I found this as well. Also: Not sure if this is supposed to be a game secret, but you can + - skip full acts by just going all the way to the right of the first special stage . Also, in debug mode I was able to use the same Special Ring infinitely ( + - the one above you in the Hazel Hills Act 1 ) to get the emeralds. Concerning the actual levels, I figured the Aqua Arena Foreground/Background was done on purpose to add illusion to the stage, because it never really cost me any lives or any thing. There is one spot though that is pretty dickish in that level though; if you went past the water level switch puzzle with the water too low you could get stuck on the cork next to spikes unable to jump back to the above platform, forcing me to jump on the spikes and die. Also, in Dusty Dunes, I occasionally got stuck in a random animation mid-air and could only move left and right, forcing me to restart. Overall, despite the above, and the already stated issues, this game is excellent, I feel like this game is what we would have gotten from SEGA had they made a 2D game for the Saturn, and that is most definitely a great thing, Hez. EDIT: I don't know what everyone is talking about concerning slowdown, I run this on 7 and there is barely any at all. Also, is it me, or is the track for Aqua Arena missing a little bass? EDIT 2: I just tried File->Quit and my file saved. Clicking New Game however, does not save your game. This may be the solution to the game save issue for many of us. (Or at least a W7 solution)
Finished the game (not all Emeralds though) after losing about 20 lives on the final boss + - until I found the secret ring. Went into the secrets menu and the "Beat the game" item was still locked. Do I need to play through again and get all the Emeralds to unlock this?
SAVING This. Basically kill the game to save. Even Alt-F4 makes it work. · Restarting (F2) wipes your progress. · Quitting the application saves your progress. · Game over wipes your progress. I just tried deleting some save files and making a new one, then game overed. Back at file select, even the deleted files were undeleted and the new one didn't exist. Nothing gets saved anywhere, at all, unless you quit the game. Basically the SEGA logo is a wipe of all data created so far. What this means is that if you see Game Over, you must hit Alt-F4 to save anything before the SEGA logo appears! If you ever return to the SEGA logo by any method in-game, everything you have done since running the program will be wiped. This includes challenges you have completed.
Really? I've had a Game Over lately and my save file is still existent :S On another note, you guys might wanna do a copy of your save file when you quit the game, could prove helpful sometimes.
Just to let you know that the Robot Rave Act 3 Super Sonic challenge is completely broken due to the ring counter continuing to count down whilst the Fang cutscene plays. Due to the small amount of rings at the beginning of the stage you'll always die before reaching the next batch of rings. This is also a problem at the beginning and end of boss fights, maybe the ring counter should be frozen whilst cutscenes are playing.
Set the ini file to read only, when your about complete a level or when you are about the get a emerald. Turn off read only.
The only things I've had a huge problem is "dick move" level design with no flow whatsoever and the fact that there are two water levels (and two levels that have water show up in them). Why is there so much water?
Seriously guys, why so much rant on the water levels? Both Aqua Arena and Luster Lake were kept due to fan demands (Hez thought about removing AA at some point IIRC) and the water in Crsytal Caverns zone is merely anectodic so complains about this are truly nitpicking. Sonic 1 had 4 acts consisting of underwater sections, Sonic 2 had two underwater zones, Sonic 3 had 5 zones with water. The main goal of Sonic Classic is to mimic the classic Sonic games style. I don't see what's wrong with that, the use of water is not beign excessive to the point of Sonic 3.
So far, my only complaints are a lack of gamepad support and some random death glitches where I end up respawning inside the ground with no Sonic in sight. Jumping doesn't even sound off, and I end up stuck. And for the record, I never had much of a problem with water in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I have a slight problem with it in the previous two games, though.
The download link won't work on the first page of this thread, is there another one anywhere? I'd like to be able to play this.
The framerate is slow as syrup for me on OS X / Wine, so I'll reserve judgement on the main gameplay. However, I have noticed a few issues during my limited playing time: * Levels run as demoes from the title screen (but not actually reached by the player) become available to Time Attack. * Exiting a Special or Bonus Stage results in the timer counting down from 46 seconds. * As said above, exiting the first Special Stage results in an erroneous Act 1 Clear (with a Perfect regardless of whether all rings were collected). * I also seem to recall noticing some weird things with shields after Bonus Stages, although I don't remember any specifics. * As said already, the music is quite inconsistent: direct rips of 16 bit tracks, direct rips of CD/3D tracks, remixed 16 bit, trance remixes… * Also, the 16 bit rips are badly mixed; the drums are too quiet relative to the instrument channels. So, I'm looking forward to revision 1! (And hopefully figuring out how to get it to run at a more playable framerate).
I couldn't get past the title screen when I checked all the boxes for joystick. I'll try it again later.
Try pressing Enter/right shift instead of the start button when you try again, MegaDash. It seems that unpausing must still be done with the Enter button even with joystick controls, the same might be true of the title screen. I also have to press shift to get past the Tik Tok screen.
I couldn't get it to work even if I changed one key. I have to play with the default keys. Didn't Hez implement an in game controller option before?