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A stupidly thorough thesis on the conceptual origins of Amy Rose.

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by ChaddyFantome, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. Linkabel


    Her move is called Pink Typhoon and not Pinky, isn't it?

    Pink Typhoon is also a famous song in Japan from the 70s that has gotten a lot of covers to this day because Pink Lady was huge.

    Trials of Mana and Slayers have Pink Typhoon related names, those are magic related so there you go.

    I don't think anyone in the thread is bringing you down or calling you crazy btw. Is just that your thesis has reached the point of seeing if there's something official supporting it or not.

    The Sailor Moon thing can be a connection or just a coincidence.

    But if you find something like the Sonic X concept art describing her attacks, abilities and hammer as magical girl related then you're golden. Or some random comment in a interview etc etc.

    I think it's better to put your efforts there instead of looking to connections to the genre.
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  2. ChaddyFantome


    Its specifically called "Pinky Typhoon" in the original Japanese version.
    ピンキータイフーン Pinkītaifūn, lit. "Pinky Typhoon"
    They translated it as simply "Pink Typhoon" in the English release, likely because the reference flew over their heads. Stuff like this is all over Battle's translation really.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2021
  3. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I don't know if it's proof of magical Amy, but it's yet another proof of Sonic Team borrowing a lot of things from others. :V
  4. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    To be perfectly fair, creativity is a constant spiral of inspiration and innovation. Sonic Team is just more overt than others when it comes to that.
  5. ChaddyFantome


    The point was more to say that Amy is playing with magical girl concepts and tropes overtly, in case the focus of the convo was lost there. I think that's pretty overt a connection.
  6. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I was just joking because no one noticed the references to Star Wars, Dragon Ball, Laputa Castle in the Sky, etc. before, did they? (joking again, of course).

    I mean, I don't know if it's proof of magical girl Amy, but their tendency to copy stuff kind of plays on your favor and may include that song at the same time. And don't write out the possibility of those words being in Sailor Moon thanks to the very same song.

    In case you've forgotten, I was among the few that thought this concept of magical girl Amy was an understatement; you know, agreeing with that before you even thought about it. But I think what Linkabel said holds its weight: finding more references and discussing them with us won't make it official; what you need now is some legit confirmation.
  7. ChaddyFantome


    Sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I'm aware. Just noticed the topic was kind of veering off away from the core point of discussion and felt the need to steer it back.