Have you considered getting the sprites from Sonic 3D Blast's gold shield? That might do the job, as it looked like a more detailed version of the Sonic 2 shield. EDIT: You could even implement the "stomp move" to penalize abusing it (and it could be fun to use in places where you know there's a monitor or badnik positioned way down below, for a mega bounce).
The actual function of the homing shield in this game is perfect imo. Its rarity is nailed and it's actually easier to lose than the other shields already. If it must have any nerf, it should lose projectile protection imo, but that's more to bring it in line with the original homing shield and the fact that it's not an elemental. I find it to be surprisingly not overpowered, but the most fun. Considering the Sonic 3D Homing Shield sprite, if that is possible, what about if Sonic wore that golden version, while Tails and Knuckles still wore the blue version? And then removing projectile protection from both versions. It would make things make sense in a very canon way. Not really related, but have you ever wanted to experiment with the homing attack motion? To make it more dynamic, less preset, etc? I think of things like making accidental orbits possible, or allowing the players to time it right and deliberately miss, creating some kind of whiplash/slingshot gameplay. Just a brainsplurt; it's something I've always wanted to see on a homing attack and there's a lot of player input to play with. It would hold the added benefit of bringing a unique homing attack to the scene.
How about take my idea... in my project I run into a similar situation... why not just identify each as "South Island Chaos Emeralds" and "Westside Island Chaos Emeralds"... Dpn't worry about putting the long title into the game itself, the graphics can say Chaos Emeralds... We are smart enough to ID them as such on our own... WELL, most of us. LOL, just show them in the original shape and in their own separate clusters, but just make it clear that they are two different sets. (Appropriate positioning on the screen would do well enough.) Don't go too far out of your way though... its inconsequential for the most part.
Oh, I forgot about that question. I think it would be good to go with Chaos and Super, even replacing the Sonic 2 emerald graphics if possible. Maybe I missed it earlier in the thread, but what's the plan for transitioning from the Sonic 1 set to the Sonic 2 set? Any chance of that mimicking the S3&K method also?
If so... then goddamn it I want S2 Hidden Palace zone implemented into this game!! 2 zones, and emeralds! For real!
Hence I brought up the idea to do so... if you went back and read what I previously stated... BTW Sonic 1 and 2 merged with Sonic 2 Heroes... so taking the idea is perfectly within reason and suitable.
Which is precisely why I mentioned the former. Keep up, will you? Rather than implying I'm dozy enough that I didn't know that.
Sheesh lay off, dsrb. You had already done exactly what you bit his head off for. Which doesn't matter, but way to bring bitterness to the thread.
sorry mom I think you're the one who's overreacting here! I'm not bitter and didn't intend to come across as being such. I just felt a bit patronised by the implication that I didn't know about the merger, given that I've posted in here quite a lot and read most of the posts. If I wanted to be bitter, I'd have made a much better effort than that.
No need for the crack at me either, it's a comment on your post not an attack on you. The wrong assumption you were reacting to came after your own wrong assumption. There's no problem with that, we're human, until the response to feeling patronised was to patronise further. If you didn't intend it to come across that way or bring to the thread more of what you're taking issue with, I'm glad, but I'm not the one to apologise to.
Ouch... I guess I should apologize... Look, dsrb, if I came across as rude, my bad... I was simply pointing out where I was coming from with my suggestion, and based on the sound of your response, I had assumed you had not known what I pointed out. Wasn't trying to diss you... let us all calm down and get back onto topic...
Yeah: my reply was pretty cryptic, so your reading of it was fair, and I must stop assuming the worst and overreacting to small things. Sorry, and no hard feelings!
No worries... and now I wanted to bring up something else I suggested earlier... can we see a Hidden Palace Zone revival??? You all know what I'm talking about.
Here's a fancy idea: Add in the ending cutscene from Sonic 1. Make it so the emeralds you have spin into the sky and flash as normal if you had all 6 (and change the layout if you have all 6 only) with Sonic/Tails/Knuckles looking puzzled at their disappearance, before running off to Emerald Hill instead of jumping into the sky for the ending pose. Lemme try and explain in a series of points better: * Ending Sequence in GHZ begins with all three running to the left. * When reaching the end with 0 Emeralds: all three stare at the screen, before running off to the left and ending the scene. * When reaching the end with >0 Emeralds: <div style="margin-left: 16px;">-- Sonic looks at his hands glowing, Tails and Knuckles looking too (edits of waiting sprites? shouldn't be too difficult to do) and all Emeralds collected spin into the air (1 through to 6, this isn't hard to edit). -- After the flash, all three look confused (like normal), before running off to the left and ending the scene. -- If all 6 Emeralds were collected, do the layout change after the flash too.</div> Mayhaps even add in that unused small Eggman sprite hovering in the background (without the explosion, obviously) to make it seem like he's flying away to the new area too.
I will be adding the S1 ending cutscene anyway for the Sonic 1-only mode. I will probably make the layout change happen only with the S1 set -- to which I think I will be adding a seventh emerald, with corresponding special stage -- and I am thinking of redefining the S2 emerald set as something else (maybe the sol emeralds, as it is the chaos emeralds from an alternate universe -- and for another reason too, which I won't get in for now). In any case, your idea might make it in -- I liked the idea of the unused Eggman sprite; if there is enough VRAM free in that ending scene (which seems likely, but I haven't checked yet), I will definitely put it in.
Considering you don't need room for other objects that you would normally, and no ending sprite, I'd assume there's enough space for those few small frames. Even GHZ normal had spare VRAM space. Also, the reason you can't get into is fairly obvious when you put it like that. :v:
Cinossu: DITTO I think I might be thinking the same thing, if not similar... I like the idea of the Eggman sprite BTW, never would've thought of that myself... I forgot it even existed.