Crossposting this from SFGHQ Bunch of new bugfixes. edit: Derp, didn't see that the above post was edited. Oh well, free bump!
how do you start a new game? I downloaded the newest version but it seems that it load an old save file I had before in Neon Night zone and I'd like to restart again...tried pressing F8 and selecting New but didn't work
oh im glad to see that im not the only one then, I tried starting a new game with Sonic after the Neon Night part and it started on a random stage as well...I just hope they can fix it in the next release
Sorry I was testing something in neon night and had it at the top here is a new link with it fixed: link
Just had a quick bash of Axiom again and just dropped in to suck the games cock some more, and to say it's easily the best fangame out there! Someone PLEASE make vexer a full member. How can you keep someone who made a full length classic game on trial membership? Wrong as fuck I tell thee!
I have made some more revisions to the game. The game now has an option to play with 2 players like in the classic games (Tails follows either Sonic or Knuckles and can be controlled by another player) as well as a other improvments and fixes. I find it plays pretty well although I had to make it so tails flys back to sonic pretty much right away because he disappears not far outside of the screen(the handle collisions outside of the window option slows the game down horribly). It is strongly recommened to use at least one usb game pad if you are going to play with two people. The link is below: link A video showing the 2player mode is here: link P.S. if any one is interested in seeing the level art that plays during the credits they can be found here: link The link has been updated after I fixed some major bugs.
I played through this game recently, though I downloaded it a while back and I don't know what version it is. It was really good, but I have several complaints: The soundtrack was like listening to the US Sonic CD soundtrack through a box of glass filled with water at a slower tempo. In other words, it made me queasy listening to it especially in the context of this game and its beautiful levels. The only exception is the first level which sounded pretty nice. Some of the animations pissed me off really bad. Instead of importing a three frame animation of giant lava walls moving up and down, would it have been so difficult to just write code to move it procedurally? The final boss was almost impossible to land a hit on, due to poor collision checking or something. Took me a while to actually kill it, nearly lost patience fighting it. Are any of these things updated in the recent revisions? Also, is there a level select available somehow in the game?
I thought that Machine Mayhem Zone had good music too, though. And that final boss music kicks serious butt; I listen to it it almost every time I go outside the house with my MP3 player and I haven't grown tired of it yet. I agree about those wonky animations, though. I would seriously offer my services to you if you'd like help improving them. I could apply some trigonometric action to some of the badniks and bosses, for example. It's up to you though.
Firstly, I would like to say how much I enjoy this game! I can tell that there were some cool minor upgrades from the last revision (that I can't really remember and point out specifically), and I love it. However, I encountered a few glitches, some nearly gamebreaking, so I guess I'll report some of the ones I remember from my playthrough last night: 1) For some reason, after I completed Neon Night Zone Act 1 as Sonic, Act 2 randomly gave me Knuckles as a playable character. However, when I entered the Special Stages there, I played them as Sonic, and returned as Knuckles in the stage. After that act, I continued the game as Sonic. 2) Also in Neon Night, there were 2 times where I got stuck; once between two vertically aligned bumpers, and in one of those "cups" (the ones that give you points then pop you out). For each, I had to reset the game/wait 10 minutes. 3) In Sandy Sinkhole, Act 2, in the area after the speed section (where springs propel you back and forth down the path), that closes a door behind you, I got to the starpost above. After losing the Special Stage, I backtracked to get the rings on the slope below, and rolled behind the door before it reloaded/reclosed, causing me to be stuck behind it forever. On a related note, I noticed that animations only occur when on-screen [I.e. if I quickly collect a lot of rings (and the screen moves away from where they are), their sparkles show when I backtrack to that area.]. 4)Also in Sandy Sinkhole Act 2; After leaving a Special Stage, I respawned on the ground below the platform the Starpost was on (actually, this happened a few times, in different levels), for some reason. Because there was an enemy at that exact location, and because I had no rings after the Special Stage, I kept dying, and dying beyond my control, causing me to get a Game Over. Sorry I wasn't specific enough with these, I could grab screenshots later if you need me to.
Apologies for the epic bump but just replayed this game tonight and it's still fucking amazing. One of the best fangames ever released and it deserved much more love on here. Everything from the graphics to the level design to the music - it's probably the closest to Sonic Team any fan will ever get. Here's an active link of what appears to be a 2014 build (the latest version I believe): Give it a spin if you haven't yet. It's fucking excellent.