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Sonic Adventure 2 Hacking

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Turbohog, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. ...I think you need to make a video of this xD
  2. Dr. Mecha

    Dr. Mecha

    Dallas, TX
    3d Models
    I wonder if the chao editor is compatible with this; or that a new one is in the works for this. The chao garden were the only thing that made this game worth replaying.
  3. darkspines35


    It's Easy Actually. No, seriously. Tech Member
    Sanik Adevnt Casters

    Just to confirm, the test level can be accessed by way of cheat engine. Not sure if any of the glitches before work for this or not though.
  4. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    Weeeeee :v:

    And Dark Sonic, yup, the boss can be removed

  5. Ryuki


    Thought just jumped into my head, has the location of the character's stats been discovered? The ability to reach a character's faster running animation (ex for Sonic, his arms trailing behind him) without the use of inclines or speed boosts would be awesome, as it has always bugged me not being able to do so.
  6. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    This would be really cool to see. Especially with Knuckles, who's regular running animation at high speed from behind makes him look like he's panicking about something. Or does he have a top-speed animation? I thought I triggered it by accident once, but it was years ago, and I probably am remembering wrong.
  7. total


    Let me guess - is this done by swapping .rel files (and probably some character\level ID stuff to get rid of Biolizard)?
    Just to make it clear, so people won't be excited too soon (I.e. the whole thing seems to be MUCH easier than getting sadx super sonic, for example)
  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    How unfortunate that Super Sonic is totally unplayable. It's so cool to see but it's painfully slow and imprecise. I mean obviously he was never even meant to be played normally.
  9. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    Turns out, all the game does with the .rel files is check some values in the header. I replaced stg13D.rel (City Escape) with the SADX Preview's stg01D.rel (Emerald Coast) and City Escape played perfectly normally.

    Unfortunately the exe is encrypted and I have no clue how to reverse engineer it. I did make a decrypted exe by grabbing the data from RAM, but the resulting exe won't run. So I can start working on a disassembly, but we won't be able to make any exe mods.
  10. total


    Well, at least that file swapping thing worked in the gc version (because by doing so, I got almost the same result as in those videos (yes, it's just magically worked). That was more than a year ago though.
  11. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    The real question is, how much work would it be to re-time the cutscenes so that everybody isn't making you eat those words interrupting each other? Or perhaps fixing the volumes so you can hear characters over the music? Probably a lot more difficult than model swaps, but damn if the sound design in this game isn't in severe need of a tune-up.
  12. Metalsonicmk72


    Is it possible for someone to document the .csb files used for Sound Effects on the wiki and say what each one is used for? Having trouble locating the sound effects that are used for say... Sonic's spindash charge and release, the spring sounds, and the dash panels. All I've discovered is that most of the .csb files contain the same robot sounds in each folder per stage, which is pretty inefficient to begin with, but it makes it impossible to narrow down the search. :v:
  13. SF94


    Tech Member
    Metalsonicmk72 and I were curious, so we took some saves from SA2B GC and shoved it into the PC version. We found that it'll delete the normal save file as soon as you try to load it without even asking and displays incorrect information (which isn't too surprising, honestly). I took it a step further and tried it with the Chao though... and uh...
  14. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    I managed to get Amy to load instead of Sonic, but she uses the wrong sfx and attempting to somersault crashed the game. SA2B on GameCube had this problem too, but I have no idea how to fix it yet.

  15. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    I half got her in aswell, probably in a really bad way compared to however you did yours. I got her fully functional but the way I done it was force 2 player mode but then force 1 player mode whilst already ingame, so you'll always have a random 2p sitting around :eng101: The worst part is that, if the 2nd player dies, it counts as Player 1 dieing and thus the level restarts and you loose a life. :(

    Also on the subject of mutiplayer stuff, I found some splitscreen stuff.

    Vertical Splitscreen (Default splitscreen):

    Horizontal Splitscreen (iirc this is for kart race?)

    Small overlapped Splitscreen ( :british: ):

    Quater Splitscreen (Was there a 4Player option in kart race?):

    Theeen there's the totally awesome BLACK screen!
  16. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    For some reason when trying to insert a letter for a value for forcing a level it will not be parsed. Is this just cheat engine or am I doing something wrong?

    Also mechless Tails doesn't work for me.
  17. TheUltimaXtreme


    Breaking logic since whenever Member
    I guess I'll escape lurk status and ask something probably no one thought of.

    Is there a way to fix Knuckles/Rouge's gem hunting thing?

    In SA, you can easily explore the levels and find ANY gems found. SA2 seems to have butchered that, and it causes levels like Pumpkin Hill, Security Hall and Mad Space to be downright stupid. So, is there? I can only guess that'd be a CheatEngine parameter, but hell if I'm seeing this...
  18. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    Tiranno, I forgot to also say, you got to add the address as a Hex number. That will allow you to use letters as values. XD

    TheUltimaXtreme, I reckon it's possible. I haven't checked for the PC version but assuming it is the same as the Dreamcast version; When you place Knuckles or Rouge into a stage that they were not meant to be in, all enemies contain an emerald shard. The cool thing is, that if you go next to any enemy, the beepy thing starts going off. You could stand next to one enemy and it would beep, then run all the way to another enemy and it will beep again.
    What I believe, is that the shards are stored in the SET files of the game, and in the properties for each shard, they would be assigned as either 1 2 or 3. If what I'm saying is correct, then it would be very easy to change the shards number to all be 1. I have about 10 minutes, I'll try and look into it for you real quick.

    EDIT: It's not as easy as I thought. I forgot that if there are multiple emeralds that are set to "1" then it would pick one at random to create and display. I'll look more into this when I get time :specialed:
  19. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    Nigga yo fo reals? Yo be tryin' to put a hex value into a decimal field my nigga. What wrong wit yo ass. Either convert dat shit from hex to dec or switch cheat engine up into dat fuckin hex input mode.

    Trust me nigga, ima [​IMG].
  20. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    LOL That made my day :v: