Yes, there is. It's too bad they changed the encryption on the files. English patch doesn't work anymore. I honestly hopes Sega's does the right thing and release a English version.
Knowing Katakana helps with items and stuff :specialed: ?????????? Although I find it fun to play just to test my reading skill, I also hope we do get an English release. ...As if nobody else who's playing now doesn't :v:
Man I am so jealous of some of my friends playing this game right now. But at the moment I don't have a good gaming PC and just some old laptop. But when I get a new Desktop Tower I'm going to be playing PSO2 like a crazy man, Japanese version or the Westerner version.
So the full version of the game launched in Japan this week, and comes complete with new areas and lots of other goodies that I don't have the details on since I can't read all the Japanese text. :P Unfortunately for me, I'm on vacation and the internet speed in the hotel is so slow that it's impossible to play. I can't finish a single mission without getting disconnected. >.< Ah well, will just have to wait until I get home. For those who ARE able to play and are continuing to play after official release, what are your thoughts?
Well, I've been playing since the CBT, been playing the full game for a few days now. It's been quite a bit of fun, I must admit. The bosses in the exploration missions though... they are rage-worthy sometimes. >.> I'm actually very curious as to what they'll be adding for new weapons and Photon Arts and such. Some of the new costumes and other things are neat too. For the record, there is another English patch in the works, but it's taking quite a bit of time. I've been using this site as a point of reference to get around in the meantime. Hope that those of you that are also playing who are watching for the patch find some use out of it as well.
PSO2 will be released in US and EU in early 2013: EDIT:
Early 2013? Man that's a long wait. X_X I guess I could play the Japanese version to hold me over until then, but I don't want to get TOO far cause starting over would suck. Regardless, I'm very glad it's getting an English release!
I don't think it's a long wait. Who knows, we might start getting English Closed beta in the next couple of months. Localizations usually takes abut 6 months or so. Depends on the game though.
So after hearing about the international version being released I finally decided to check back in to this thread. I didn't realize that PSO2 had been in open beta for the jp servers. So I've almost got the client downloaded, but can't wait to try it out. I read english speakers have been on ships 2/10, but those are now not accepting new characters. Is there a ship/block that is open that anyone on here has been playing on (hopefully with other english speakers)?
Actually, it's no longer in beta, the game has now been fully released in Japan. I'm probably going to wait until there's a fan translation patch until I play it. Don't want to constantly switch out of the game and look up a translation so I can now what is going on. (PC) ??????????????2 ?????????? 2012/9/13 6,279?(??) "Phantasy Star Online 2 Premium Package" no clue what it comes with though; the website doesn't seem to talk about it? Also that page lists 4 June as the release date for the regular game... but isn't that the open beta release? Or is this the final release?
The game was released on 4 July. The ship blocks were re-organized then, and 2/20-23 are supposed to be for level 40-ish people. I believe some English speaking people are now on 2/30-ish, which is for any user, but others have ignored the new level suggestions and continue to use 20-23. I've read that they kind of spread out a bit. I'm not positive on this, because I haven't actually played since the official release last week. The premium package comes with mostly useless stuff. I can't find anywhere listing it anymore, but it includes 5 scape dolls, some additional weapons, additional inventory slots, and access to additional character clothes/decorations. Don't expect a translation any time soon, especially from the same people who did the closed beta translation, because they don't actually know what the hell they're doing. They got lucky last time because Sega didn't encrypt the text data in the closed beta, but now that it's encrypted they obviously haven't done anything because they don't have anyone who knows how to disassemble the binary. The encryption is actually based on an open source algorithm, but it's been modified so it can't be used out of the box. (Not to mention you still need the key they're using to encrypt the files.)
Good to know, thanks. So what day was the open beta again? And didn't Sega of America already announce this game for a localized release?
From what I've read, they also have the text stored serverside. I wonder if it's possible to copy the English files to the Japanese one once it comes out. Since people seem to bitch about content, although personally, I don't mind since I just want to play it in English instead of look at guides every half-second.
Not quite. Nothing has significantly changed from the closed beta and character creator. Yes, all of the "game" text (NPC's, quests, system messages, I'm pretty sure item names too) comes from the server. A lot of the menu options and stuff like that is still on the client side because it has to be. How else are you going to see any text before you've even logged in? If they translate what they can, you still won't be able to follow the story but you'll at least be able to navigate the menus a bit easier. Theoretically "anything" could be translated, even server side text, if they hook the game in a manner that GameGuard can't detect and translate the text in memory before the game uses it. But that's a lot more effort than being able to translate the client files, not to mention it could easily be broken with a single update to the client. (Well, they could also break translated local files in a single update to the client, like they did between Closed and Open beta, but they'd probably be more upset over the approach that would need to bypass GameGuard.)
To clarify a bit on the premium package a little bit, it allows access to the Item Trader (basic trading), My Shop (auction house), My Room, Premium Storage, FUN Point Boost and Premium Block. You can purchase rentals of My Shop and My Room separately, however. Personally, I'm a little miffed you have to pay to be able to trade items to people you know in any way (you can do so through auction house as well, even if only one of you have My Shop access, but that can be tricky; auction house sharks everywhere), but it isn't something that totally constricts the game, so... it's kinda something you just have to deal with.
So PSO2 gets hacked because it's Japan-only... after it's announced for a global release. Good work, people. Really showing why humanity is smart and awesome.