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Sonic Generations Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 8, 2011.

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  1. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    9 days left gentlemen.

  2. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Holy shit, I didn't even realise.

    Next Tuesday goin ham, niggas.

    This. I can kind of understand the 30fps deal, as I love when games go for 60fps as greats like Mario Galaxy behold, but it really isn't that big a deal. Unless you are severely color-blind or have some sort of vision issue, you will most likely not lose Sonic in the background, nor will the slower FPS lower your reaction time, making it harder to precisely go from platform to platform.
  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Funny I know exactly what you mean.

    Also that South Park picture couldn't be more accurate to how I'm feeling right now
  4. Nora Kisaragi

    Nora Kisaragi

    Dat hyperbole, I'm a sonic fan and I'm extremely cautious about this game, and I'm not the only one. There are legitimate problems/concerns with the game that have surfaced over the past 700+ pages (lol typo), including but not limited to on-disc dlc, marketing/promotions (the 'mall tour' fiasco, the collector's edition europe-only snafu, etc.), presence of glitches that interfere with gameplay, how the game regards canon (ohey iblis I thought you creatures died), the game's length (speculating it's going to be really short, the levels appaer to be very small compared to the scale of Unleashed stages), low amount of boss fights, etc. If you don't consider those "REAL" problems, that's "your" problem.

    That being said, this game won't be the second coming of christ and it probably won't reach the level of the original sonic adventure, but it'll still be a nice, fun game in its own right, a celebration of Sonic's history, and that's all this game ever was.
  5. I would wager a lot of people wouldn't consider these "REAL" problems.
  6. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Everyone's a critic, but ultimately it doesn't even matter whether the game is good or not. I had plenty of fun playing some of the worst games in the series.

    Nit pickers should spend their time elsewhere—they don't need to find problems to justify their hatred, they should just be honest and go "I hate the very idea of this game and that anyone would ever like it." To be honest I hated 06 like that. Then I played it and laughed at how horribly bad it was.

    That's what I find, really. A lot of people who seem to feel like they need to justify their hatred, when it's just an opinion. No justification needed. Just go ahead and say "I hate it." It's not going to kill you.

    Those of us who do not hate it yet however, are not terribly interested in in-depth explanations on why people who hate it hate it.
  7. Blivsey


    Charismatic Sonicaholic Member
    Wait, the marketing of the game makes this a bad game?
  8. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    Where the hell is that Super Sonic trailer they showed at the Golden Joystick Awards?
  9. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Wouldn't that be quite the opposite of his "problem", since he's getting more enjoyment out of the game than you?

    The short nature of the game is my only real concern, but the multiple missions have me hopefully. They actually sound fun and have you doing things and interacting with characters not previously in the level before. Taking on giant enemies, racing characters, flying around with Tails, etc all sound new and fun additions to the level that will likely be more fun and varied than any of the side missions from SA2 and Unleashed, which all basically just had you going back into levels and collecting a certain amount of rings or beating a certain amount of enemies. Nice for replay value, yeah, but it wasn't exactly new gameplay.
  10. The fact that SEGA's pouring as much cash into the marketing of the game as they are GIVES ME THE IDEA that it's going to be a good game or at the very least a game they believe in. Past games have gotten a brief TV commercial and some print ads, this one got a full blown mall tour (problematic maybe, but still) and a whole skateboard competition TO BE BROADCAST ON NETWORK TELEVISION featuring top name skateboard legends.

    If sega didn't believe they were sitting on something that'll please everybody and reinvigorate what people know about the Sonic franchise, they wouldn't spend this kind of money. Marketing will never make a game good or bad, but it will give you an idea of how much a company BELIEVES in it.
  11. Megane


    PONY TIME Member
    Leaping through time, putting things right that once went wrong, and hoping each time that the next leap will be the leap home.

    If the second coming of Christ is going to be bitched about and nitpicked at so much that people are going to forget about that actual Jesus part and just enjoy his holy presence and the stories and morals he may want to bestow upon the human race...

    ...Oh boy.
  12. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    I swear to god if we get another "Death Egg's redesign" argument when the game is out I am nuking every single one of you faggots who takes part in it.

    That was just embarrassing.
  13. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    ^BUT DAT GRIN. I enjoyed making that Cheese Sanctuary pic though.

    I'm about to be "that guy"

    Go on

    Hold on a second there. We know of the Casino Night Zone pinball game, but that's it, and that's just standard affair preorder bonuses. Games do this all the time. There is no data indicating any unlockable DLC content. Now there may be planned DLC on the disc, but planned is different from "On the Disc." For example, I'm sure Unleashed had planned DLC, but it was not on the disc (The ridiculous size of the content proved this). Sonic 06 on the other hand, was simply a key to unlock shit on the disc. That's no good. However without having the disc this info is currently impossible to know.

    Slightly more inclined to agree with you here. However they have done a good effort overall IMO, like they had that whole skateboard competition. Say what you want, but that's pretty cool IMO.

