I've got my eye on this one all right. Might I dare to ask, what game and/or graphics engine are you developing this with?
Multimedia Fusion 2. All the 3D graphics are done with Autodesk's 3D Studio Max 2010~2011... The others with Photoshop mostly. Fucking GENIAL! I've decide the decision bout this name on the main post. :P I won't going to change it, honestly I've liked it. It's not the best name but maybe the most suitable.
I have such low expectations it's a joke. It looks great and all, but not one single project that's 3D ever has made it. They always just vanish into thin air, the creator goes onto other projects, or the creator/s disappear from the internet. I still remember mocking someone on SFGHQ saying their game will never, ever, EVER be released because it was a 3D game. And I stand by that arrogance today. Especially since surprise, it never did get a release and I haven't heard word of it forever. 3D fangames I guess are just too much more work than 2D fangames, which also rarely get finished as it is. Anyway what I'm getting at is, I hope to god you intend to finish this project someday in your life. It gets tiring to see every single one of these 3d fangames go absolute nowhere.
I'm probably just massively tired here but where does is state that the project is 3D? I thought it was 2D with 3D effects.
Well, I'm sort of generalizing it as 3D since it uses 3D models and effects. Basically any sort of Sonic project with anything to do with 3D =P I still look forward to seeing what levels are gonna look like. If you guys get that far, that is
So... Everything that uses a pencil and paper is a drawn? Hahah, just kinding. Well, I do share your philosophy and I extend it to 2D fangames too. I can't say that I'll finish this project cause I can't see the future. But, me and mine team were working on this project for 2 years already... The oldest entry of the game it's a thread on a brazilian forum, wich dates from 22/02/09. Okay that the project has suffered a big change (the 2D sprites for 3D)... But it's doing so great that I don't know if I WANT TO stop with this project, hahaha. The best part of working with 3D is that you're allowed to create anything in any way... And we've a big team working with us... 2 Programmers 1 3D Modeller (Without counting a guy who usualy helps us with some 3D objects) 2 Music Guys (I dunno how the fuck do you guys call it there, but here is 'sonoplasta') 3 Designers/Artists So we're doing great, infact. Speaking of wich, I'm looking for ONE person who can drawn something exclusive for us, I can't tell what it is, right now. If you're interested, please send me a PM with some works.
Well, thing is P3dr0 has a team of people actually actively producing shit and his "models" aren't of the same level of bullshit as so called "3D" games. I've actually played this game he's got here and it's quire impressive actually. You shouldn't say "such low expectations it's a joke", considering the amount of regular progress made on this game. P3dr0 was just showing me some new stuff today even. Because it's 2D with models, it can be every bit as valid as other fan games, just with something else replacing the sprites. Consider the game at least something to keep an eye on, you never know when you'll be pleasantly surprised.
This looks even more awesome than it did before. If you need people to help model some level ..I dunno what you'd call it. Chunks? Tiles? I'd be interested in helping out. I usually model in Autodesk Maya but it shouldn't be a problem as I can still save in .obj which you could open in 3DSMax.
I don't want to be another to harp on the name, but one thing you should consider about it is that it's going to make it a pain in the ass for people to Google/find/talk about your game. It's the same reason why calling something "Sonic Boom" at this point would be a bad idea. Maybe add a subtitle or something so it can be easily distinguished? I also want to praise the model. It looks a little weird close up, but I love the way it looks in-game, especially Sonic's spines.
The rings aren't cell shaded, surely you'd want all pickups and interactive objects to be the same style as Sonic, so they stand out and you know the connection. A lot of games do this. Minor nitpick, but there you go.
About that, I give you guys the liberty to call it whatever you want to... Like, dunno, Sonic the Hedgehog 2011, Sonic OVA Fan-game, Sonic New-Gen(wtf), etc... The name is Sonic the Hedgehog. :S No I don't want it. Since we've started to work with 3D shitz, we've decided to make all the "pickups" or interactives, without cell-shading... So, why would I do that? To fit better on the level, just for that. In some way it looks way more simple and awesome, believe me. Sonic and the Enemies are the only thing cell-shaded. The rings that you've saw on the screens were placeholders, now we're working on our own rings. Still need some color correction...
Oh wow, that's a seriously awesome ring model. This is gonna sound like the most nitpicky thing ever, but so many ring models (esp. those in official Sonic games, see Heroes for example) just have wierd looking rings - generally they seem too thick or 'chunky', and too matte, like they're plastic or something rather than gold. Yours looks perfect so far.
That is a sexy ass ring. I can't wait to see the color corrected version. I know what you mean about the objects not being cel-shaded as well (cause I've seen them lol), it definitely gives things a more unique feel rather than the graphics being a one trick pony. It allows objects like item boxes, posts, springs etc. to sort of pop out at you, giving you a sense of "hey I can surely interact with that". It's a simple way of highlighting parts of the level that aren't simply tiles or blocks. It looks quite nice.
That's the most badass dildo I've ever seen, man. In all seriousness, this is looking pretty sweet so far. Keep it up!
I love it- it seems like something you'd actually see in an official Sonic game. After all, Robotnik does like to plaster his image all over everything.
Looks excellent and the title theme music is fantastic. Another fan game I'll have to keep my eye on. Merc makes a good point about googling the game with this name. While the artwork is impressive, I see the game implements boosting and homing attacks. Do your own thing with your own game of course, but I do challenge you to actually make something interesting out of these moves, especially the homing attack. Easy homing kills and homing chains are only going to look uninspired and frankly it has already been boring for 10 years. If you picture the gameplay without the homing attack and find that this imagined gameplay is no longer very compelling or exciting, you then have a problem (in my opinion) if the homing attack is just going to be more of the same. Same goes for boosting but it's not as bad imo. The question remains though, can the game be made fun without relying on the moves that tell the player "You're having fun" ?