I kinda think this topic should be locked/archived. I think it's served it's purpose and I doubt Sonic 3 Complete will be touched on again at this point.
Maybe, but it's been almost 2 years since Tiddles has logged on. And unless he comes back every few months it's going to be "HeY hOw BoUt UpDaTe PlZ" until the end of time.
Since the topic is bumped anyway, I wanna ask a question for anyone who may know. Why do the blue spinners in Marble Garden Zone not bounce you in S3Complete? That detail is the one reason I can't consider Complete to be truly complete compared to the original, and it seems really weird that it was changed.
If you're talking about the blue wheels that raise platforms and stuff, I just tested S3C versus S3&K and the behaviour is identical. You don't get bounced if you're stood on the floor, but you do if you are stood entirely on the spinner.
Of course you don't bounce if you stand on the floor. In S3C you only bounce once when standing entirely on the wheel, but in the original game you can bounce over and over again indefinitely as long as you keep landing back on the spinning wheel. If you land on the wheel after bouncing once in S3C you just stop.
Actually, it could be intentional, but perhaps not fully implemented. Maybe the creators wanted to fully remove the feature but left it on hold for too long, until they just completely stopped working on the project.
Ok I'm going to chime in. The “blue spinners” I originally thought was referring to the tops you stand on that can be maneuvered through the air. There is an issue I have in Complete with those things. When you take them to the ground they're supposed to break through, in Complete, they bounce you way into the air after smashing the blocks making it cumbersome to proceed. In the original, they behave differently and is much easier.
I assume you mean the spinning tops in Marble Garden? I don't have the game in front of me but IIRC this was something that occurred in S3K as well (the bouncing, that is). Drilling straight through, I think..., was a Sonic 3 Alone thing. I think there were a couple of other things changed between the two as well. I could be completely wrong but I don't have the game in front of me to check atm.
Here's an idea. What if we had a "community update" set of disassemblies? Forks of the disassemblies that contained objective bugfixes, etc, that people could use as a basis for their hacks? Instead of every hack inheriting the same crusty old SEGA bugs unless their authors specifically went out of their way to fix. While I very much wish that S3C's source could be released for this purpose, I understand that Tiddles (and contributors) would rather keep it private. But I still think the idea of a shared community bugfix version would be a great thing. EDIT: On second thought, I think this post would be better as its own thread that I'll post later at some point. I'll also rewrite it a bit, it's a tad rough and sparse.
You're gonna wanna ask ValleyBell, as he's the one who made those converted tracks. However, the real versions of the tracks are now available via the Sonic 3 prototype leak, and IMO they sound better anyhow (not that ValleyBell didn't do a good job, he certainly did, but the originals are more authentic).
Yes, bump, hello. Has anyone updated Sonic 3 Complete to have the original beta tracks? I know AIR has had them for a while, and I appreciate ValleyBell's interpretation, but I'd like the originals on original hardware.
As great as that would be, no. Not going to happen. This hack is complete and will not be revisited. Tiddles would be the one to update anything and he hasn't revisited this in any capacity in nearly a decade now, regardless of recent Sonic 3 discoveries. Appreciate it for what it's worth because this is the best version of Sonic 3 for the Mega Drive you will ever see, and it is light years better than the original in every way. You have this and you have AIR for PC. So that's double the awesome right there... for FREE. Let's leave this thread be at this point and move on. As much as I would love to see the beta tracks utilized here as well as a few extra tweaks, this hack is about as perfect as you could ever hope for Sonic 3 to be. Have a great day.
How long has it been since you've played it? Sonic 3 Complete has had the PC tracks for quite a while; before the prototype was even discovered, in fact.