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Sonic Colo(u)rs Ultimate released for Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Epic Games Store

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MH MD, Apr 9, 2021.

  1. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    To me, Colors is the only game in which the wisps were actually good, precisely because the levels were made with the wisps in mind.
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  2. Yea, Colors has the best use of the Wisp because they're not shoehorned in like they were in the succeeding games that had them.
  3. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Not expecting any new content to be included. I'm just happy Colors is getting a new release. Been ages since I played it and I've been waiting forever for it to be ported to another console. I was surprised SLW was ported to Steam a few years ago instead of Colors.

    Yeah, the wisps were definitely implemented best in Colors and made sense due to that games story. Whereas their appearance in SLW was pointless and were badly implemented, and not much better in Forces.
  4. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    I know it's too much to ask that maybe the quickstep and drifting be always available instead of being restricted to specific sections and the drift be replaced with Gens, but I feel like otherwise the game's just going to feel incredibly restrictive now that it's getting removed from the Wii's shackles.

    Glad it looks like it's happening, it's well overdue, but I really hope this means an Unleashed port might at some point get the same treatment. I don't really want to buy a Series X just to play it at a consistent framerate.
  5. synchronizer


    I’d also like to see Unleashed re-released on modern platforms... as long as we finally have a solid framerate.
    I actually liked the platforming and swinging bits of the werehog gameplay.
  6. Azookara


    yup Member
    Tangentially related, but..
    It's now April... 2021. About 13 months since they made this post. I understand due to COVID things have been pretty heavily set back and delayed, but a heads-up on when they're gonna tell us anything would be nice. :psyduck:

    Four months into the 30th anniversary and not a word isn't irregular for other series, but with Sonic's track record on it it's kinda strange haha.
  7. It's hilarious how many people in here are acting like this thing has already been officially announced
    It's literally a rumor/leak lol. It's fun to speculate, but literally not a single thing has been confirmed yet.

    On a different note, if sonic forces doesn't run at 60fps on switch, sonic colors probably wouldn't either. I don't care if it's 2 generations old, I'm calling it now if this is real. Colors will be 720p 30fps on switch.
  8. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    I get the trepidation, but this isn't something like the Zippo leaks where it's mostly based on reputation and "just trust me." This is an official company involved in dubs through similar circumstances has accidentally leaked a Sonic game before. So unless an official dubbing company lied on their company website – which I doubt – I think it's safe to assume it's legit.
  9. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    It's not comparable at all to previous 30th anniversary leaks that are basically "my uncle works at Nintendo" levels of proof. This is not just one, but two companies, who have independently listed Sonic Colors as a new/recent product. I wouldn't call it a rumor, because the only thing being rumored is how Sega will define "remaster" and what such a thing will contain. It's a leak, from real companies' public info, not some clickbait youtube channel with "sources" that won't be disclosed. Leaks like this happen all the time and are perfectly believable given the circumstances.
  10. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    I still think it's wise to temper our expectations though. So many people are assuming this is a full-on remake which very likely isn't the case. Most likely it's going to be faithful (*coughcough* DX) port of Colors with some new recordings done for the German dub.

    That said, if it is a port, I do hope it'll allow modders to finally restore the original unsplit level order of Colors. The Tropical Resort Reboosted mod a few years back definitely is an improvement over the arbitrary split into acts 1 & 2.
  11. MH MD

    MH MD

    Flawed comparison since Forces is essentially PS4 title down-scaled to switch.
    Switch is a bit more powerful than Wii U, which was able to run Lost World at 60fps
    Lost World is more advanced than colors on a technical level.
    So colors should EASILY run at 60fps on switch, unless it's a remake
  12. Azookara


    yup Member
    If it's getting an "Ultimate" slapped on the end I'm gonna guess it'll have improved lighting and higher poly models at the very least, and non-restricted controls (as in proper drift and quick step) if we're lucky.

    If this were just Sonic Colors as is it'd probably just get a digital-only release as just.. well, "Sonic Colors".
  13. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    The thing about Colours is that, as pretty as it might look for a a Wii game when played in Dolphin it still... Looks like a Wii game. The style of the lighting and textures such in Colours is on the realistic side of the spectrum rather than stylised, so it's going to look pretty dated by now.

