You may be planning to already, but if you ever find any more debugging features, MainMemory, be sure to post! We already have the test level, the semi-usable debug menu, and the noclip char action (58), but there could still be more. Also, another thing: why am I able to access the DLC maps (downtown race, planet quest, etc) if I haven't purchased the DLC? If I haven't downloaded the DLC, how could the data be there?
The DLC pretty much just tells Steam that you paid extra money, which in turn tells SA2, and it switches out the menus and stuff. All of the assets it could ever need are already present.
Yea so our good friend JoeTE got this to work (with alittle help from Mainmemory): Good job man! the first 2P character replacement mod is out.
... If you had looked through this thread a bit more, you'd have seen that Mainmemory had been posting Cheat Engine codes that allow the 2P characters to work in single-player. Mainmemory did ALL of the work towards making Metal Sonic, Amy, Chaos 0, Tikal, and Chao Walker playable in the single player mode. All I did was use Mainmemory's cheat engine codes, replace the Radical Highway .adx, and record the gameplay.
Fixes for Dark Chao Walker in 1P mode: at 44E63B change 74 39 to 90 90, and at 741690 change 74 to EB. A fix for Chao Walker in 1P mode: at 7416DC change 79 to EB.
What do these fixes do exactly? I'll add them to that cheat table. Do you know of any memory edits that will allow you to get an object placement mode like in Sonic Adventure DX: Preview? For people unaware with that prototype, it's basically the debug mode from the Genesis games. Barring that, is there any way to spawn objects using Cheat Engine that you know of?
The first has to do with the life icon: if the character is Eggman, Mech Eggman, or the Dark Chao Walker, it loads an icon with two parts, but since the DCW only has one part, it tries to load an invalid texture and crashes. It's not that the DCW is actually Eggman, because it specifically checks for DCW. It's likely a leftover from when it was Big in SA2, since he had a two-part icon too. The other two cause it to not load the effect for the Large Cannon and Bazooka shots, probably the same thing as Amy/Metal's somersault: they only use the regular characters' effect textures, which aren't loaded when playing as the alt characters.
I'm pretty sure that any traces of SADX Preview's debug mode have been completely removed (as opposed to SADX which only mostly removed it). There is no way to load an object on-demand with Cheat Engine, you can only change which object is spawned in existing code.
Hey, what do you think of this video? Any trace of this debug mode in there? (Not the one at the beginning; the one starting at 1:37. It's not an object placement mode.)
Hey, that's my video :specialed: I messed around with that thing for weeks, trying different button combinations and reloading the stage whilst it was on and everything, but never managed to get an object placement thing to happen. I did find a sound test for sound effects though but never made a video for it. I tried activating the same thing in the PC version but to no avail. Not even the glowing rainbow polygon floor stuff. Oh well.
I demand that you make a Chao Editor similar to this. I'm also surprised that they didn't fuck it up like they did with SA:DX 2010, this made editing this port a lot easier.
I'm the one that made that chao editor. I've already been working on an SA2 PC editor, and it's almost ready for release.
That's good because I probably wasn't gonna do anything more with this XD I just kinda wanted to get a Jewel Chao.
By copying the .data section from the original exe into the decrypted exe I posted earlier, I ended up with a program that lives long enough to show the main window and crash immediately after. I don't think there's anything else I can do.