Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know fluid animation was a "Sonic Advanceish" trait. Edit: That was a bit rude of myself, I apologize. But still, this is the dumbest thing I've heard.
Sonic 1 and 3 had something like 5-7 animation frames and most of those needed to be key poses to make it look right, the advance games used what felt like more and I can understand what they mean by being adventureish, but that's down to how they made sonic and his style too. I personally hate 30 frame running animations, blaze's TFH sonic is too smooth and in a way looks cheap for example.
I'm not against bouncing quills, but they look a bit jelly. Like that other guy said I think the whole spike should bounce a bit rather than just the tips.
Fluid animation isn't a bad thing by any means - someone did a really nice running animation a while back But I dunno, seeing the two walking stages as they are now and the bouncing spikes and stuff just reminded me of Sonic Advance 2/3, rather than Sonic 1-3K.
I have to admit it kinda feels "chibi" and advance, too, with the boucing spikes, the big head, and the shading à la SegaSonic.
Man, even I found it hard to not be an asshole about it. Then again, I keep forgetting that the Sonic Advance titles are the worst games ever made and have no positive points whatsoever, be it in art, level design, music, or engine. Makes 2600 E.T. look like a freaking retro masterpiece.
What? Sonic Advance 1 and 2 were great... far better than rush. Maybe not as memorable as the MD games but they were still good.
Is it really? Just take a look at the sprite styles you're dealing with. The fact of the matter simply is that the Genny games, aside from Spinball simply weren't that fluid animation wise. One example being that Sonic's head is always straight facing forward during running, and not slightly angled like the Advance sprites. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the sprites themselves a bit. It's just stylistically, you're straying a fair bit from the others. Now whether that's good or not is up for you to decide.
I don't think that Chimpo's sprites stray from classic at all, and feel that fluidity is definitely something that should be aimed at.
When I said that we are attempting to make a spiritual sequel to the original games, I meant a spiritual sequel. Not the exact same fucking game again. I want to make a sequel here and I also want to improve on the originals, much like Sonic Team improved their games after each sequel. Sonic 3's backgrounds are waaaaaay to fucking like, detailed maaaaaaaan. It's not even a Sonic game at all! This bullshit about fluid animation seeming more like Sonic Advance than Sonic Genesis is stupid, and I will have none of it. If you want to have the exact same game again, get out and go make a fucking rom hack. And the bouncing quills are staying, that's final. I want the animations to look more lively than static.
I'm cool with the flexing quills, hell my spring has enough flex in it :P What I dislike right now are minor things, sonic's running feet seem to be slightly too war forward but I could just be too use to looking at my own sprite, and that sonic's face is completely movement free while his spikes move, look at my sprite again to see what I mean.
Sarcasm doesn't always work well in text form. Also, sarcasm is arse and the main reason I don't watch friends. I never said to remove the bounce, just apply the bounce to the whole quill rather than just the tip.