I hope it has an RPG level-up system to make going from A to B more in-depth. I want to spam level-up on Bubbles for 3 hours between each zone.
Well, color me impressed. I really like how the screens look, and though I wouldn't be too interested in any rehashed zones most of the time, Aquatic Ruin I can live with. Especially this screen, it just looks fantastic to me. Spoiler I'm interested in seeing how the online co-op turns out, but if it works well, that will give me a lot more reason to replay Ep.2 As for the complaints about only 4 zones, it's not really that surprising. Episode 1 was short, as was Colors and Generations. If it's like Episode 1, we'll be getting 3 acts per zone, so that's not too bad, I suppose. Still would've liked more, but oh well.
They're windsocks. Kinda like weather vanes in that they show you where the wind is blowing, but also how fast it's blowing.
Welp, eggs on my face. I'm saddened by a lack of a gigantic, bearded Robotnik crushing those pillars that are coincidentally forming a roman numeral two.
Those renders are still disgusting-looking. I totally forgot about them after seeing how good the game itself looks. I really wish they would fix that.
So I guess the zone with Pillars is either the first Zone in the game, or important to the over-all plot. More than likely the former. Either way, like most everyone else here I like what I am seeing, and am awaiting seeing it in action before making a more finalized opinion on the matter. EDIT: oh I get it, the Pillars make out "II", I see now
I don't think it would look nearly as disgusting if Sonic's head were properly tilted down, to better match the cool pose on the title screen of Sonic two. As is Sonic just looks so... lame.
Looks a ton better than Episode I, and it likely will be. However, 4 zones is really shitty for a $15 game, even with 3 acts each. 5, at the very least, would suffice.
It's getting praise because unlike epsiode one which looked bad even in screenshots early, this actutually looks nice, yes yes I'm probably being decived by shiny packaging and it'll probably still play like arse. But yeah it's being praised because it looks better, not hard to understand, we're not alowed to praise something for looking better? Praise where praise is due? lol And as for looking like a Sonic game, it kinda looks a bit like Sonic FAN HD remix, only less cluttered, I'd say that makes it look like a Sonic game. And what is a Sonic game if not a game with Sonic in it? XD
Late to the party, but at the risk of posting something that was already said, I present my thoughts: -I think somebody's called it before, but I'm betting the unrevealed/throwback zone looks something like Stardust Speedway, where the infamous Metal Sonic race occurs, except on steroids and Blast Processing. -That Team-Spin looks... inappropriate? But seriously, judging by the midair explosion, it seems like Tails is some sort of vehicle for the Homing Attack. -Zones: They look a bit lo-res (except for those purdy sky backgrounds), but still ooze that classic feel, with the exception being the industrial zone. Though great in style, it feels a bit too realistic for a classic Sonic game. In short: Minor quibbles aside, this is already better than Ep. 1.
I wonder if the music will be as good as the look of the levels. I sure do hope that Sega puts some effort into the music. After all music is another one of those factors that makes a first impression on a player.
This is looking so much better than Episode 1... but I'll wait till somebody knowledgeable gets his hands on it and tells us how it handles.
The levels all seem washed out and lacking in the colour saturation that I would normally associate with Sonic. The detail is too realistic and lacks any surrealism, it just looks rather generic.
In case anyone hasn't noticed yet, Xbox.com is listing the release date as May 16. Oh, and online co-op!
Personally, I'd be okay with the new Sonic if he'd just get a damn haircut. I really think his spines are obnoxious, but it's whatever. As long as it's a fun game, I can continue to get past his looks as I have with the other new games that are legitly fun.
So we pretty much have 3 more months to go then? I guess I can hang on for a few more. Was kinda hoping it'd be a bit sooner than that, but what can you do?