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Sonic Mania (and Plus) bugs, oddities and other stuff

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by ICEknight, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Meh. People make similar accusations (if they don't outright attack the devs) all the time when it comes to Sonic Team-developed games, or Sega Forever releases. So I don't really see the point in getting up in arms over someone criticizing PagodaWest for the lack of polish, especially considering that Mania is glitchier than anything ST has released in recent years (at least from my experience). Vastly superior, yes, but still glitchier :v:

    On topic, I've been pushed through the floor by this spring object before. Does anyone know if this bug was fixed?
  2. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    Probably because in terms of scope, history, and resources, Sonic Team is maybe a few leagues different than PadogaWest? You're comparing an entire division/AAA-production studio that has been around for decades and has hundreds of staff members on hand and vs. an indie studio with a development team that barely rose above 20 and is less than ten years old. Sonic Team also has over 30 or so developed/produced Sonic games to their name at this point while this is by all accounts PadogaWest's first Sonic game they've made as a studio. There's a highly distinct dichotomy of the two developers in play here that's really not hard to miss.

    (e: To clarify--not saying PWG are immune from critique; but I would say the above is why I can buy others giving them more of a pass than Sonic Team. Meanwhile Sega Forever is a barely year old service --not studio, service-- that ports games, rather than directly developing them. It's kind of a different beast compared to those two IMO.)

    On topic, character animations when I usually play the game always seem to be layered on top of the swinging poles, rather than layered behind them (which based on the sprites seems to be the intended choice). This has probably been covered, and I swear that this happened in the original Mania too, so this might be a deliberate programming choice, IDK.

    Aside from that, I haven't really come across any bugs/glitches so far that I can immediately recall--at least, not any I can think of that's specifically caused by the game. I believe I've talked about being kicked out of fullscreen mode in the past and there being a noticeable pause during Act 1>Act 2 transitions; but IIRC, that's been said multiple times to be the fault of the game's DRM... -_-
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  3. Creature SH

    Creature SH

    Sounds to me like they just didn't replicate a bug from 1992.
  4. Clownacy


    Tech Member
    You wouldn't be saying that if you've ever actually seen the code.

    Code (Text):
    2. zPlaySound_CheckGloop:
    3.     ld  a,c
    4.     cp  SndID_Gloop ; is this the bloop/gloop noise?
    5.     jr  nz,zPlaySound_CheckSpindash ; if not, branch
    6.     ld  a,(zGloopFlag)
    7.     cpl
    8.     ld  (zGloopFlag),a
    9.     or  a
    10.     ret z ; sometimes don't play it
    11.     jp  zPlaySound ; now play the gloop sound
    That's an awful lot of word-twisting there. I shouldn't need to explain that I don't expect the game to be perfect. I also shouldn't have to explain that adding a 'how did you miss this' doesn't equate to finding the oversight 'outrageous and unacceptable'. And I also shouldn't have to explain that just looking at the original object in an emulator does not equate to 'going through every line of ASM in the original game'. That's a strawman if I ever saw one.

    But yeah, nice derail, guys.
  5. Creature SH

    Creature SH

    Okay, lemme cut out the attempts of approaching things from a different angle or reasoning this out and be entirely honest and direct:
    It either goes bloopbloopbloop or bloopbloopbloopbloopbloop while you go by, it sounds basically the same, who gives a *****************************************************************************************
  6. Clownacy


    Tech Member
    Sigh. You know, on one hand, I don't want to see this thread derailed any further. On the other, I can't exactly just leave crazy stuff like this unrebutted.

    Of course. I prove it's not a bug in the original game, and you throw a tantrum and play the 'who gives a damn' card instead. Here's a hint: this is the 'bugs, oddities and other stuff' thread. Even if it somehow is intentional, it's an oddity. You might as well argue 'who cares' to every other post here.

    Anyway, in a (vain) attempt to keep this place on topic, it doesn't seem like anyone's mentioned how crushing doesn't work properly. The very edge of your hitbox can be pinched by something, and you'll be instantly killed. In the original games, you'd just be pushed back slightly. It gets pretty annoying in Titanic Monarch, with those SYZ-like moving platforms, and it's basically guaranteed to happen to you if you're super, since you don't have fine enough control to perfectly centre yourself. If I remember right, this has been an issue since the Sonic CD remaster.
  7. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Sonic's insta-shield graphics appear corrupted when going against the final boss. Or at least they did when I played it yesterday on the PlayStation 4.

    I also second that hitbox issue - I actually got a Game Over in Chemical Plant Zone because Mighty didn't like those moving blocks. Hadn't seen the Game Over screen in Mania before - apparently it's a thing!
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Okay, I'll be just quoting the on-topic paragraphs from the otherwise off-topic posts, in case that any mod wants to do some splitting/cleaning...

    Also, this is certainly not the topic for "who gives a shit" posts, if it wasn't absolutely obvious from the get-go.
  9. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Does Tails still fly into water when a Co Op partner?

    I found that very odd considering he has a swimming animation.
  10. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    It was mentioned in the main thread, didn't make it to this one.

    Essentially: in the original games, you'd only be crushed vertically if the centre of your hitbox was being squashed; if the crushing was just on the edge, you'd pop out horizontally. This behaviour hasn't made it to any of the remakes (including Mania), with these situations simply crushing you instantly.
  11. Liliam


    Previously Fred Oldbie
    It's the same way in Sonic CD. As in the original one from 1993.
  12. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    You sure could get away with a lot in the original... (after this shot I just kept falling without interruption, even with the platform approaching the wall)

    But tbh while it happened a lot in TMZ, the only place it felt unfair is in CPZ, so it didn't ruin much for me.
  13. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Some not very scientific experiments in Spring Yard and Chemical Plant Zone suggests that Sonic 2 might be more lenient than Sonic 1.


    Sonic does not die in this position. One more pixel to the left and he does. So I dunno, that's like, 8 pixels leeway?

    Not that this is the best collision system in the world mind you - ducking doesn't stop you from being crushed by the middle two blocks (although Sonic will happily intersect the ceiling).
  14. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Any evidence for this? I'm sure you're right, but I've never had any problems with being crushed in Sonic CD.
  15. Turbohog


    Basically all of my deaths in Mania have been due to be collision. Like others, the main culprits have been TMZ and CPZ. It felt unfair everytime. If you spindash from the checkpoint before the rotating blocks in CPZ, you're basically guaranteed to get crushed unfairly.
  16. Liliam


    Previously Fred Oldbie
  17. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    Of note, "ducking doesn't save you" is why one of the diagonal block chains in the vertical section was changed between the Simon Wai proto and later versions:

  18. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Here's some notes on Mania Plus' implementation of Denuvo and its related problems:
  19. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
  20. Prototype


    I've had a few bugs happen while playing the base game and Plus. A particular one seems glaring that I was surprised wasn't fixed by the Plus update. When playing as Tails in a place with anti-gravity like FBZ, when you're upside down the game can get pretty confused as to which direction Tails' tails are meant to be pointing, especially while ducking/charging a spindash.

    And although I haven't been able to replicate iit, I've had some weird palette errors happen twice, usually involving super transformations, resulting in a dark brown Tails, and a black-shelled Mighty.