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Sonic Mania Plus (Consoles Physical; PC Digital) - Non-Leaks Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chris Highwind, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!

    New trailer tomorrow everyone! Hopefully we'll finally see Mighty and Ray in action and also hopefully get a solid release date.
  2. LukyHRE


    The only one who has a Portal-themed avatar Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Bitching and complaining about my country -.-'
    5 seconds late, haha. HYPE! Let's be around tomorrow at this same hour!
  3. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Um, I hate to say this again but....
    Spoiler tags, guys.
  4. Brainulator


    Regular garden-variety member Member
    I would love this, especially if this goes beyond Sonic & Tails or the & Knuckles modes already present. For now, I have to use Competition Mode to pick any two characters, enter a level in there, exit the level, and then pick any level via the Dev Menu. This is only good for PC, but it works!
  5. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    In that magazine scan, what the hell is the
    purple bit in the upper right
  6. Epicsuperleader


    I think its encore mode mirage saloon in competition mode, it also appears to be in 4 player mode
  7. McAleeCh


    This is one of the reasons having a topic where everyone's conversing almost entirely in spoiler tags gets confusing. I understand the need to discuss the leaked update in tags as that's not officially released information - however, as the topic's description does state it contains spoilers, are we allowed to discuss officially released info such as the Famitsu article outside of tags within the confines of this topic?

    Anyway, to answer your question - it's been mentioned a couple of times already, but looking closely it looks like
    a shot of the upgraded 4P Competition Mode, and the stage they're playing on appears to be a night-time variation of Mirage Saloon. Presumably this is the Encore Mode version of the stage, similar to the sunset Green Hill pictured in another shot - in which case, this also confirms that some of the new Encore Mode versions of stages will be added to the Competition Mode too. Hopefully a high-quality scan of this article will make things clearer once one is available.
  8. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Regarding sales, yeah I'm somewhat disappointed. For all the furore, hype and rave reviews I thought Mania would manage a million on Switch alone and sell much more in terms of combined sales. I'm aware it's still a strong performance particularly for a digital-only release but I honestly hoped for and expected north of 2 million by now. As a silver lining, Sega very evidently does recognise this as a very strong performance hence Mania Plus, the belated physical release and animation series i.e. doubling down on Mania and its inevitable sequel. I mean, don't get me wrong - above one million units is still good. I just hoped that a Genesis-style game that harkens back to Sonic's heyday would also replicate the sales the series used to have back then, though I suppose in today's more competitive climate that may have been short-sighted. Hopefully Mania Plus and the game actually being on store shelves for the first time will see Mania very rapidly sell north of 2 million with Mania and Mania Plus combined which should be very probable.

    As long as we still get a sequel, I guess the numbers are cool. As for thoughts on the Famitsu revelations:

    Fucking amazing news. That's almost definitely confirmation that Angel Island Zone is in the game and is a secret (until now) stage. I mean, there's a screenshot showing the level in action and given Mania Plus' focus on cut content you just know that the Angel Island intro from vanilla Mania meant that at some point AIZ was intended to be a stage. That seems to be the ethos of this Plus edition - finish all the cut content for the game and release the game that was originally intended. I'm betting AIZ was always intended to be included but due to time constraints was cut. So it's lovely to see the level (hopefully) being added. I still hold the vein hope that Ice Cap Zone will make it though that's probably a reach at this point. To be honest I'm overjoyed that we're very probably getting a new level. I mean if there's one thing that would urge me to re-buy the game a new stage would be it - and I guess Sega's hoping all of the fanbase will react in the same way. I do love that Mania Plus is essentially becoming "Sonic Mania: Definitive Edition". Awesome to see all the content they're adding and I hope it translates in to strong sales for the re-release. I'm sure by virtue of simply being at retail Mania Plus will do well. Imagine how many kids will see "Sonic" on a store shelf somewhere and ask their parents to buy it. Must be what Sega's thinking and I hope it pays off for them.

    Anyway - new trailer tomorrow! Very much looking forward to it. Hoping for a sneak peek at more content and hopefully a hard release date.

    EDIT: Aaron has confirmed on Twitter that the new trailer coming tomorrow is definitely for Sonic Mania Plus and also that Mania Adventures Episode 2 is coming next week.
  9. For those of you hoping that the new trailer will give a concrete release date, Aaron confirmed in the last stream that the Sonic Mania Plus trailer will provide the release date rather than the current "Summer 2018". You don't need to hope~

    And on the Angel Island thing: does anyone else find it a bit weird considering the ziplines and Caterkiller Jr have already been used in other zones?

    And I agree that this spoiler policy is getting pretty silly. We have a leak of 1.04 that isn't Plus, a Famitsu feature on Plus that's official but feels like a leak, an official trailer coming tomorrow, and a big "WARNING, SPOILERS" in the thread title. Someone figure out a spoiler policy that isn't "spoiler EVERYTHING".
  10. Epicsuperleader


    Metallic madness had a ton of its gimmicks reused in other level
  11. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Thanks for the heads up on this one dude. Had no idea Aaron already confirmed we'd be a getting a hard release date - so yeah you're right, no need to hope if it's confirmed!

    Regarding the spoiler thing - surely the easy solution is just to repeat and replicate what we did before and have dedicated "spoiler" and "spoiler-free" threads. As in this thread would be the open spoilers topic and then we'd start a new and moderated spoiler-free thread for those wishing to evade any and all potential spoiler info?
  12. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    I agree with this. At this point this entire thread is just a discussion entirely about the spoilers, and soon the trailer and official promo material is gonna become spoiler material as well for those who want to go into the game completely blind. A second, anti-spoiler topic might be the greater solution to the issue, or better yet make this topic spoiler-free and have a new spoiler thread so those who are already subscribed to this one don't get fooled.
  13. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    If no one minds, I'm just going to go ahead and make one now, tbh!

    EDIT: Spoiler Thread
  14. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    So the trailer's up now in case people want to see it, I won't ruin it, it's pretty snazzy!
  15. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    How does this game make me soo hyped over and over again? it's insane. Welp brb pre-ordering the physical version.
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Right? I got goosebumps again.

    This game was forged by Satan to tempt me :v:
  17. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    Evidently, Satan is a better designer than Sonic Team.
  18. Felik


    Evidently, this threat is obsolete, doomed to be filled with nondiscussions and shitposts.
    Can we merge the two back please?
  19. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    Depends on whether or not the guys who were complaining about Spoilers in a spoilers thread still don't want to see spoilers here.
  20. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    It's hard to say, the famitsu scans are not spoilers seeing it's an official media release but the leak did happen which does make it a spoiler.

    I think a spoiler and spoiler free zone is fine like what we did with Mania vanilla until the game is released then we can close up the spoiler free zone to have 1 topic again. make this one the spoiler free zone since this is the first topic created.

    I honestly love our Retro brothers (taxman and Stealth) too much to talk or even see what was leaked and want to experience what they changed first hand.