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Psy's 30 Day Project

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by PsychoSk8r, Sep 17, 2010.

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  1. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Thought I may aswell post this, my 30 day project, seeing what I can accomplish in 30 days.

    Day 1 is Sonic 1, Day 30 should be the final project.
    Here's all days so-far.
    Code (Text):
    1. ;==============================================
    2. ;Work done on Day one, shown in Day 2's build
    3. ;==============================================
    4. ;- New Sega Screen
    5. ;- New “Presents” Screen
    6. ;- Modified “SONIC” Text on the title screen
    7. ;- Modified Sonic himself, on the title screen
    8. ;- Added “30 Day Challenge” to the title screen
    9. ;- Completely changed the Title Cards, added “30 Day Challenge” and “=P” to them also
    10. ;- Changed the end of level cards
    11. ;- Added a Double Jump
    12. ;- Added a JumpDash
    13. ;- Made Title Screen use seperate art file to GHZ
    14. ;- Combined both of GHZs art files
    15. ;- Removed the ground speed cap (Sonic can now go faster)
    16. ;- Removed the Air speed cap (as above, but in the air)
    17. ;- Changed some artwork in GHZ.
    Day 2

    Code (Text):
    1. ;==============================================
    2. ;Day Two (For Day 3's build).
    3. ;==============================================
    4. ;- Spindash Added
    5. ;- ---Spindash Dust Added
    6. ;- ---Lamppost moved in VRAM
    7. ;- ---DMAQueue/processing added
    8. ;- Double jump and jumpdash usable once more after destroying a badnik/monitor, to add more flow to the game.
    9. ;- Turned into Single Zone Demo. Completing the zone plays the ending. So does selecting any other zone from Level Select.
    10. ;- Fixed the Broken Sega Sound.
    11. ;- Customised loading system to load a different pallet on a per-act basis
    12. ;- Customised loading system to load a different 8x8, 16x16, and 256x256 tilesets
    13. ;- Changed Pallet for GHZ Act 2
    14. ;- Changed some Art for GHZ Act 2
    15. ;- Changed Pallet for GHZ Act 3
    16. ;- Changed some Art for GHZ Act 3
    17. ;- Fixed an error causing Act 3 not to load.
    18. ;- Changed the Credits sequence to suit the new artwork
    19. ;- Changed GHZ1's layout.
    20. ;- Added SpecialStage monitor code
    21. ;- Hidden a SpecialStage monitor in GHZ Act 1
    Day 3

    Code (Text):
    1. ;==============================================
    2. ;Day Three (For Day 4's build).
    3. ;==============================================
    4. ;- Added a new character (Mighty)
    5. ;- Made mighty load his own pallet
    6. ;- Mighty can't use sonic's moves anymore.
    7. ;- Gave sonic another new move, the downward dash, useful while jumping over a badnik/monitor to hit it quickly
    8. ;- Fixed some Pattern load cues, now mighty's signpost art loads
    9. ;- Added a check before loading "SONIC HAS PASSED" mappings, now it also says "MIGHTY HAS PASSED"
    10. ;- Fixed the life icon not loading (BIG problem)
    11. ;- Added a 3rd character (Sonic 2's sonic)
    12. ;- Gave Sonic 2's sonic only spindash.
    13. ;- Added a seperate signpost (from sonic 2) for Sonic 2's sonic.
    14. ;- Added a seperate lifeicon to indicate playing as Sonic 2's sonic.
    15. ;- Added a seperate art file for monitors, so mighty's head shows in 1up monitor when playing as mighty.
    16. ;- Changes "S" monitor art to a spliff.
    17. ;- Edited GHZ1's layout, making more possibilities for secret areas, and for mighty to escape being trapped.
    18. ;- Removed possible bugs from GHZ1's layout
    19. ;- Edited the ending layout to suit sonic's increased speed
    20. ;- Created 2 new ending sprites, to fit the ending for mighty, rather than displaying sonic.
    21. ;- Created new ending text for when playing as Mighty. Now instead of saying "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG" It says "MIGHTY THE ARMADILLO"
    22. ;- Fixed positions of some Fish. Didn't want a release with those in mid-air.
    23. ;- Removed Special Stage rings. That code will be used for something else in another build. =3
    Day 4

    Code (Text):
    1. ;==============================================
    2. ;Day Four (For Day 5's build).
    3. ;==============================================
    4. ;- Modified lots of code
    5. ;- Created a new breakable wall.
    6. ;- Created an "Emerald Monitor"
    7. ;- This new breakable wall, at the end of GHZ1 won't break unless you break the emerald monitor. You need to break the monitor to pass the level.
    8. ;- Modified GHZ1's layout.
    9. ;- Added a new "Restart Level" Monitor (appears as static) so you can go back to look for emerald monitor.
    10. ;- Modified GHZ2's layout
    11. ;- Added emerald monitor to GHZ act 2, so you need to find it! Hint: it's not far from the start!
    12. ;- Modified GHZ3's layout
    13. ;- Added emerald monitor to GHZ Act 3, stick to the lower route!
    14. ;- Fixed big bug, causing you to be able to get 1 emerald monitor, and get through the rest of the game without searching!
    15. ;- Fixed bug causing Mighty's pallet not to load in Special Stage.
    16. ;- Fixed bug causing level to restart before entering special stage via monitor.
    Day 5

