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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Someone also managed to play the Squid boss. They said they used a mix of the Drop Dash, Bounce, and Air Boost to get onto it.

    It seems that both getting on the Squid's tail and catching up to it while you're on there require effort and speed.
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  2. Snowbound


    According to this person you can also use the “drop dash to roll down hill and gain momentum”.
  3. I like the variety that SEGA is trying to do for the bosses in this game. It feels like a massive step up from the most recent mainline games.
  4. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    While everyone discusses if Sonic's such a fish-eating tree-hugger, I'm intrigued about the Cyloop Festival: in my eyes, that sounds like it became a multi-purpose tool of varied fun or smart uses. I knew I was going to try to cyloop everything in every way possible, but now it sounds like acting that way will actually make sense and not just me having high expectations.
  5. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    Blue boost.

    They weren't kidding when they said they were taking inspiration from the movie lol.
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  6. Snowbound


    The way Sonic ran over those rocks was… chunky. But dang, the more I’m seeing of this game the more fun it looks.

    I can’t wait to see speed runs of this
  7. Kyro


    Poster also says he has more footage of the 3d city level and such that he will post when hes home, and that he played the demo 9 times and did as much as he could in it, so we will probably see some more new stuff later
  8. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    It's weird what the game does and doesn't treat as a "proper slope." Sonic can launch off stairs and certain rocks like a slope and then magnetize to the most rounded rocks.

    Person who posted the video said the boost is really fast, they were able to cross the entire demo / tutorial section easily. Made platforming a pain, of course.

    EDIT: lmao the special boost is so fast they launched off a ramp and landed right on top of Asura.
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  9. Wow they really liked the movie.
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  10. MH MD

    MH MD

  11. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Kishimoto mentioned that there is something you can get that will make Sonic reach his fully upgraded speed early.


    So you can get a taste of Sonic's full speed with the blue boost, realize that it's absolute chaos, and then ease into it with regular upgrades until you can handle it.
  12. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
  13. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    Are they really saying that this game has actual “momentum?” As in, gaining more speed from traveling down slopes in ball form “momentum”? That sounds pretty good, but I would love to see it to see how well it works.

    I still have a lot of doubts about this game’s combat. In fact, even moreso after watching one video from a certain YouTuber who is known for being critical yet honest basically confirm every fear I had with it.

    Non aggressive enemies. Rings significantly negating the tension of fights. Outside of the cutscenes…

    …that is special moves you unlock later, combat being spamming.

    Frankly, I don’t care if it’s the beginning of the game. If he chose hardest difficulty, there should be something there. But the guy reported he didn’t even die.

    Sorry. Smash dude’s opinion is of value to me as far as providing a level of hope and confidence. But the positive impressions of people who I don’t know anything about, most of which boils down to simply “it’s fun,” I am a little less eager to put stock in.

    Might not be Sonic fans. Or even if they are, might be a bit more in the casual crowd, and thus a bit more forgiving of certain things I would not be and don’t really feel I should have to be.

    It was brought out earlier how what is fun initially can quickly become boring if not much substance and depth is added to it. As of yet, I don’t see real reason to expect any of such in the future, especially with it being said increasing difficulty throughout the game is not a focus here due to the sheer amount of “content” available.

    Still not moved. Frankly I’m still salty over Forces. I was very, VERY eager to defend that game before it’s release, and dismissed criticism as hate. I have no intentions of making that mistake again.
  14. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    While I’m not sure about the presentation of the electric boost (I’d prefer the mainline and movie Sonics have their own unique identities, given that’s how they’ve started out and I like mainline Sonic’s existing wind motifs in the first place), everything about it functionally is very compelling. The idea of giving players a taste of the full power is fantastic (though I have to wonder what that turns into when Sonic’s speed *is* fully upgraded) and I like that it can function as express travel at the expense of platforming precision.

