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PSO2 & New Genesis Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Yuzu, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Biofrost


    Environment artist at Sony Bend Member
    Env artist on Days Gone for ps4
    It seems there will be 5 different ships to choose from(servers) We should all try and get on the same ship. Would be nice to play with other English speaking players!

    Edit: Seems like most of the people who got in on PSO world will be going to ship 2.
  2. 1stKirbyever


    So it's up.

    You'll have to download a patch that takes about 30 minutes or more, but I'm inside the game already.

    Name is Thanatos (Ship 2 & Ship 5.)

    Hopefully I see you guys there soon! :specialed:
  3. Yuzu


    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
  4. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    Servers when down for 2 hours. =/
    Also, I'll be on Ship2, Block20. Character name is Ana, SegaID is shinamori.
  5. Kojichao


    Mmm... That's hot... Slurpee action! Oldbie
    Station Square Chao Gardens
    ORIGINAL Project Shadow S2 hack: More Than A Memory
    My client was having problems downloading the update patch, so it kept crashing after selecting a character.

    Got it fixed finally last night, and had super awesome fun! :D

    I'm hanging out in Ship 2, Block 20 as well. Player ID of "Kojichao" and character "SASAKI KOJIRO". White HUnewmar with purple samurai hair.

    anyone else angry with Afin? XD That little blonde haired/blue eyed kid in the opening tutorial stage that your character has to Babysit? I wonder why he wants to become an ARKZ so badly.

    Then Xeno came and kicked ass after staring at your character strangely, then kept calling me "Rookie" T___T what a mean guy. I liked Echo's outfit, actually... She looked nice.
  6. 1stKirbyever


    Loving how the Jungle Map is. I thought it was going to end up like PSU where they were extremely linear. I also love how you find other parties while doing a run.

    I found some mini boss while running Mission #4. It completely outmatched me, dealing over 80% HP per hit. Anyone else find this?
  7. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    Nope, but I fine the best tactic is GunBlade + Photo Art. +P
  8. Yuzu


    I have a gigantic hat.

    That's all you need to know.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
  9. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    My ingame character is Amaya, a blue/white HUcaseal (that's a female Cast Hunter in case you forgot the names) with a ponytail. I'm on Ship 2 but I have no idea what block I'm in. o_O
  10. Yuzu


    English patch has been updated, check my post back on page 3 for it, same link as before.
  11. Kojichao


    Mmm... That's hot... Slurpee action! Oldbie
    Station Square Chao Gardens
    ORIGINAL Project Shadow S2 hack: More Than A Memory
    Server's down ATM. T__T Saaaad panda.
  12. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    It went down again this morning? o.O It went down at midnight my time and it was only going to be for three hours, but I went to bed.

    Oh yeah, in case no one's caught on to this by now, every time there's an update you will need to re-apply the English patch. I updated the game just now and everything that was translated was in Japanese again. Oh yeah, and I was in block 20 last night when all the other English players.

    Any thoughts on the game so far? I'm definitely enjoying it. :D
  13. Yuzu


    I'm going to sound like a total dick for saying this, you won't have a similar experience to me because I started the game on Alpha 2.

    The client orders in this game are absolutely horrible along with the idea of progression by using board matter. The entire game feels like a total grind because you're forced to do the same four missions over and over again. The handholding now with the tutorial and the constant NPCs are far more annoying, lowered difficulty as well afaik.

    Alpha 2 didn't hold your hand at all, the game was difficult at times and it was so god damn rewarding. You unlocked new missions by *doing* them, now you have to go through the same missions multiple times doing client orders in a specific order to unlock more missions that your friends can already take you through if they're unlocked. The exp is also far too low in comparison, the game's a total grind and it being free to play has nothing to do with it.

    What I worry about is while this isn't the biggest problem in Beta, that as we get further in the game we will be pretty much forced to do all of these to progress in the game.
  14. Kojichao


    Mmm... That's hot... Slurpee action! Oldbie
    Station Square Chao Gardens
    ORIGINAL Project Shadow S2 hack: More Than A Memory
    Yup! It went down earlier. Super slow loading as well. I think people were mass-swarming because it's the weekend now.

    But I'm enjoying it for what it's worth! Though I feel a bit sad as it's not as fun as Alpha 2 was.

