Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Try replacing the SceneEffect.prm.xml file (which is in the data folder of the level in SonicGLVL) with another stage's SceneEffect.prm.xml.

    I imported Windy Valley over City Escape and the brightness was too high, so I replaced it with Sky Sanctuary's and it was fine, and that's how I figured out that the brightness of the stage is controlled by the stage's SceneEffect.prm.xml file. I'm unsure of which parameter controls the brightness though.
  2. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    Find your light in the ogre scene file and tell me what the RGB values are.
  3. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    That worked. I tried using Sky Sanctuary's SceneEffect.prm.xml, and it made a HUGE difference.

    Diffuse R=1, Diffuse G=1, Diffuse B=1, Specular R=1, Specular G=1, Specular B=1
    I'm going to assume the values can range from 0 to 1, with all 0's being the darkest black and all 1's being the brightest white. I'll have to lower them, right?

    I wanted to keep it a surprise, so I'll say what it is in a spoiler:
    I'm trying to port Robot Storm from Sonic Heroes over the Perfect Chaos Boss Battle.

    I'm planning on using the Sky Sanctuary warp objects to emulate the whole "flip the stage upside down" aspect (since it worked like that in Sonic Heroes,) and using SonicGlvl's layer support to control which robots appear at any time.

    I'm doing this because I want to be the first person to make a new boss battle. XD
  4. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    yes, I would lower them. You can actually raise them well over 1, but it's usually never a good idea unless you want an overbright level. For a typical level, I usually start with 0.7 for all values.
  5. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    A bit late on saying this, but... I never quite noticed just how ridiculous his spines look from behind. Also, is it possible to remove the sound Super Sonic constantly makes? Without a glowing aura, something about it just doesn't seem right.

    EDIT: Oh, and good luck with all the stuff you're working on, too. It's all looking great so far.
  6. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    A bit of Robot Storm progress!

    The lighting isn't too bright anymore (However, everything is a little too blue-tinted. I'll make the lighting's color look better later on.)

    The best part is that I've finished setting up the SSZ-warps and cannons used to get between each area. The SSZ-warps acceleration and max speed are at 50000 to ensure that the "flipping upside down" effect appears instantaneous (however, the do end up launching Sonic a bit too high compared to the platform he'll be landing on.)

    The cannons are set to launch Sonic to the appropriate platforms. Conveniently enough, the cannons launch Sonic high enough to emulate the trajectory the original stage's cannons utilized.

    I also added a Goal Ring to the last area (and changed the Results Screen location to be on the same platform.) Here's a screenshot of the results area!

    Now I need to change the skybox, alter the lighting, add cameras, begin working on the various packs of robots to defeat, and properly set up the layers.

    Hehe. The only thing more ridiculous than Neo Metal Sonic's spines seen from behind is that I've NEVER seen ANY fan art (or fan models) that accurately portrayed the back of Neo Metal Sonic's head.

    Also, I have no idea where the game keeps that Super Sonic sound. I found that sound within the csb in's, but muting it didn't have any effect outside of the final boss battle. I'll have to keep searching for it (there HAS to be some sort of well-hidden .csb file somewhere...)

    11/14/12 Edit:

    Metal Sonic 3.0 returns with a vengeance! Also, you'll notice that something seems a bit different about the Silver rival battle in general...
  7. Is it
    a slightly modified attack of Silver/Metal Sonic 3.0? I think in vanilla Generations Silver first crashes down one of the three cars, then the other two, here it crashes down all three at once all the time.
  8. In vanilla Generations, Silver crashes down all three cars at the same time in hard mode.
  9. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)

    So am I the only one who thought that those "hard mode" boss battles weren't hard enough?
    I'm attempting to "fix" that!
  10. Now THAT is the definition of Hard Mode. Excellent work! The bosses are far more aggressive now!

    What will you be doing for the Time Eater Boss? With the amount of stuff already it was confusing enough...
  11. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    That's great! Is there any way of making certain audio cues not happen as often, though? In the Egg Dragoon video, Eggman was saying "not bad" pretty much every 3-5 seconds. It almost got as annoying as "huthuthuthuthuthuthuthut" in Sonic Adventure 2.
  12. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    I actually haven't even looked over its non-graphic files yet. So as of this post, I don't know what I'll be doing for it.
    First, I'll have to check on whether its HP can be changed (FYI, Perfect Chaos ALWAYS takes 3 hits before entering the final phase.)

