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Prismatic Entity
Last Activity:
Apr 19, 2012
Feb 2, 2012
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Jan 6, 1996 (Age: 28)
United States

Prismatic Entity

Member, Male, 28, from United States

Prismatic Entity was last seen:
Apr 19, 2012
    1. There are no messages on Prismatic Entity's profile yet.
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  • About

    Jan 6, 1996 (Age: 28)
    United States
    National Flag:
    A few things about me are:<br />
    -I love being expressive. I love expressing myself and my thoughts through art and music. I love using the Srb2 Doom Builder to design levels and then picking music that goes very well with it. I love to draw even though I'm not extraordinary artist. I also love to express myself through words, whether it be poetry, short stories, or some other form of writing.<br />
    -I love to learn. It doesn't matter how I learn just as long as I do. I love to learn about Outer Space, I love to learn how to do technical things on my laptop, I love to discover new and interesting ways to create worlds. <br />
    -My imagination can be pretty wicked at times. Sometimes I may come up with the most original gimmicks that no one else would ever come up with while using the Srb2 Doom Builder. My mind pictures levels amazingly, I can imagine levels right down to the very little details. <br />
    -I gain inspiration from a lot of things. These include other people, newly created ideas, and especially music. Music influences me to a point where I could create a whole world from a single song, depending on how interested I am in the song of course(:P).