Even living in Brazil, and having some insane ass taxes, I will going to buy this collection for sure! I waited for it for so long and considering the quality of Discotek released, I believe will be all worth
Yep. I've bought a lot of Diskotek releases and often catch the line changes and corrections you guys do on different shows. So many people don't even realize/notice the updates, but they're there and they're and always have been for the best.
Super excited about this release, and happy to hear Mendinso helped. Funny thing is I literally DMed him asking if he'd heard the news before I saw he was part of the project, lol.
https://www.twitch.tv/discotekmedia More stuff coming on the Disktotek release (hopefully). Stream up right now. April Release confirmed for Sonic X.
Confirmed, it will be in April. https://twitter.com/discotekmedia/status/1620258392785944577 Also here's a tweet of the packaging. Showing the reverse cover art that it comes with. Along with the discs. https://twitter.com/discotekmedia/status/1620258478228123650 No worries! Just wanted to have some light teasing!
Not that it's a huge deal, but why is Shadow getting such top billing? Out of the whole recurring Sonic cast, he had the least appearances.
Because literally everything Shadow gets millions of youtube views instantly. And I'm fine with it. Even back when I first watched it, his brief episodes were one of the highlights for me back then.
I guess to the people who really care about getting the release at all it shouldn't matter what it looks like and maybe it's "better off" if it's not entirely representative of the series for anyone else, but I dunno. There's a great big cast of characters going on all sorts of adventures, so it feels a little weird to limit to just the SEGA specific characters with lines that very loosely describe what takes place in the series.
I think the big thing to take away is they're pretty much begging us to back this specific release because it's clear they've put a ton of time/effort into getting it as right as the tech allows. Q&A confirmed that they used the recent TV airing JP master as a basis then mixed sources wherever was necessary to fix any potential errors/problems. It's still an SD release, but should easily be the best master we're probably ever getting of the show. If I recall correctly they also confirmed the video master is still variable framerate due to how the SD/deinterlaced transfer works, but should also been notably improved over any prior release. I'll probably bite the bullet for my preorder tomorrow once I get my finances in order.
They said on their stream that all the products on their release schedule they showed should be going up in a few weeks. Sonic X isn't up on Rightstuf right now. So you still have time!
As I said, to the people who really care about what this release is, it probably shouldn't matter what it looks like as long as they have it in their hands and get to view it the expected way. But I think something is lost when the things someone might love the series for aren't what's shown on the box.
I fell off the series after the first season because it became "let's retell Adventure 1 & 2 but worse." Even so, I'll pick this up to make up for my RealPlayer postage stamp videos I downloaded as they aired.
I'm definitely going to pick this up. I always wanted a physical Sonic X set that was true to the original (or as close as possible) and not all chopped up by 4Kids, so this is an excellent package. I've watched the odd episode here and there over the years, but I haven't watched through the show since its original airing. All my raws from back then are on CDs somewhere in my garage (I think the first 52 were HQ DivX files and the last 26 were lower quality, RM files of the French dub), but who knows, they may not be playable now.
Worse? I recall the SA2 adaptation having an overall better pacing and feeling more coherent and fleshed out than the game's rushed story. Though conversely, the SA1 adaptation felt rushed and left a lot to be desired.