    I was in on Alpha 2 as well. And, I managed to level 12 myself within a few days. THAT felt rewarding. Not to mention, there were buttloads of Red boxes (Not necessarily Rare rares, but higher than what you normally get).

    Now I've been playing the same character for a few days, and I'm barely level 4 yet. I am killing stuff easier, and the EXP gain is slower... I'm wondering if it's for a level cap at some point so they don't have people whumping out levels like crazy... I'd like to goto another place now, or at least visit the Forest area on my own time, not through quests... And I want to punch Xeno and Afin soooo badly. Xeno for being stereotypical, and Afin for being a pussy. XP

    I'm enjoying the character creation, at least... I always find those fun.
  15. Yuzu


    Kojichao: I've honestly got to level 10 and can't be bothered to play more in beta. I'm going to submit my feedback to SEGA in Japanese when I have the time to, got my first rare on level 10 and that pretty much says it all.
  16. Kojichao


    Mmm... That's hot... Slurpee action! Oldbie
    Station Square Chao Gardens
    ORIGINAL Project Shadow S2 hack: More Than A Memory
    If you had gotten your character to level 16, you could have taken part in the server-wide EMERGENCY quest.


    BOMP! Character post! Bwhahaha.

    My version of Saber from Fate/Stay Night. After playing with my main Hunter, I realized the pose is identical to Saber's, and how they dodge/jump is almost identical, too.


    Little demon butler love, Cube! :P He's my favourite so far, actually... Force's are fun to play as, I've noticed.

    Anyone have any pics of their own characters?
  17. evilhamwizard


    I'm trying not to get too sucked into the Japanese version since I'm holding out on the English release. :P

    But I love the game so far. Though as I was playing it, I had ideas of things they could've done to make it more interesting. I personally wish they would borrow a bit more from PSO.

    @Krigo: I can see your point with the leveling - it's pretty gruesome. I'm at level 5 and it took me about 4 hours to get there. I had to play the third quest (the first one with the multi party) about three or four times before I could play on to the next one, which was difficult for me to handle with because I did feel like I was just grinding. The game just sort of "stopped" and halted for me until I reached a certain level, and I hate when games do that. Especially this one where there really isn't any other way of getting through leveling besides doing these quests. And just like PSU, the enemy difficulty varies by quest rather than by area or game type like the first game. Although I will say that the game can be challenging when soloing sometimes.

    I hope they continue to change things for open beta. I wonder what issues the Japanese are concerned with?
  18. Kojichao


    Mmm... That's hot... Slurpee action! Oldbie
    Station Square Chao Gardens
    ORIGINAL Project Shadow S2 hack: More Than A Memory

    ... "... Why are there so many english-speaking players?"

  19. Yuzu


    After playing a little bit more, I've managed to get over a lot of my problems with the game and accept that the beta's different from a2. Mainly when I realized that:

    1. Levelling past 10 is far nicer than to 10.

    2. Only 4-5 client orders are really mandatory.

    After that I've been having a blast, hit level 14 today but wasn't playing too seriously. And Kojichao: I did the server-wide emergency quest on level 8 and oh god it was so gloriously hard


    ?????PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Keep in mind that the content issue will probably be fixed when the actual version is out with far more zones than what we have now.
  20. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    I can kind of see the issue people have with leveling. Then again, it took a long time to level up in PSO so I dunno. Here it was kind slow up until I reached those Dagan and Nappy hunting missions. I've gone from level 5 to level 8 fairly quickly as a result of running through those multiple times (yay Matter Board tasks!). Also, if you have any sort of ranged weapon, and you jump up to an elevated platform where the enemies can't jump up to reach you, you can just stand up there and snipe at them until they die/get too close to the platform for you to aim properly. It's a cheap exploit, but if you're soloing like me it's a good way to gain EXP without worrying about dying.

    Also, that duel-handed weapon that shoots whips out at the enemies = <3. Fucking love that shit. Especially when you do that special move where it shoots both of them at the enemy, sticks to them, and then you lift them up and SLAM their asses to the ground. It's incredible.... *drools*

    As for the Japanese players having concerns, according to posts on PSO World some of them apparently aren't too happy with English-speaking players taking up space on the server... >.>