You're not secretly working for them are you? From the 3DS vids, it doesn't seem like these tunes are finished or they're way too short. Windy Hill seems to loop over and over and over and over with the same few bits.
Well he's playing and commenting at the same time, so that may actor into it. I just noticed that the timer is actually counting down, not up, too.
Nope. I'm under NDA for something completely different for a completely different franchise, but I wouldn't semi-troll that way. D: Everything from chords to genre to instrumentation sounds like something I agree with. Again this is probably going to sound very narcissistic, but I really feel they captured the essence of 'sonic' in this, regardless of genre. I really like the music.
I don't like the turning, stopping and going on a dime. Really jarring. I knew they were gonna do the whole "tiered speeds" thing but this is kinda taking it to heavy extremes. Still looks fun though. Bringing back the Spindash, adding in parkour and tweaking the Homing Attack to be more rapid-fire and in-the-background is nice. The classic nods and elements are really great too, but yeah, these steering controls really have me worried. I know a lot of people had a problem with how heavy Unleashed/Colors/Generations felt, but this is like the exact opposite; almost Heroes-esque in how twitchy it looks. I can't see why any fan of this would also say the SA games steered much worse. XD But although I sound really pessimistic about this, I'm actually liking what I see. The parkour and spindash concepts returning, like said, are really cool and so is the fact that we're gonna have more focus on saving the animals at times or something. Its all neat; but mostly superficial stuff. I hope for all the automation and twitchiness going on right now, we get something progressively better in the level design as it goes on. Call my hype officially now "extremely cautious semi-optimism". :v:
I was just saying to someone on Skype that they should have stuck with the Unleashed/Generations turning controls- full control at low speed, but at high speed you can only weave left and right. It didn't work in those games because of how little control you hhad over how fast you were going. But this time that would be perfect.
Yeah, pretty much. I think that would feel pretty incredible if you ask me, and its funny that the 3DS version seems to control similarly to that! At least this gets me wanting to make a game again with that kind of control, LOL
I hope this is one of the Best Buy E3 games. I need to feel these controls for myself before passing fair judgement. It's just so hard to tell. It looks controllable, but yet not. I can't describe it in words for some reason. Windy Hill certainly sounds like Sonic Galaxy to me. Sweet Mountain Galaxy kind of bugs me. It was my least favorite trope in Colors and seeing it return is disappointing.
I liked it aside from a few things: Based on the first level it kinda looks like just running straight forward is just going to be the fastest path unless their way of completely slowing you down is using extremely long "CANNONS' or "SPRINGS" like they did in Desert Ruins. So they've upgraded the Homing Attack chains from above the sky to.... ON THE GROUND TOO! I don't like the fact of the homing attack chains are all, and what the hell is the point with the stomp? Also, what's with all the Sonic CD enemies? Maybe it's a hint that METAL SONIC will return or something? :v:
I'm hoping it's at Best Buy too, since I'm really on the fence about the 3DS version. The Desert Ruin stage doesn't look that fun (3DS version), but Wind Hill looks like it plays like the Wii U version, but with some Generations and Adventure elements. The Wii U version looks neat though, with vastly different level themes. Still waiting on Mario Kart and Smash Bros before deciding on a Wii U purchase though.
I don't think the turning controls look all that bad, really. It seems to me that they're designed that if you press one of the 4 main directions (Up, down, left, right) Sonic will instantly go that way, while you can turn at a 'heavier' pace ala Unleashed/Generations while you're throttling forward and inch the control stick less abruptly. That's what it seems like to me, at least, I could be wrong. I have no problem with this because it look like it'll make sharp turns a lot easier, allowing for some cool level design ideas.
Even better news. I can easily see this game joining Colors and Generations as one of my favorite Sonic games ever.
Now the real question here is: Will Ruby reinstate the official SEGA speedrun challenges once the game is out? Would be VERY fun to see people tear through this game once they have their routes set and the mechanics down pat. Because if he doesn't, I totally will for Retro because I have a ton of Sonic stuff sitting in my closet from Sega that could use giving away to a home that will likely give more love (and space!) to it. :v: Also... ORBIT
Well, first 3DS game that doesn't look like shit. I liked the Wii U game, just hope they do less "2D" and Mach Speed stages and focus more on the exploration ones.
Totally awesome, I loved that IGN demo, It's always nice to see the game being played instead of choice cuts in trailers. I don't think I saw anything that particularly offended me in that whole demo, the whole geared running and parkour things seemed to work well. The only thing that kinda felt off was the wisps, they just kinda seem to be there for sake of being there, but again, it's not an offensive addition. Just needs a Chao garden =P It's on Wii-U people, no achievements, no hate if you never play with them, and 3ds portable Chao garden. And just think Sega, Chao garden Micro-transactions, you could make a consistent killing from Chao nutters like me XD
>Chao Garden No. A thousand times no. Split the damn things off to their own Mobile F2P sub-series. Leave those annoying kicking targets out of the games.
I'm sorry if it upsets some people, but I felt the 3DS version just looked like shit. Sonic looked like he was a heavy bowling ball when jumping, and the gameplay just looked bland and slow moving. I will say the graphics did look amazing for the 3DS though. Wii U version will definitely be the version to play I think.