Wow, that's great to hear actually. I'll be looking forward to that. Are you thinking of remixing Sonic CD levels anytime in the future? Not for this project necessarily, but an expansion pack sort of deal would be pretty cool. Look at me. Talking about expansion packs for a [deliciously good-looking] fangame.
I think it's a testament to a work when someone wants more, personally. It becomes insulting when it's asked rudely, of course, or anger comes when expectations aren't met. But I think it just shows interest. I do second his question though.
I just saw this on UK:R - I do not know what to say.. it's a great effort. I agree with some before it has too much blue.. however, it shows that you truly put much much effort into that and it looks absolutely great! Very good work!
Alternately he could just cut some objects out to maintain visual clarity. I know it's not what some people want to hear, as they probably took a lot of time to make them, but the composition is weakened by the overall density. I would start with the totem poles and flags since they're so tall and their colors contrast with everything else.
Someone said on twitter that this game looked 256 times better than Sonic 4 (along with the video), and guess who retweeted it? (scroll towards the bottom, it's the one by NickRoxNRX)
BAHAHAHAHA I find it hilariously awesome that now we even got the co-creator of Sonic the Hedgehog on our side now.
Wow. That is awesome. I wonder why the Sonic City Blognik hasn't mentioned the fangame considering how much attention it's getting.
Well, how about that. And I thought he didn't want to have anything to do with Sonic anymore. Guess he changed his mind. It definitely does look different, that's for sure.
There is actually, the mods move them from the sonic 4 board to the Sonic Games board. They don't even bother deleting them. Pretty cool if you ask me. edit: oh the naka thing, yeah that didn't live long.
There was. It was promptly locked. Sega can't possibly risk their own creator saying what they DON'T wanna hear.
Just played Sonic 4 wiiware version. It's just not great, and what sticks out to me the most are the bad models/animation. The highest speed running animation just looks so silly. Why am I posting this here? I don't know, but I've been watching this fan game video over and over and the animation is just perfect.
I think it's time for me to do some beta testing so anyone interested in playing the game and giving some feedback please pm me. It's only a week or so away from release so please don't go posting it elswhere. First come first served..
I'd love to do it, but I don't think I'll be much help. I think you're better off with someone else. Anyways, I love how it looks. Keep it up!