    I wonder how they'll address that front. If they make any updates to graphics, they'll have to re-render all of the cutscenes unless they want the cutscenes to look markedly different to the rest of the game. Leaving the graphics as they are would make the game look laughably bad. I wonder if they'll just make an enhanced port of the Wii original, or potentially port everything over to the Hedgehog Engine 2? I could see the latter happening.
  14. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Whether it's real or not, I again find a big issue with any release: either there's no PC port for the release, or it will be Denuvo-ed for two years, so my best chance of getting any new game is still buy it for Switch and beg a friend to lend me their console.

    But it's Colours, and I had planned to retry it on my Wii at some point (that haven't happened yet since when I thought about it past August) because it's the only Sonic game I played I actively hated and I wanted to act as if it was the first time trying it to see if that's still my opinion. So not excited about this release right now (but I'd like to know how do I make the HD mode of the Wii work to retry the game at its best).
  15. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    TBH if I were to try to improve Colors, the graphics would be one of my last priorities.

    Of course, knowing Sega, it will probably be just the same game with a graphical upgrade. We may get lucky and get a bit of extra content, but I doubt they'll address any of the original's shortcomings.
  16. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I think that a straight-port with updated graphics is the most likely outcome here. I'd like extra content for sure, I don't think much can be done to address Colours' shortcomings without just completely changing the game. Like, what could the possibly do? The main problem with Colours, at least the way I see it, it's the level design and stiff controls. It's largely blocky 2D platforming through recycled maps. And the gameplay is so sporadic and bland. It's just straight lines. Even if they were to reimplement the drift and quick-step as regular moves that were always available to you, it wouldn't change or improve much.

    Forces followed-suit by removing/automating the drift and forcing you to quick-step in sections designed for it. And that game also copied Sonic's incredibly stiff controls and homing attack that targets based on the camera instead of Sonic's position and direction. Forces controls worse than Colours, but the two are very similar. I guess that's what they could fix. Not that I've an once of faith in their capacity to do so. Sonic's not been satisfying to control since Unleashed, even then he was super slippery. Nowadays he always moves like a car, even at low speeds, making him feel heavy and unresponsive. Turning in mid-air isn't possible, which is exactly why the double jump exists; it will completely reset your momentum based upon the position of the analogue stick when you press, but otherwise moving the analogue stick will barely affect aerial movement at all.

    I dunno. Colours is fine. It's just fine. The regular, proper acts are fun, if a little dry. The filler acts are where it gets bad. Some of them are real stinkers, like this:

    Every zone in Colours has 3 or 4 filler acts of varying quality, along with its proper acts. And it also has the Sonic Simulator with I think a total of 28 acts? They all sucked. I only played them to unlock Super Sonic, and would never play them for fun.
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  17. Not to mention 6 of them were rehashes of all act 1s from sonic 1 that only served to highlight how bad the 2d gameplay was imo. Also, 1-1 is technically ANOTHER green hill rehash, so there's that too. Sonic simulator wasn't fun... yet, ironically, there were a few segments that I feel should've been part of the main gimmick acts and not the simulator side mode.

    Also also, doesn't colors have the most stages of any sonic game to date? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    I believe so, at least in terms of mandatory stages. Although that's because they shoenorned the filler gimmick levels in the campaign. If you count Generations' gimmick levels, it beats Colors in number of stages.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  19. Mmm... I wouldn't. I'd only count the missions in gens that actually change the level layout some or use brand new ones, and that knocks out quite a few.

    Besides, gens only had 14 normal acts (excluding bosses) whereas colors had 38 (also excluding bosses) :p

    Edit: I should clarify-

    The gimmick acts in colors at least move stuff around to repurpose the old areas into new ones. The missions in gens where you have to like... race the tornado or treasure hunt, or just replay the same stage but with a bubble shield don't count imo. Iirc, every gimmick act in colors at least did something
  20. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Most of the mission acts in Generations changed up the level layouts as much as Colours' gimmick acts. Specifically you've mentioned the Tornado race in GHZ2, the Treasure Hunt in SSZ2 and the bubble shield in CPZ1. All of them do the same as Colours' gimmick acts; they take a portion of the existing level and litter it with walls, boxes and spikes to make a 'new' layout. The only ones that reuse the layouts verbatim are the time trials/ghost h races. It's kinda crap in both games.

    Colours technically has the most mandatory stages at 37, plus TVZ2 which is under 30 seconds and an auto-runner, and the addition of 28 Sonic Simulator stages for a total of 66. But it's something like only 12 to 18 that I world personally count, with the rest being arduous filler. Generations has 18 full levels, plus 90 missions. And I'm not including bosses here...

    Count it however you like. I just never bother with anything but the "full" acts in Colours or the main levels in Generations. The rest is blatant filler.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021