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Sonic Adventure 2 Hacking

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Turbohog, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. darkspines35


    It's Easy Actually. No, seriously. Tech Member
    Sanik Adevnt Casters
    It's very possible. And if theory is correct, then we can import them as dds in the new .pak files instead of having to rely on the original, limited format.
  2. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    A real HD texture pack would be cool for this game. if we can't get different models into SA2 then updating the textures to modern standard would be nice.
  3. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    2p shennanigans:


    When I figure out how to get the debugger to stop crashing the game, I will probably create a 2 player gameplay 'patch' to fix most of the things I always hated about sa2's 2p mode. Expect something awesome and fun from me soon.
  4. SF94


    Tech Member

    Speaking of which (both hacking and 2P), I had a totally cool idea which I think somebody has surprisingly enough already done with SADX PC.
    Couldn't we effectively develop a makeshift netplay program that attaches to SA2 that just sends inputs—in fact no, how about just the speed, angle, action, ring count, timer, and occasionally sync the positions?

    And by "we" I mean probably not me because I don't know enough of any one programming language to do anything of the sort. :v:

    Edit: Then again, maybe input would be needed for the menus, unless one is willing to just figure out the current selection and send that instead.
  5. darkspines35


    It's Easy Actually. No, seriously. Tech Member
    Sanik Adevnt Casters
    So yeah, my hacks from the GC still work. All you gotta do is replace the files and bam, you can play with Super Sonic or Super Shadow.
  6. Is it impossible to increase the draw distance?
  7. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    This topic has caused me to stop lurking these forums and start posting.

    I once done this with the Dreamcast version with very crappy results lol. I could give it a shot though.
    Here's the vid of it

    Also, Dude, I noticed your 2P characters aren't in sexy HD. Using CheatEngine to change the value that determines if the game should be mutiplayer or not from "2" to "0" whilst already ingame, causes the characters to change back to higher quality. The address for it is 0174AFDE


  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    How'd you get both characters into the chao garden? I have to use that glitch on my chao again (no I'm not raising those fuckers legit). So cool to see the better models in 2p finally, hopefully soon we'll figure out how to get 2p characters in any level in 1p
  9. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    Use CheatEngine and use the address I wrote in my last post (I think it will work on any computer) and set that to 2 and start a stage, it will load with two players...OR, use this address to change the stage 01934B70 following this to pick a stage. Test level is replaced with Chao world for some reason, probably something to do with the chao key glitch on the console version lol.
    Also, holy shit, what have I done :O

    I guess the years of me silently learning how SA2 works finally pays off :D I didn't expect this to happen though.
  10. Rosie


    aka Rosie Member
    You sir, are drunk on power and I fear you.
  11. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    Using cheat engine how can I force the player as Sonic like in the older codes? Doesn't seem to be recognizing it or perhaps I'm doing it wrong.
  12. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    Character Address- 01934B80
    Works for me
  13. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    When I try to change the value to "01934B80" it says it could not be parsed.
  14. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    Ohhhh I didn't explain enough heh, sorry.
    Add 01934B80 as an address, then freeze the value of it to a number.
    0 Sonic,
    1 Shadow
    2 mechless tails
    3 Mechless Robotnik
    4 Knuckles
    5 Rouge
    6 Mech Tails
    7 Mech Robotnik

    Not sure what stuff you know but I hope that covers it all
  15. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    Thanks man. That sort of works. It seems that with the first missions in level select usually loads the correct character but with Sonic's sounds.

    EDIT: It seems that Sonic can't override Shadow for some reason
  16. Jase


    ~~(_ _C^> Member
    Are you sure? It 100% works fine for me. Maybe it's the address I've given you. Hmm..
    Make sure you've got the address added as a "Byte" type. I probably should have mentioned that. :v:

    Man, this game is very vulnerable to hacking.


    I will explain how I've done this whenever I understand how the hell I've done it lol. Going to make videos of this stuff.
    Pathetic little story - I took up hacking SA2 on the Dreamcast in hopes to get SuperSonic into City Escape, seemed awesome in my mind to have him in the stage. It's taken me several years of nights of hacking and people telling me it's impossible to get SuperSonic anywhere else, but I kept on trying. Now I've got the PC version, and within a couple of hours, I've got SuperSonic into City Escape. So many years wasted. :argh:
  17. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    That worked like a charm thanks!

    I hate to turn this into a request thread but is it at all possible that Sonic's original shoes still exist in the game? If so is there any way to enable them? On top of that is there a way to hide the upgrades but keep their functionality?
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    So with all of these pictures having BioLizard in them, is there a way to get him out of there so the levels can play somewhat normally?

    Also what are the values for the 2p characters (Because Metal in every level is a must :colbert:)
  19. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    For the first request I remember Darkspines35 working on that with the GC version. ask him if hes still working on it for the PC version.

    For the second, I believe that was being discussed a page ago. may involve some model swapping.
  20. darkspines35


    It's Easy Actually. No, seriously. Tech Member
    Sanik Adevnt Casters
    I plan on continuing my work on getting those shoes ported over. It's a chore and a half though because if the GC version is anything to go by, swapping out the shoes causes Sonic's body to do all funky. As for removing upgrades, it's just ID nulling and stuff. I could do that, or give a bit better tutorial on how to if someone wants.

    I started adding Sonic's model ID stuff to the wiki last night, didn't finish it though. I'll finish it up today though. I'll get back to working on the original shoes port too, see if I can get better results this go around.

    And as for your mention of if they still exist in the game Tiranno, I believe they exist in some of the cutscene model files. Reason being the textures for them, along with a modified texture for them, still exist in a lot of the cutscene files. I can't confirm though. Not yet anyway.