challenging but not frustratingly difficult. Hell I'd even slap a hard difficulty on for the hardcore fans which includes a timer on the special stages and a requirement to get every one done before moving on with a zone. I would edit the levels as well to be more *assholeish* for this difficulty however that sounds like it would be too much work to completely edit level design for one difficulty setting.

    As a reward for completing the game on hard you would get some sort of Easter egg. Nothing major, perhaps just a slight scene that adds to the story in some way. I'm just spitballing here but honestly I think different difficulty settings is a fantastic idea if done right considering you don't see many difficulty settings in Sonic games or if done aren't implemented very well.
  7. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    That picture in your sig, P3DR0, is what Sonic 4 should have looked like. That's so perfect.
  8. Felik


    That picture looks very good but come on! Are you serious?
    I can only imagine a massive bitch-fest about that sprite of Sonic if it was in sonic 4.
    And also MY Sonic 4 shouldn't be cartoony.
  9. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    Thank you sir. I have an fling for psychodelic things, like the clouds (wich you can see I've created based on Monkey Island clouds(as you can see in my avatar)) Also, I'd always had this question of: "How Sonic would be in a cartoon-style game?" so hurray, realizing the dream... And Sonic OVA always were my favorite saga on Sonic. So, "Sonic the Hedgehog" is basicaly everything that I would love to see in a Sonic game:
    "Sonic OVA + Psychodelics scenarys + cartoon-like" :)
    Yeah, I couldn't agree more about the massive bitch-fest... Also this reminds me of something:
  10. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    Time to bump it up...

    Well, first of all I have some bad news.

    Our programmer quited this week. After a couple of months getting excuses to don't program a thing like "To busy at school", he finally came to me and said that he was tired of the maker's life. That's compreensible, I am kinda of upset 'cause he was with me since the very begining of Sonic DL Adventure in 2006.

    Without a programmer, the game is kinda paused wich sucks since we have a lot of things ready (graphicaly) and some concepts/musics.

    So yeah, we're stucked with a hole team of designers, 3d modelers, compositors... Without a programmer. So if anyone wanna give it a try, can easily PM me and this won't be a problem anymore (just remembering, I'm trying to create an epic game, so if you're an amateur programmer, don't even bother me).


    I'll show some things that we had done, because blank and sad posts isn't my thing...

    First of all, I would like to say that we had created two stories for the game, the first one is the back story and the second one is the story of the game itself. The back story is kinda of too big to be explained on a cutscene so we decided to just mention it ingame and release a one-shot comic explaining it deeply,
    So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to present you the comic:
    Well, it's not really the comic, it's just the front cover. But, yeah it's something, I guess.

    If you remember, I'd said that we were recreating almost everything on Sonic's universe, the propose of the comic is to tell the back story of this universe wich involves the creation of the chaos emeralds and the origin of Dr. Robotnik. More details should arrive soon. :)

    And some other stuff:

    Some textures made for the game tiles:

    Boss Titlecard:
    (I guess I'd spoil the surprise)

    Well, for now that's it I guess. If I find something relevant or cool I shall upload it.


    Also, maybe later I'll upload a video showing the gameplay so far. Nothing fancy since we're a couple months late in the programation aspects, but well, why not, right?

    Anyways, I would like to repeat, if you're a programmer and wanna join us, PM and we'll see. Thanks a lot.
  11. dsrb


    That title card! Not quite sure about the font or at least the choice to outline it in that way—I wonder how a more abstract one like those of the classic games would fit in—but the rest of the design is great.

    Hope you get it all sorted! I was disappointed to not get the comic, though. :P
  12. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
  13. Ollie


    Looks extremely well polished. Really excited to see this demo evolve even further and I'm glad it's not yet another clone of Classic Sonic Moves/Physic.
  14. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    So what is it, a Generations 3DS engine? I mean granted you guys probably started work on this iteration of the engine long before E3, but that's what it looks like.

    Looks good, too.
  15. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Can't say as I'm a fan of grind rails in a completely 2D game, however, that would just be personal preference. Beyond that, this is looking very impressive. Cell-shaded Sonic looks brilliant in motion, and it looks like you've really put in effort as far as polish goes. Can't wait to see this game with its level art included; you've definitely got a winner on your hands!
  16. Vaiz


    I'm still here for some reason! Member
    I keep forgetting this project exists, and then it keeps being a massive surprise and joy when I'm reminded!
  17. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    Oh, well that's pretty.
  18. Any updates on this project?
  19. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    I wish. My monitor burned out so I'm pretty much without a PC for a few weeks already, and to get any worst I won't probably get a new one 'til next year.
    If it can get any worst, my modeler is pretty busy recently so we cannot get any graphical work done... :/

    The only progress that I'd been doing recently was off-PC, like concept arts and polishing the script/story on my notebook.

    Sorry 'bout it. But if for some reason the universe decides to stop raping my ass with bad luck, I'll update as soon as possible.
    Thanks for the interest, btw.
  20. P3DR0


    b0ss Member

    Hello, hello, everyone. As you've probably noticed, I decided to lay low for awhile. But the project isn't dead. Infact is way more alive than ever.

    If you follow my Youtube page, you've probably noticed a few videos related to Sonic GDK and if you're smart you'd seen that, even if most of the stuff were random test videos, I wouldn't be putting so much effort into something that I didn't intended to use, of course. So it's with a great honor that I announce that Sonic the Hedgehog will be ported to the Sonic GDK's engine. With new models, new graphics and a way new better look to it.

    With a great team of 3D modelers and artists we couldn't be more excited with this. It came at the right time, MMF2 wasn't really dealing great with all we'd planned for the game (Just that small test video that I've posted a few months back could barely play on a mid-end PC... I.e. you would need a PC that could run this generation's games to play a 2D fangame in a limited plataform which MMF2 was for all we'd planned).

    So I see you guys in 3D now. More pretty, more awesome, more 'free'.

    But I guess that would be unfair to tease you guys and don't give at least nothing to taste, right? Unfortunelly I can't really post screenshots since there isn't nothing presentable, but if you're so desperated for that you can check my test videos on my Youtube page. Instead of that, I'll give you guys a little taste of all the reimaginative stuff that we're planning for this game, introducing new designs to our dearest characters... So here it comes the first official artwork of the game:


    As you can see, we'd mainteined the old feel to the characters so it isn't too weird to play, but at the same time, they all look a little bit fresh and original

    That's it for today, folks. Hope you enjoy, and keep in mind that the game isn't dead at all. :3