Sonic 2 Final: Step 1: You go to offset 2F54E and you replace the "7000" with "4E75" Step 2: You then go to offset 2F404 and you replace "0002 001C" with "0000 000C" Step 3: You save the rom, and you go play EHZ 2, if he has no blades, you have done this simple task sucessfully. However, if something goes wrong, you need to check for errors. Sonic 2 Beta Step 1: You go to offset 1FAE1 and replace the "02" with "03" Step 2: You go to offset 200F3 and replace the "02" with "03" Step 3: You save the rom and you go and test EHZ 2 boss, if he has no blades, you have done this simple taks sucessfully. If something goes wrong, you need to check for errors. Feel free to report any glitches associated with these methods. Although I have tested this as much as I can, but there may be a glitch in an area that has not been tested. :P Enjoy, and I hope to see Eggman without propellers your hack one day!
Vote for Mustapha as tech member! This thing he did is really good, since he has tried to do it for the last year without succeeding. And no help from me this time.
I didn't mean that, duhbrain, I meant having it so that the car would drive onscreen from the right, with the eggpod already in it.
If that's the reason someone becomes a techie, then I must have the gift of the gab, because I've done absolutely jack shit to warrant it.
You can disable the blades at the boss intro with just one byte change (Sonic 2 Final): Put "67" at offset 2F04E to skip the blades at the boss intro
Talking about EHZ boss, Sonic 2 Final: $2F290 Change 06 to 08, Robotnik main ship will went straight up instead of diagonal right. $2F28A Change 04 to 02, same thing as previous, but more faster. $2F286 X position to end the Robotnik main ship movement at start. $2F2BC Y position to end the Robotnik main ship movement at start. $2F608 X position where the car stop, waiting Robotnik at start. Change it to an upper value, this will delete the car during battle, keeping wheels and the screw! $2F698 X position where the first wheel stop, waiting Robotnik at start. $2F6A8 Same thing for the second wheel. $2F6BA Same thing for the third wheel. $2F808 X position where the screw stop, waiting Robotnik at start. Hehehe...
Sonic Hachelle-Bee, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THOSE OFFSETS! I am very appreciative of your work! You are one of the most resourceful tech members ever!
Hey Sonic Hachelle-Bee! It's me, from the SSRG! You'll be pleased to know I'm actually using those offsets in my hack! BTW, have you ever thought of making a hacking guide? You are pretty talented. Have you got any info on the other bosses?
Thanks. Actually, almost nobody knows it but I'm really starting to write one hacking guide for advanced hackers under Sonic 2, to make special features under this game. This HTML guide, with links, a table of contents, index... is very long to write, and it's difficult for me to write all the informations (in English!) my scrapbook contains! :lol: EDIT: My hack takes me a lot of time too...