IGN already has published a story about this, so I don't think a community letter is going to make a difference at this point. Better to elevate the existing media to Sega and community partners if you wish to get exposure on this subject. https://www.ign.com/articles/sonic-origins-3-soundtrack-prototype-changes
I have to agree with Aerosol that social media backlash will probably be more likely to change Sega's mind than a letter. The age of letters are gone, we live under the anarchy of social media.
I thought this was going to be uploaded on change.org with OP's letter so we could spread it around and have it be signed by enough fans and covered by enough Youtubers and social media users that SEGA would catch wind and respond. Anyone have issue with this? Some Sonictubers who would be interested in this are streaming right now so it'd be a good time to get them to see it so they can cover it. @nineko do you want to make the Change.org page? It's now or never
I thought about using change.org, but I deactivated my account there a long time ago because I've been told that change.org never works, which is why I started things here. And again, emphasis on "started", I never thought to be the one who was going to "deliver" this letter, I only wanted to get things organised, hoping that someone with the right connections could step up and proceed in the best possible direction.
I still can't believe you all would completely avoid pointing them to 1103 Proto tracks, like, at ALL. That's putting a lot of trust in them to either figure out that they exist on their own and use them, or to take the Origins tracks they started with and retool them into something nice (which considering they let the current versions slip through as-is, I'm very nervous about). Minus that extremely glaring omission that people want to keep omitted for some reason, the messaging and language used looks perfectly good to me and seems a-ok to print.
Change.org is really the best option here just because it wiil spread fast and get tweeted to all the relevant parties by fans, we were really counting on you to be the leader here haha. Unless someone else would rather do it? The reason I removed the mention of them is because technically we're not supposed to even know they exist and I don't think SoJ is as friendly and nice about us having access to early versions and old roms as much as SoA is. Has their been precedent that could show otherwise?
Let's take some time to evaluate all the options, it's not like they're going to pull a day-one patch at this point anyway. And for the record, since we have to reach a consensus, I still vote to mention both the 1993 prototype and the renditions made by some of us fans.
Maybe move this topic to behind closed doors in a member only section and you can set up a poll so we can vote on it? SHOULD WE MENTION THE PROTOYPES AND FAN RENDITIONS IN THE LETTER? YES NO set it for 12 hours and see what happens?
While I think there are some amazing fan renditions of proto songs, implying fans made a better job than Sega (which is true) would just undermine our effort. And honestly, I don't care if they just add vanilla Sonic 3 1103 proto recordings. I just want these even more unfinished versions out. We have to maximize our chances.
Katie herself made a vague allusion to these being prototype tracks when she brought up the music changes in the first place. Also, I wouldn't bother with change.org. Most people won't want to bother doing an actual petition and it wouldn't do anything beyond what a simpler, easy to proliferate tweet would do. I'd suggest just doing a tweet and letting the engagement numbers speak for us.
The closest thing to precedent I can think of: the Tokyo Toy Show Demo(?) of Sonic 1 being planned for Mega Collection (or was it Gems?) before they couldn't find it Hidden Palace 2013 getting approved. HPZ2013 has also been shown of in bits of Origins marketing, so they like it enough to want to do so. Not very strong evidence, definitely stretching, but still. I just don't think it's really that big of a deal to tell them that the tracks they themselves have brought back, have far more finished versions that could be used. Yea, I'd be down for that. Maybe a more complex "Yes Proto, No Fanmade" and vice versa option? Unsure how to do that, however. Sure, throwing the letter on a tweeted image sounds like a good idea. Time to brainstorm a good layout and hashtag in the next 12 hours, I guess.
Stealth straight up acknowledged the proto on twitter when explaining the music situation. If Sega doesn't want the community to know about it, they've done a bad job.
By the way, I can look into reactivating my account on change.org if you really want me to "lead" this. I still think that someone with better connections than me would be more suited for such a task, though, if anything because they could pinpoint the best recipient for the petition (something which is encouraged by change.org, too). Ironically, I created my account on change.org to start a petition to ask for a physical release of Sonic Mania, which seemingly went nowhere, so I closed it a few weeks later. Even more ironically, a physical release of Sonic Mania did arrive eventually, but I doubt it happened because of my canceled petition. Still, you can look at it as a sign of good luck?
Why pointing them towards the prototype is such a bad Idea? Honestly, I don't believe they don't know about community having it. It's like... common knowledge between more oriented Sonic fans? And Sega is very Sonic oriented.
Okay, I admit this is really nitpicky stuff, but I corrected some grammar stuff, mostly non-proper nouns that didn't need to be capitalized. Also put "on PC" after "Sonic & Knuckles Collection" so that it's more obvious that the reference to "PC version" later is referring to it (whoever's reading this first will most likely be a PR person and may have no idea).
I just want to jump in and touch on this point specifically. When I'm streaming, I do not want anyone to come into my chat sight unseen and expect me to stop what I'm doing to consider a social media campaign. I am there to hang out and would not be receptive to something like this with the pressure of being "on", on top of having to stop what I'm doing and expect viewers wait on me to read and decide on what I'm looking at. I'm sure others feel the same. If people want to poke the 'tubers and streamers, contacting them off air with a tweet or something with less time pressure (even if you aren't meaning to pressure) is preferred. It would probably do more harm than good to catch someone when they're streaming with this.
The streamers I was referring to personally don't mind linking to and sharing fan petitions and content in their streams. I wasn't proposing going to every single Sonictuber and trying to get them to do it, heck I made it very clear the ones I was thinking of contacting about this were the type who would love this type of campaign and wouldn't mind sharing it. I never said or thought we should go to every stream we can find plugging this. My bad.
Dear Sega, As a community, we are happy to see the time and the effort you poured into Sonic Origins. We are aware of the issues which prevent the usage of a number of songs from the original Sonic 3 soundtrack. We understand the necessity of using other songs and appreciate Sega's efforts. However, it feels like the new replacement Sonic 3 music has issues in regards to instrumentation, pitch, and dynamic range. This negatively changes what should be an amazing experience playing Sonic Origins into a subpar experience. The original iterations of these new compositions from the 1997 Sonic and Knuckles Collection on PC have a more natural and balanced sound than what's been presented in Origins. We would welcome and appreciate their inclusion as an option in Sonic Origins Collection. In addition to this, would it be possible for you to take a second look at the new Sonic Origins Sonic 3 compositions and improve their overall quality? Furthermore, many fans want to experience the exciting new 16:9 widescreen option in Sonic Origins but with the classic unaltered gameplay style they remember. We would like to kindly request a 16:9 widescreen option for Classic Mode. Sega has continued to be a great example of working with and listening to their fanbase. The community believes that Sonic Origins has tbe potential to be remembered as the definitive Sonic collection and can be even better with higher quality music and a widescreen classic mode option. We appreciate you taking the time to listen to our feedback.