After skimming through this thread's last few posts, I ask; video please? :specialed: (for physics, it's hard to make out that they're fixed)
Really? I remember editing a GH3 ISO to enable autobot and it worked on my non JTAG'd 360. I haven't used it online and I'm not banned. :s
Wait, isn't Modio able to resign and rehash edited files to work on the 360 again? Or is that for something else.
Wow... this is pretty amazing. Think what people can achieve with this now - Classic Sonic, fixed physics, improved level design, speed booster removal... the possibilities are endless. *is waiting for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (Classic Mode)*
I found an easy way to defeat the Mad Gear boss without getting hurt. If you keep jump dashing like a mad man you'll build up speed to run under the normal mini Robotniks, and if you encounter a crazy blue one simply hold left to brake! Simply tap A to avoid the spike balls and whoop that Egg! (Now if only I could beat the Final Boss without getting hit )
I know it's early days yet, but since this appears to be pretty hackable, I wonder if sometime not too far from now Sonic 4 will be a common base for hacking
Maybe so, but unpacking the WAD is easy, it's unpacking the .app files in the wad is what I'm concerned about.
Just wondering. What's your intent to these modifications? While one part of me thinks that you are flaunting your talents, the other part screams full on fun edits for .... whatever reason you have in mind. I like this and your Motobug thingy. My conflicting emotions will soon get the best of me.
Not going to post pretty much anything until I get at least a full stage done but I'm pretty much planning to make Sonic 4 better. Once we get full level editing done I'm going to remake all the art to be better, remove all the stupid cell shading, redo all the level layouts to be actually fun, and attempt to fix the physics a bit.
So, Sonic 4: Genesis Edition but minus the Genesis, eh? I can dig it. Would love to see the levels look less like plastic and have better physics. EDIT: Disregard original post, typo Skip to the 3:00 mark. I want to see a hack whose sole function is to change the bumper sound in the Special Stages into THAT sound. Make it happen, Retro. Child's play, right?
An ISO is very different from a LIVE content. As long as you don't moddify the main executable (default.xex), everything can be moddified. Content files are... self contained; the file itself is RSA protected. Also, Polygon Jim, are you using the Level Editor I put together? I've built another one that can edit objects and decorations as well. I'll upload it later. And... are you running the game on the Wii or on Dolphin? I have yet to figure out a confortble way to moddify the Wii version, without having to build a new .wad everytime and delete and reinstall the game to see the differences. Editing the 360 version is much better; moddify on the PC and load the files directly on the 360 via FTP. Very convinient. I could definitely do this in a heartbeat, but... why would we possibly want to have that in a game that we are trying to fix... ?
I'm running it on Dolphin for my tests because it's fast and easy. I can repack the game within about 45 seconds and be running it already. Everything in the Wii version is identical to the 360 version in terms of format, and the layout files and collision files are byte for byte identical between them so you shouldn't need to change your tools any for it. Also please do upload that new version of the editor.