    Notably, the Death Egg Robot and the Egg Dragoon have .lua files which control some aspects of their attack patterns. This includes how often their voice clips play, and at which times. So it's perfectly possible to make him say "Not bad" less often. :D

    Also, I've made a slight change of plan for the mod.
    Those "harder than hard" battles will be going over the NORMAL difficulty battles. All 4 of the Modern ones will utilize Endless Boost, both Classic ones will lack rings, and Egg Dragoon + Metal Sonic also give you a free barrier at the start.
    When the mod is released, selecting "Hard Mode" will give you INSANELY difficult versions of the battles, all of which will be rife with bombs, spikes, speed traps, and more in ADDITION to the bosses having even more HP. Also, there won't be any "free barriers," and Modern Sonic will have a limited amount of boost that cannot be replenished (except for Shadow, which will be keeping Endless Boost.)

    Also, the "Harder than Hard" Death Egg Robot is still too easy. I will now be placing bombs on the far left and far right sides of the elevator section to make the "spindash > hit weak spot > wait > repeat" strategy a lot riskier to do.
    I'll be posting more videos as I make more changes. >:D
  13. Crappy Blue

    Crappy Blue

    Knuckles' Chaotix is a perfect game with no flaws Member
    it should not take you more than one minute to take down the Death Egg Robo's first phase. his pattern is too easy and predictable for having to hit him 10 times being anything other than an exercise in tedium.

    I think I could've worded that better, but I hope that still gets the point across. much like with hard mode Egg Dragoon in the regular game, giving the boss a lot of hit points is not equal to upping the difficulty.
  14. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member

    From his description. He's working on it. There's a lot you can do, for instance, you can change how long sonic needs to catch up to Eggman, or change how fast the ice projectiles fire.
  15. Crappy Blue

    Crappy Blue

    Knuckles' Chaotix is a perfect game with no flaws Member
    ah, cool. I thought he was presenting these as harder fights, not as his attempts to mess with what's there. my mistake. my point still stands, however. :P
  16. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    Honestly, I'd have preferred to make the second phase last for more than 2 hits, but that's currently impossible to do.
    Because of how few attacks it has, the predictability of said attacks, and since only the first phase can be made longer, there really isn't much that can be done to make the Death Egg Robot truly difficult besides adding numerous obstacles everywhere, such as bombs, spikes, crushers, etc.
    Even then, the first phase would still be pretty tedious...

    The current "Harder than Hard" Egg Dragoon is decent enough for now. The only thing I really need to change is the whole "Wall-crusher spam" he does near the end.
    Likewise, I already have a few plans for the "Insane Difficulty" Egg Dragoon.

    I technically WAS presenting those as harder fights at first. "Messing with what's there" is definitely a more accurate description for the mod's current state, with "harder fights" being the end goal.

    Also, I may as well post a few more Metal Sonic Generations screenshots:
    First are two higher-res images of Metal Sonic 3.0
    Overall, Metal 3.0 fits over Silver really well. Crisis City looks close enough to the Ifrit's Dimension, and Metal Sonic as a whole is known for copying moves within the Rivals series.

    And here's the replacement for the Shadow Battle:
    It's a sorta-custom Shadow Android. It's based on those "Metallic Shadow robots with gun-arms" from Shadow the Hedgehog's mulitplayer mode, but with the color scheme of that mode's "Regular Shadow with yellow stripes" and no gun arm.
  17. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    So ASRT is out. Do you think theres any of this game we can use for our Generations hacking? mainly I'm looking at the new parts of SSZ they added and it would be cool if some of thos parts could be added to the Generations version.
  18. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.

    Both the collision and the GIA would have to be recreated for the new geometry to fit, even then currently you cannot create an exact replica of the collision settings and GIA the original level has, you will lose a lot of the original level doing this.
  19. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Ok so adding on to the original stage is an impossiblity but say you create a custom stage based off the SSZ from Generaions but with a new layout to fit the custom collision and GIA and went through the trouble creating the new geometry to fit. is it an impossiblity then?

    Mind you it does sound a bit redundant but I wouldn't mind seeing/playing a new variant of SSZ with the ASRT addons. be pretty cool actually.
  20. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    It all depends on how much effort you plan on putting in. I fully plan on ripping content from ASRT. I might use it for my mod, I might not. But making collision and layouts is the sort of skill you'd need to make a decent Generations level mod anyways.