    Code (Text):
    1. ;==============================================
    2. ;Day Five (For Day 6's build).
    3. ;==============================================
    4. ;- Fixed a bug in demo mode to detect a button being held as a button being repeatedly pressed.
    5. ;- Fixed a bug allowing sonic to double-jump over the end of act wall.
    6. ;- Created a new breakable Block Object
    7. ;- Added Marble Zone
    8. ;- New breakable block object only breaks if emerald monitor was found.
    9. ;- Modified MZ1's layout
    10. ;- MZ1 Now requires Emerald Monitor to pass.
    11. ;- Modified MZ1's artwork
    12. ;- Made MZ2 and MZ3 load seperate artwork and mappings to MZ1
    13. ;- Modified MZ2s Artwork and Pallet
    14. ;- Modified MZ2's Layout
    15. ;- MZ2 Now requires Emerald Monitor to pass.
    16. ;- Modified MZ3s Artwork and Pallet
    17. ;- Modified MZ3's Layout
    18. ;- MZ3 Now requires Emerald Monitor to pass.
    19. ;- Added rings in places near MZ emerald monitor hidden locationsas clues (you have to walk through walls to get them)
    20. ;- Changed ROM header (Date and Title)
    21. ;- Edited the breakable wall (with emerald monitor) object to load art differently for other levels.
    22. ;- Fixed up some code
    Day 6

    Code (Text):
    1. ;==============================================
    2. ;Day Six (For Day 7's build).
    3. ;==============================================
    4. ;- Ported the Sonic 2 Level Select
    5. ;- Cleaned up and rearranged level select code
    6. ;- Heavily modified the level select code
    7. ;--- Removed Sound Test from the level select
    8. ;--- Added a Character Select to replace sound test
    9. ;--- Made S2 Level icons match character
    10. ;- Added character art to icons
    11. ;- Added character pallets to icons
    12. ;- Created new background mappings for the new menu
    13. ;- Created new background art for the new menu
    14. ;- Fixed a bug causing Mighty's emerald monitor to show goggles.
    15. ;- Edited level select menu background again, to improve even more.
    16. ;- Rewritten how moves are loaded per character. Character is check on a per-move basis, rather than moves loaded on a per-character basis.
    17. ;- Updated ROM Header
    18. ;- Changed emerald monitor sound, music now continues playing once emerald monitor is broken
    19. ;- Fixed position of some rings in GHZ1
    Day 7

    The reason I'm posting here is to get some feedback. =P
  2. theocas


    Tech Member
    I tried Day 7, and I like it! Do you mind telling me where you got that Sega Splash, I like how it changes to show the TM when you're on a US or JAP console :)
  3. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    I beleive there's a guide to achieve the same screen on SSRG, with the choice of taking it from a few different games.
  4. theocas


    Tech Member
    Ah, that's pretty cool.
    Anyways, I got around to playing it, and I liked your art edits to GHZ and MZ. GHZ is just awesome :P
  5. E-122-Psi


    Not bad at all, some nice implementations.

    Minor complaint may be that while Sonic's moveset is almost cluttered with extra abilities poor Mighty has nothing.
  6. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Hint: Sonic's double jump is better in tomorrows version.
    Hint2: Mighty is meant to play just like Sonic 1 (minus speed cap) :V
  7. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    That, is an awesome title card, it says "I'm smooth, and I let simple do my job of looking good". Good work so far, I've noticed one or two Level design edits, like the bush I saw in act 2 of GHZ which are pleasing and well designed =)
  8. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Your hack is quite off it's tits. It gave me a giggle when you smashed the spliff monitor and you went to trippy trippy land. Those restart level monitors are in right arsehole positions. By the way if you run out of time. You just continue to lose your lives.
  9. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Noted, I'll fix the time issue. =P

    Edit: Fixed, it'll be in tomorrows build, along with quite a lot of (behind the scenes) changes, causing a couple of noticable changes. It is technically ready for release, but I don't release until around 1pm GMT, because after sleeping, I tend to get some interesting ideas. =P
  10. Ravenfreak


    2 Edgy 4 U Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Sonic 1 Game Gear Disassembly
    I like this, though I only downloaded Day 5's build and Day 7's. Haven't played Day 5's yet, but Day 7's is pretty damn good. Also it seems great minds think alike, I added a double jump to my Sonic 2 hack, though I need to fix some bugs with it of course. xP (But of course that happens most of the time with hacks. xP) And I love the title screen, the letters look awesome and Sonic flipping the bird is hilarious. xD
  11. GenesisFan64


    The bright side of the dark side. Member
  12. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    What watermark? I've been keeping all code as clean as possible, so I don't clutter everything up, and it's easy to edit if needed.
  13. GenesisFan64


