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PSO2 & New Genesis Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Yuzu, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Yuzu


    The more I look into this, the more this seems like it really is a standalone entry in the series in everything but association with PSO2.

    This is one hell of an "update", to say the least. Glad to see that they're trying their hardest to keep the two games separate.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
  2. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness

    Does it have a European release yet?
  3. Yuzu


    The New Genesis site mentions USA and Canada only in its footer:

    However, the game was rated in both Europe and Australia recently, I wouldn't be surprised if it happens:
    For what it's worth, I believe there is no region lock around playing the game in Europe, it's just awkward to setup.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
  4. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    There was another game on the PSO2 series, for PSVita I think, called Phantasy Star Nova, but that was a different case so I'm not sure if it's comparable. The story ending with episode 6 is reasonable considering it was already stretching it too much; starting a new story on an upgraded version of the actual game makes sense, it's like PSO 2.5. I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually a remake of the original PSO plot or a direct sequel to that, considering the name "New Genesis" for that story and the returning names for the characters shown. Still convinced my shitty PC won't be able to run it, though.

    EDIT: Said that before playing the video, it's obviously not related to the first PSO unless they make its plot inspired in it like they did with the classic games and the previous PSO2.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
  5. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I'm aware, but it's the principle of it. You could hack around to play it while it was Japanese-only, but they still did the US release.
  6. Leonkh


    Details regarding New Genesis on their website seem to be based on PSO2's current state as opposed to the state it will be in by the time New Genesis launches. The Community Team's official stance is that the game is that the dev team are working on releasing on 'other PC platforms' and 'other regions' without being specific; with further data mines and the PEGI/ACB confirming what they are most likely not allowed to say themselves due to some NDA or Sega of Japan not telling them what they are doing.

    As a result, I wouldn't be surprised if for some strange reason they don't want to reveal outright the fact that it's launching on Steam and outside of North America just yet... just leaving a note that on their social media that they "plan to release worldwide, including Japan and North America" and "Note: If PSO2 is added to new platforms, we plan to make PSO2: NGS available on those platforms as well".
  7. ItsBrieDude


    my brain is the spinning seal gif Member
  8. Leonkh


    About that... you have the option of login in using your Steam account but if you want to keep your progress you will require a linking code from the MS Store or Xbox One version to do a one-time link to your Steam account.

    Also for those who were waiting for a release outside of NA, PSO2 on Steam is available in the following regions:
    Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Great Britain, United States
  9. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    If Win10 is mandatory, I'm fucked up anyway. XD

    This Win8.1 computer used to run the JP version perfectly; if the OS requirements for it don't change, I may have to stick to it. We'll see how high get the graphical requirements for New Genesis, my PC isn't a gaming computer.
  10. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Finally. Nice of Sega to grant Europe access at last without having to faff about. I'll stop going on about this now. =P
  11. Leonkh


    I forgot to mention that the regional availability will be applied to the Xbox One and Windows 10 version as part of the EPISODE 4 update, which is also when the Steam version launches.

    I would try giving the Steam version a try at least. The Windows 10 exclusivity on MS Store was the result of the use of Xbox Game Services for many things like friends list, authentication and so on. From what is known so far, the Steam version will not be using any of these as the game gives you the option of logging in fresh with your Steam account or linking your Steam account to an Xbox Live account to keep your progress from Xbox One and Windows 10 and/or if you wanna use your character on other platforms later. The actual link is done through a linking code which is provided by the Windows 10 or Xbox One version so that's the only downside so far though we are still waiting on official word on the linking process (the linking code stuff is from a leak).

    In an interesting manner... though the Steam 'minimum requirements' says you need Windows 10, the game's website went back to saying it supports Windows 8.... so there's that.
  12. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Any kind of link to Microsoft stuff is something I'll avoid completely, though. I would do the same for Android too, but that seems to be unavoidable. :(
    Seriously, we're in the age where the privilege is not to connect to the internet, but the chance to disconnect from it. Everything is too entangled in the web these days.
  13. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
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    I mean, to be fair, complaining about that in a topic about what is basically a less massively multiplayer online game seems a bit silly, to be honest. Yeah, I get that DRM and privacy and whatnot are actual concerns- but Microsoft or not, this game was always going to be online-only.
  14. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Now that I read it, I should've said something else. Thing is I want my PSO2 account to be separated from any other account, so, when I connect or disconnect PSO2, that's the only thing I'm connecting to or disconnecting from, and also only stay connected while I'm using PSO2. For my ranting, PSO2 is just an example, of course, but a good example with this no-Microsoft in japan, only-Microsoft everywhere else. Also, I miss the times when online games had offline modes, but that's another story.
  15. Sappharad


    Episode 4 came out last week. Well... part of it. I posted this on discord, but since nobody's talking about it I might as well bump. It looks like Episode 4 stops after Chapter 4 right now, but there are 8 chapters. I guess it will continue next month? They never mentioned in being split in the roadmap. I'm caught up again, until they release the rest of Episode 4.

