I imagine they're trying to manage inventory better this time. They had to clearance out Genesis Minis last time - I think I remember there being a lot of 50% off sales.
They really should considering how much else they have let M2 do to get other games on these systems. Music swaps with the prototype ROM (or worse, whatever cart they used for Origins) shouldn't be hard to do. People are going to notice and still be annoyed if S3K gets skipped this time when there is a known solution to the problem.
Games announced today: Tatsujin Final Fight CD Super Street Fighter II Garou Densetsu 2 Aa Harimanada Gambler Jiko Chuushinha Lunar: The Silver Star (CD) Lunar: Eternal Blue (CD) Wondermega Collection (CD) Sanrin San-Chan (arcade) Alien Soldier was also featured, but we knew about that one already.
Apparently M2 ported Spatter (Sanrin San-Chan) to the Mega Drive "ages ago" but had never released it until now.
We’re always an afterthought, even though the Mega Drive dominated over here. It’s almost like they don’t like money.
The joys of Percy Pal. I'm sure we're going to get it and the main hold-up is just who's going to distribute it. I also would imagine SEGA will make it support 60Hz, unlike SONY, who's been by far the worse corp for the Pal gamer, when again much like with the Mega Drive, it's been SONY best market.
Historically, this hasn't been the case - I blame SoA's increase in control for it, honestly, but that's not something a lot will care about.
Although it's already been assumed here based on it being an Amazon exclusive, it seems like there won't be many US units available in total: from the new Ars Technica article: Sega Genesis Mini 2 will be in much shorter supply than original | Ars Technica If you haven't preordered it yet and you want one, I recommend doing so now. Article also suggests that a European version possibly might not exist:
Disappointed but not surprised by this - Sega have already often cited these shortages as crippling the potential for any manufacturing of new arcade machines, and this is partly borne out in their focus on prize games + most of their more recent titles only being conversion kits for existing titles (Initial D The Arcade, Eiketsu Taisen, etc).
Damn, I really want one, but I'm not in a position to pre-order one at the moment. This means they'll probably be hoarded and sold for quadruple the price in a few years when I eventually try and track one done.
I went ahead and placed my pre-order in, I'm not missing out on this. It really sucks that it most likely won't be sold in other countries besides Japan/US. :\
The semiconductor shortage is rapidly becoming a glut, why not just wait a little bit and do it properly?
I implore Sega to do a Sega Genesis Mini 3 that's made up exclusively of Majesco reprints and is sold exclusively at the Toys R' Uses that are opening inside Macy's
More and more I wonder why this wasn't just put out as a CD mini with the Genesis games still included. Missed opportunity in my eyes.