I know Jax knows via the Discord server, but for the sake of posterity: At some point the Sega Forever version of Afterburner Climax was delisted from smartphone devices. This new iteration was listed in early April of 2019, but we're not sure when it was actually removed. It's almost certainly due to the licensed fighter jets in the game. If anyone has a better idea of when it was delisted, or knows a way to actually check outright, that would be awesome as we really have no idea right now.
Okay, because I have no damn sense of time... Were any of you aware that the 360, PS3, and Steam versions of Sonic 1, 2, and 3 are being delisted on May 20th? I want to specifically focus on the PS3 version of Sonic 2 because it has online and a specific glitch that happens online that happened to me and GeneHF back when it was free on PS3 due to the Sony hack back then. Basically if you have a shield the "Game Over" text from the end of the match will overtake the shield and you get a "Game Over Shield". It's kinda funny. But we need a video of this (plus a picture too at least) for the wiki so can any two people do this before it's lost forever? I've never seen this happen on 360 and PS3 relies on servers as far as I know. So yeah, time is almost up to document this.
I've got the steam version. There is an online option, though I've never tried it. Is the glitch definitely PS3 exclusive?
I've never seen play of the Steam version, but since it never happened to me on the 360, I'd think it's PS3 exclusive.
Well I may as well try and recreate it on there anyway, I'm sure I'll be able to rope someone into giving multiplayer a go eventually!
Status on Sonic Titles: Steam: All de-listed on May 20th, 2022 Xbox 360: Everything but Sonic 1 on May 20th, 2022; Sonic 1 gone on May 27th, 2022. PlayStation 3: Everything but Sonic CD on May 20th, 2022 My time is currently 8:45PM PST, because we want ACCURATE dates! EDIT: RIP that Sonic 2 PS3 glitch though. Unless someone wants to find out if online still works. EDIT 2: Sonic CD is still on the PS3 as of July 1st, 2022.
A few dozen 360 titles are being removed from the Marketplace February 7th, 2023. Among the Sega published are: Jet Set Radio Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. Daytona USA It's safe to assume the other digital storefronts will remove them around the same time, so get them now if you want them.
Gematsu was told by a Microsoft rep that if these games are on the Xbox One/Series storefront, they'll still be purchasable. So if a game can be bought on the Xbox One/Series, it should be fine. Unfortunately, I believe this means Daytona 360 is going to be delisted soon. Not sure what this means for the other two games, sadly.
Thanks for the warning. Snagged JSR and Daytona USA as that port is pretty cool. Still debating on the kidd. I knew keeping that old dust box 360 around was worth it!
Real shame to see Daytona USA leaving. Would be hilarious if it got re-released as Sega Racing Classic on newer systems.
Shin Megami Tensei V and all its DLC is being taken off of the Nintendo eShop on June 13th, 2024. The reason for this is that Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is coming out on June 14th, 2024. Vengeance has the original game and all its DLC as a separate campaign in it so we technically aren't missing anything with this.
...should I be embarassed that this is how I learnt that SMTV came out? I heard absolutely nothing about that game for years.