    Every new detail I learn about this game just gets me more and more hyped in a way that just didn’t happen with Forces’ prerelease phase. Frontiers looks like an ambitious labour of love that hasn’t existed for the franchise since Generations (obviously excepting Mania). Don’t get me wrong, this game could make a dog’s meal of the execution but even if that happens, I feel confident in saying it’d be doing so having given things every earnest effort it could’ve, which is more than can say for the sterility and stagnation of Lost World and Forces.
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  15. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    This may sound like an attack but there are so many positive impressions of Frontiers of people who played the demo, from hardcore Sonic fans to people who thought the initial footage was absolutely garbage, who very enthusiastically and eagerly explain exactly why they had fun or what they think is (or isn't) good, that I find it hard to believe you didn't find any opinions to put stock into.

    It is also insulting that you dismiss them as "probably not Sonic fans" anyway. Jon Cartwright is a Sonic fan and was very critical of Frontiers, but he played the demo and he straight up said "I'm not even worried about the game anymore."

    But one guy has a mixed opinion, and he's the objective truth? The combat has been praised more than the Cyber Space and Open Zone from my experience, but one guy says the tutorial bosses aren't hard, so the combat is bad? I see players, even good ones, die or get tripped up by Tower, but enemies aren't aggressive?

    That I find hard to believe, personally.

    Laura Kate Dale is also skeptical if the whole game will be as good as the demo, but she is positive about her experience and explains why clearly, if you want a positive impression.

    IGN played the game sooner and longer than anyone, and they were the first to say that the game is so much better than it looks, that it's core gameplay loop is fun, and that they would even replay the Cyber Space levels over and over.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2022
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  16. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    Sorry, I don't know who those people are. I'll take your word on it they're trustworthy. And I put less stock in IGN then I do common Sonic fans. And I say that as one who thinks they have gotten more hate from the fanbase than what's actually sensible to give.

    They stopped releasing public demos a few games ago. They need to resume that, and there is no reason they shouldn't if they are as confident as they appear to be from interviews. If they don't, I have no interest in the game.

    Because what people are saying is directly conflicting with what I'm seeing with my own eyes, and I realize now that the only way I can really be certain of anything is playing it myself. And I'm not wasting 60 or 70 dollars trying to test things out on a game that looks like crap to me.
  17. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I am a little baffled by the positive reception the game is getting because I think it looks so apparently subpar. In terms of combat, level design, presentation, and platforming. I don't think the story looks industry leading either. Certainly not on the level of other open world action games anyway. At least the premise.

    That said, it might be that the game is more fun to play than watch. Maybe it doesn't really click for some people unless you play it. There must be a reason for the positive reception. It's the one thing which is keeping me interested in the game.
  18. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    1) Game demos are a huge time sink, that is one reason why they shouldn't. Making a dedicated game demo means taking time away from actually making the game to make a limited version of the game with no references to the rest of it, which is very difficult because the game itself is not designed in a vaccuum.

    The only alternative is to a version of the game as is but with, say, a timer, which is why SEGA is already doing. Which leads to the second reason...

    2) If they make a demo public to everybody, that shit is getting leaked.

    They have guarded booth demos, and players still managed to glitch the game and play longer than they should, that's why why they aren't releasing a public demo lmao.

    SEGA is putting public demos in regular stores in Japan specifically because of the positive reception at TGS, so it's not like they're hiding anything.

    It is a video game, and how a video game plays is ultimately more important and more indicative of the actual game than how it looks.

    So many impressions explicitly state that the game feels and plays better than it could look, that some parts of the fun straight up cannot even be properly conveyed in footage.

    I disagree that it doesn't look like it plays well, anyway.
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  19. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    I just read that Sega's already said there is no intentions for Frontiers to have a demo...

    Yep, that's it. That's all I need to hear. Easy skip. I am done with this thread. Will not be replying anymore, which I am sure will bring relief to some
  20. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    A public demo still wouldn't convey what the rest of the game will be like, if one of your concerns is if the game will start being stale and repetitive.

    If you really need to play the entire game to see if it is good enough to buy, just pi--

    Wait. I can say that here, right? I'm not actually condoning that, just to be clear lol.