    The bright side of the dark side. Member

    Code (ASM):
    1. LoadASCII_3_AddSpace:
    2.         add.l   #$800000,d5     ;Espacio
    3.         bra.w   LoadASCII_2
    4. ;==============================================================================
    5.         dc.b    "GF64" ; Watermark, don't delete this please...
    I added that string just to make sure the SEGA screen mode is not stolen (it's hidden in ROM anyway)
  14. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Well, a pointless watermark like that takes up 4 bytes. Might not seem much, but it adds up!
    Anyway, no point worrying about it, because if you release a simple copy/paste tutorial like you did (and a lot of other people do this), then it's going to be used everywhere. You'll be able to tell if it's your sega screen with or without a watermark. =P

    Anyway, I'm going to have Day 8 released soon.
  15. Spanner


    The Tool Member
    PsychoSk8r, I still think that at the end of those 30 days you're going to end up remaking your old hack but in a better way.

    Maybe I should set myself a similar 30 day thing on S2Dimps on something, although I'll just forget things and not work in it in a while.

    Talking of S2Dimps, there has been some minor work made to the hack in terms of the Hub Zone, but other than that nothing is new. Considering adding the Sonic 4 "classic progression button" thing and maybe using menus as well in some form.
  16. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Day 8 is out!
    Code (Text):
    1. ;==============================================
    2. ;Day Seven (For Day 8's build).
    3. ;==============================================
    4. ;- Reprogrammed how characters are loaded
    5. ;- Majorly Reprogrammed how pallets are loaded
    6. ;- Reprogrammed how Character Mappings are loaded
    7. ;- Reprogrammed how Character Dynamic Pattern Load Cues are loaded
    8. ;- Majorly Reprogrammed how Character Animations are loaded.
    9. ;- Replaced Sonic2's sonic's art with actual Sonic 2 art
    10. ;- Replaced Sonic2's sonic's mappings with actual Sonic 2 mappings
    11. ;- Replaced Sonic2's sonic's DynPLCs with actual Sonic 2 DynPLCs
    12. ;- Created a new animation file for Sonic2's Sonic to load correctly
    13. ;- Edited Sonic2's mappings to fix bugs in sonic 1 (Skidding, and Balancing animations)
    14. ;- Edited Sonic2's animations to match new mappings.
    15. ;- Sonic2 now loads a snailbot instead of a motobug.
    16. ;- Sonic2 now loads a Sonic 2's monitor art instead of Sonic 1's.
    17. ;- Fixed Special Stage Results Screen
    18. ;- Added "Debug Mode" and "All Emeralds" cheats to character and level select. All emeralds might be useful at somepoint in the near future. =P
    19. ;- Updated Sonic2's character icon pallet on level select to match Sonic2's pallet.
    20. ;- Updated Rom Header
    21. ;- Fixed the Double Jump code. Double Jump can no-longer be abused. For best use, use it at the top of a jump.
    22. ;- Created a new mappings and art for eggman
    23. ;- Edited the code that loads eggmans art
    24. ;- Mighty now fights "EggRobo"
    25. ;- Fixed a bug causing time not to clear on starting a level. This also prevents an infinite death loop from getting a time over.

    Comments/Crits/Bugs please. =3
  17. GenesisFan64


    The bright side of the dark side. Member
    At least credit me, please.
  18. Liliam


    Previously Fred Oldbie
    I think you're underestimating how powerful the moves you've given Sonic really are: (EDIT: yeah, I probably should have mentioned SPOILER for an emerald location)

    Apart from that, there's one thing that's bugging me: performing a jump move out of a spin doesn't disable the control lock, unlike the shield actions in Sonic 3. Ignoring that, well, I have to wonder where you find the time to do this so fast and so consistently. I eagerly await the finished product!
  19. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Very nice, but I did utter "You BASTARD" with the spike pitted-platform at the end of GHZ3. =P Looking forward to seeing Day 30!
  20. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    Code (Text):
    1. ;==============================================
    2. ;Day Eight (For Day 9's build).
    3. ;==============================================
    4. ;- Added Spring Yard Zone!
    5. ;- Edited SYZ1's artwork and Pallet.
    6. ;- Emerald is now needed to pass SYZ1.
    7. ;- Edited SYZ1's Layout to suit above.
    8. ;- Made SYZ2 and SYZ3 load seperate artwork and mappings to SYZ1
    9. ;- Edited SYZ2's artwork and Pallet.
    10. ;- Emerald is now needed to pass SYZ2.
    11. ;- Edited SYZ2's Layout to suit above.
    12. ;- Edited SYZ3's artwork and Pallet.
    13. ;- Emerald is now needed to pass SYZ3.
    14. ;- Edited SYZ3's Layout to suit above.
    15. ;- Extended music slots.
    16. ;- Since Mighty now fights eggrobo, added checks to all bosses for mighty, and made it play S3K Boss music.
    17. ;- When playing as sonic2, and fighting robotnik, Sonic 2's boss music plays.
    18. ;- Removed and Replaced SegaScreen (which was a pain ever since day 1 to replace with something custom, until figuring it out, then I facepalmed). Rom now uses no borrowed code! (Only from Sonic 2!) =P
    19. ;- Updated ROM Header.
    Day 9 Download!
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