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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    If any of you guys know of somebody who'd be capable of playing that part with a real sax, please call him for help... That's one of the two wrong things I can still see in McGuirk's versions.

    That, and the way that background instrument raises two times in a row (at seconds 32-33 and 39-40), which shouldn't be a continuous sound.
  2. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Dammnit ICEknight, you've been holding out on me. :v:

    If there's something wrong with it, you have to tell me so I can fix it. What is the other of the two wrong things?

    And great suggestion on a real sax by the way, that would be spectacular.

    You've ninja edited me=P.

    Working on that and a saw lead till I get any info about a real sax. Busy today, but I can probably get a new render out later tonight.
  3. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    If you have an account on ocremix or olremix (and you're not superbanned like me) you can try to ask Xenon Odyssey, he's a quite good sax player, and a generally kind guy
  4. ZFG


    Um, It's not a Midi just so it's told. :/
  5. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Sorry, my apologies.
  6. Maxd


    I have a friend coming over tomorrow who plays sax for a jam session. No joke, it's coincidence. I'd lack to help out with music for the Sonic 2 HD project, but I lack the good software. Just PM me and I'll give you my email address, and we can record it tomorrow (at least I have a microphone and some recording software). And shameless plug: I play tuba, euphonium, trombone and some trumpet, if you're looking for more live parts.
  7. Vincent


    Sonic 2HD - Project Leader & Chara Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    It reminds me Scuba's great Acquatic Ruin's sax instrument. ^^
  8. DDRKhat


    Keep on runnin' to the finish! Member
    Any progress on this track?
  9. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Nothing major as of yet. I've fixed what ICEknight described about the slide on one of the background instruments. That's about it.

    Though, now that I think about it, what needs fixing other than the lead? Likewise, how far should the drums stray from the original track?
  10. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Well, can't saxman play sax? You know, his nickname is very suggestive xD
  11. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Yeah. I still have a few of his covers kicking about, actually =P
  12. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
  13. Shanesan


    I have no skill at editing, but I can tell you something about TenorSolo3. Perhaps MIDI cannot do this...
    0:14 -- Sax needs to flange downwards and back up, up to 0:16.
    Same thing for the final note @ 0:17 - 0:19:30

    I can't download the old works for some reason, so this might already be in as far as I know. Good work thusfar with these MIDIs McGuirk.


    MIDI can do channel pitch bends.

    I made this edit, which perhaps isn't accurate, but it demonstrates what you wanted to say
  15. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Ah, yes, thank you for that. I'm not very good at MIDI files, so this would be the ideal base for playing the part.

    Likewise, the offer is still up, and I don't have anything, so even if you're crap with a sax, please at least give it a shot. The ideal bases for the parts would be the first two of the MIDIs that I'd posted earlier, and RAMPKORV's MIDI for the third part.
  16. Shanesan


    Fantastic work at the pitch bend.

    My memory might be a bit off, but if I remember correctly, the pitch bend for the first one is 1/4 second or so shorter.

    And again, fantastic work! Both of you are pros. :)

    A little more: You can see what I'm referencing here:

    At time marker 0:54-0:58.

    Good luck, again!
  17. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
  18. Shanesan


    Are people really nitpicking this McGuirk?

    This is great stuff! I really don't see much, if any, difference from the original except maybe a tone here or there but it's probably just my ears playing tricks.

    I don't really understand -- this is Sonic 2 HD, but we're using older tech synthesizing to match the same sound? This'll probably start a flame -- I'll take it back.

    Again, I don't think you can get much, if at all, better than this. Fantastic.
  19. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Many thanks, but it still needs a good deal of work.

    I wouldn't call it so much nitpicking as fine tuning =)

    Music is a huge part of Sonic 2, and getting the details correct is very important.

    There are still a few parts, such as what ICEknight mentioned earlier, but most of it's fixed in my latest version, which I haven't put up for download yet, as the volume levels need playing with.

    Heh. The older synths are not really project policy or anything like the emphasized text suggests. Actually, it's my suq showing. I started my version of CPZ as an example because I didn't think anyone else was getting near enough to the original bass. But, I thought it started to sound good so I just kept working on it.
  20. scubaSteve


    Sonic 2HD - Music Coordinator Member
    OH, US
    McGuirk, I think that with some work just on the mixing your CPZ could be outstanding. Right now there's a few issues that need attention - First, judging by the sound of it (and looking at the waveform), it seems like you have a limiter / soft-clipper with the input levels way too high. The track is VERY loud and thanks to the limiter you can hear the bass causing distortions in the entire output. Also, the lead saxophone's volume varies pretty wildly. This is probably partly thanks to the massive amount of limiting going on, but it also sounds like the attack phase of its volume envelope needs to be shorter, if possible. If not (and you might want to try one even if so), a compressor would help bring it in line, too.

    Now, after at least a month of repeating to myself nightly, "I'll just tweak it a little more and then I'll post it!", here is my completely rewritten CPZ... (I'm happy to say that I think the billions of tweaks actually payed off, actually :argh:)

    Chemical Plant v3.3

    As you can probably hear I added a little dash of sound effects here and there to attempt to make it sound a bit more modernized. I also adhered to the original much more closely this time, with the only (I think) significant change/addition being the buildup of the ostinato during the intro.

    I also made an alternate version of MCZ 2P quite a while ago after Tweaker's suggestion that maybe the instruments in the original weren't supposed to be real instruments at all. Then during a little tweak session a couple weeks ago I got a random inspiration to do an extended arrangement of the track... however, it isn't really meant to be considered seriously, and with the stuff I added it's more of a remix anyhow. It's after the first two loops of the original arrangement:

    Mystic Cave 2P 2

    Also, you may hear there's a little hi-hat that's added on the second loop of the original arrangement. Simply put, this is because I couldn't decide which sounded better :)... so I'll leave it up to everyone else.

    EDIT: It seems that everything I uploaded to FileDropper prior to these two songs has disappeared. Delightful. (Sorry to anyone that's tried to download them recently...)
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