    Having said that, I can see why some people started disliking the game with Episode 4. It takes place after the anime and there's a bit of plot cross-over without trying to spoil anything. The anime was about a bunch of high school kids who play PSO2. (I only watched the first episode, it's not entirely important to following the game plot) Anyway, apparently the Japanese version of the game had some bath scenes that got cut from the western release, but the files for the dubbed cutscenes are part of the game files.
    So if anyone has played it and wants to see the cut content, it looks like someone manually took a video of the Japanese version and inserted the English dub & text over the top of it.
  16. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    Kinda weird that they would split episode 4 up like that... maybe they didn't want people to be overwhelmed by everything? I know I kind of was... the Ridroids you ride around on in the Las Vegas quests are a pain in the ass to control, and crafting is going to be yet another storage hog. Not fun for the non-premium peasants like myself. It is cool to see more of this game's interpretation of Las Vegas, though. I couldn't help but geek out over seeing buildings/structures that are meant to mirror the real-life counterparts. :V

    The bath scenes being cut is a bit disappointing since I know there's some that would like to have seen those, and people who are against censorship will no doubt be put off by them being cut. The fact that they were dubbed at all proves that they didn't plan to cut them, but then did anyway (orders from higher up, I'm guessing). Sucks, especially if it puts people off from playing altogether, because I want this game to do well.
  17. Leonkh


    So small update on the situation there... your PSO2 account turns out to be the account you FIRST use to play on PSO2. If the game releases on PS4 and you wanna use your data from the Steam version you use a linking code from the Steam version. Same if your first platform is the PS4 version, you would use the linking code from that version to use your PS4 PSO2 data.

    Might be because of timezones but I don't think we've yet to get any major EPISODE 4 Urgent Quests. Furthermore the Global roadmap only has a clear division for EPISODE 6... given that we only have the first half of EPISODE 4, my best guess is that the plan is to release each EPISODE in 'parts' until the next episode releases with the only reason EPISODE 6 is listed specifically as being two parts being that the roadmap is for 2020 and well... the second half of EPISODE 6 won't be available until 2021; whereas EPISODES 5 and 6 are releasing within the expected periods in the same year. Still doesn't excuse them not bringing up the EPISODE's content will be split up but... thats at least the case for now.

    This is a result of the Localization Team being separate from the development team. Localization was handed out to a separate hire, Lionbridge Technologies, who were simply given all of the game's files to translate with no prior knowledge what features, events, NPCs would be staying. Sega of Japan where the ones who were preparing the actual game client and who in the end decided what stays and goes. The Global client contains a whole bunch of translated text for features, Events, NPCs that were outright removed from the Global version.
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  18. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    So they bring the game outside of Japan 8 years later, yet they can't just leave the content as it is and fully release it. Delays due to translations, I can understand, but the bath scene is the only thing I would have expected to be cut; not only it's the kind of thing they usually cut for western releases, but it also felt a bit awkward when I watched it just released, even if it was kind of fun.

    The second half of ep4 will probably come out when it's completely translated, and the rest will follow similarly. Considering the fan translations already started coming late and incomplete with episode 3, I wouldn't mind this wait. If they've cut the number of field cutscenes with charaters like the android sniper and the twin newmans, then heads should roll.
  19. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    That does make sense... and I keep hearing people in the lobby talk about some Battleship Yamato UQ. Is that one of the missing ones? Haven't seen the Vegas VR training one either even though that was running nearly every day last month...
    So weird to think that Episode 6 Part 2 and New Genesis will both be out 2021. Is it too much of a stretch to speculate that part two's story will lead into NG?

    Good to know. Here's hoping we see some or all of those features in a future update (if they're worthwhile, anyway).

    AFAIK all the field cutscenes are still there, but they no longer randomly play when you're in the field questing. All of those scenes and any other story scenes/events where you actually fight stuff are now listed under "Story Quests" and you watch/play them at your own leisure.
  20. Leonkh


    AFAIK all the field cutscenes are still there, but they no longer randomly play when you're in the field questing. All of those scenes and any other story scenes/events where you actually fight stuff are now listed under "Story Quests" and you watch/play them at your own leisure.[/QUOTE]

    That's actually a carryover from the Japanese version. The Global version is based on the EPISODE 6 game client and in fact recently got some of the latest EPISODE 6 features like being able to zoom in character previews added. EPISODE 5 removed the old Matter Board (Divergence Matrix in Global version) story system in favour of the system we have in place now where you just watch the cutscenes and play the occasional story mission. In the process, they also did some retcons here and there such as changing the order of events and outright changing removing entire characters from the story. Since the Global version has nearly all of the latest features that PSO2 has in Japan well... this became the main Story Mode in the Global version.
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