The what? That's news to me. But, the built ROM is bit-perfect to the ROM extracted from Sonic Compilation, so everything should be there. There's also this bug, which was pointed out in the disasm.
Just leaving this here, for the n00bspeople that are new to Git: some very good tutorials explaining Git stuff, from basic to advanced. Note that when they do mention BitBucket and/or Atlassian's own tools, all of it also applies to GitHub as well. Might worth putting on the OP.
So, some of the posts here, mine included, are in the wrong topic? S1 disasm discussion S2 disasm discussion Just bringing this up in case this topic would be better off exclusively GitHub-focused.
A complete disassembly of Sonic 3 is now available from the skdisasm repo. It is complete in the sense that it more or less matches the state of the S&K disasm, save for the Z80 sound driver which I'll leave to more capable hands. (Please disassemble the S&K music while you're at it.) Many thanks to everyone who helped me one way or another, including but not limited to Tiddles, Clownacy, MainMemory, Chainspike and flamewing.
I can add my SMPS2ASM in the disassembly ready to go if people want to. I also can replace all RAM addresses with proper labels for once seeming as that is still not done to this day. Very cool to see a good Sonic 3 for once, that has been lacking for way too long! Can't wait to dive in some day and find all kinds of weird stuff I've seen while disassembling it myself! Gonna be exciting times...
Very exciting to see the Sonic 3 disassembly! It will certainly be fascinating to see what exactly all lies within this. It may give some more insight on development and early remnants of the other half of the game.
I can't say but is it a problem crossing over programs from github user projects? Besides mars, I'm targeting x32, x64, armv7 and aarch64. Have had numerous warnings and just recently some links shutdown from 68kmla forums. Mods here can't answer their own questions. I'm wondering why was I allowed to join in the first place? I can't say but I'd like my account deleted and a suggestion to upload elsewhere. MOD EDIT: Request granted. Upload elsewhere.
The Sonic Retro Github is for disassemblies and tools for hacking various Sonic games. Your projects will be better on your own Github account which you can make one for free. Also staff don't delete accounts here, if you don't want to use your account anymore you could just log out and leave it abandoned.
I would to see if Discussions could be enabled on the various repositories. It's a new feature that can be used for comments or questions without making to make things issues. More can be found here:
A new Knuckles in Sonic 2 disassembly has been made, which is based on the Sonic 2 disassembly. Thanks to Git, these two disassemblies should be able to be kept in sync with one another. Additionally, 'git diff' can be used to find the differences between the two games and their disassemblies. This new disassembly has a feature similar to the 'Sonic 3 Complete' mode of the Sonic & Knuckles disassembly, which allows you to build a standalone version of the game that doesn't rely on Lock-On Technology. You can read about that and more in this thread.
The Sonic 2 disassembly now features a branch that targets the game's latest prototype - Beta 8. A nice benefit of this is that Git can produce a list of each and every change between Beta 8 and Final REV00. If you've ever wanted to know what Sonic Team was up to in the game's final days of development, here you go! TL;DR: The perfect bonuses were added, Sonic 1's crash handler was removed, the Special Stage HUD was expanded upon, the 'Sonic & Miles "Tails" Prower in' text was fleshed-out, adjustments for PAL consoles were added, new demos were recorded, and many, many bugs were fixed.
If one wanted to help provide further documentation/labeling on the disassemblies, what'd be the best way to go about it?