    Alright, fair enough. This isn't the most bug free game but overall I see no real issues. A quirk here and there, not Sonic 06's bug fest galore

    Oh come on. They wrote themselves into a corner there the moment they put Blaze into that game. How the fuck were they supposed to fix that?. They can explain Sonic 06's presence in this game anyway they want, but the fact of the matter is it's in the game because it was a major Sonic title and despite how ass it was they wish to represent it in game. And if you really are playing these games for plot... I mean it's not like this series was written by some Nobel prize writer. It's a blue hedgehog chasing around a fat guy.

    This is hard to say right now. It's obviously shorter then Unleashed overall, but is this a bad thing? Unleashed was longer because of the werehog, obnoxious HUBs, and character missions. This game has classic Sonic and what appears to be some interesting optional side missions. The main game may be short, but it'll be fun, and I'd rather have a short game that's 100% fun then a long game that's only 40% fun.

    Ya I'll give you that that kinda bummed me out too. I do like the bosses they picked though.

    Define etc.

    At the end of the day this is all personal opinion. Please don't get mad about this post for that was not my intention. I'm just saying

    It may not be the second coming of christ but I still think this game will be better then SA1. SA1 had the whole problem of 40% fun, 60% Bullcrap that plagued the series up until Colors, and at least Unleashed was a more polished game overall then Adventure. I mean, Sonic's levels were cool, and if they kept going with those types of levels and improved on them then you know what that might have been pretty awesome. But then SA2 came around and we got press up to win until Unleashed which began to fix some of the problems. Colors took another step forward and did some tinkering, and then this game did some more tinkering and threw Classic Sonic into the bunch, which will also need tinkering in the future. It's unfortunate that this was the first game to have Classic Sonic in it in a while because obviously this is some sort of learning process with Classic Sonic using the Unleashed engine, and I bet that if they continue to use this engine in the future it will be further refined and edited just like the Unleashed gameplay was.

    However that last part of the sentence is spot on. It's a nice, fun game that's a celebration of Sonic's history, and of course that's all this game ever was. Still it'll probably be a blast.
  14. Nora Kisaragi

    Nora Kisaragi

    The only thing that disappoints me about Death Egg in Generations is the lack of Silver Sonic, Sonic's very first metallic rival. (And if the gamegear games were relevant, the sonic 2 fight is actually a rematch, the first silver sonic battle took place on the gamegear. OH, maybe that's why the fight isn't in Generations, because Iizuka laughs in the face of GameGear sonics...)

    Speaking of Death Egg....

    The japanese version of the game has always had "Death Egg Robo" as the bosses name, they just made it "Death Egg" temporarily for the english demo then made it "Death Egg Robot" again later. But it has always been Death Egg Robo in the japanese version. The reason they changed it from Death Egg back to Death Egg Robot probably means people would confuse Death Egg as the actual stage Death Egg from a sonic game that had it, when in fact its the name of a boss. Having a boss named "Death Egg" is just a little too confusing. With that said, I'm glad it's back to being "Death Egg Robot" because "Death Egg" as a boss name is just way too vague.

    etc. is the shit that really doesn't matter, real nitpicking stuff like some of the character's designs (classic tails) being a little off and classic sonic somehow being unable to talk when Sonic CD is clearly in this game and sonic could talk in sonic CD, Classic Sonic not dying after 10 minutes, and so on. That's all stuff that doesn't really matter so that's why I didn't even bother mentioning it. I called it "etc." for a reason, lol.

    But one thing that's really irking me about generations right now is the stage selection and game length, both previously mentioned to death. I'm pretty sure everyone here was disappointed about it when it was first announced. But they're doing a pretty good job of integrating the tropes into the stages they have (seaside hill feels like water trope, sky sanctuary is sky trope, and so on). And yeah, this game probably will be a blast. I just take offense when people act like this game has no critics, when the opposite is clearly evident.

    Btw, holy snap. We almost have 8 days left until this game's out. Next Tuesday just can't come fast enough. Anyone still got the sonic hat from Sonic Colors? I'm thinking of doing my first playthrough wearing that hat (LOL)
  15. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    Let's face it, Retro is full of people who still play the living shit out of the Classics daily. Generations is a GOOD game, let's just leave it at that. Second coming of Christ? Fuck no! There's far too much wrong with it, and it just hasn't got that magical ingredient that has you coming back for more. In 5 years time when we want to feed our Sonic addiction, most of us will fire up a Classic while Generations gathers dust. BUT that's not to say something genuinely awesome won't come out in those 5 years that will genuinely knock our socks off. By that I mean something that stands up long after the hype train and subsequent release. Put it this way, they're moving closer to that standard than away.
  16. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Well that's you speaking! I surely prefer the new Green Hill to the 1991 one :P I mean, to me, Sonic 1 lost it's "shine". Still a good game, but I enjoyied it more when I was a child.
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    ^To be honest I was never a huge fan of Sonic 1. Sonic 2 and 3K however I love to death. Sonic 1 was a bit too slow for my tastes, but it was a good game.

    Indeed it is. Like I said, I believe from this point on they got the general idea, and now they can start tinkering with the engine. If Classic Sonic was in Unleashed and they had some more time to refine if I feel like they'd be spot on with the gameplay by now (This isn't Dimps who works backwards here). Hell you can even notice some fixes from the June Demo to this most recent one, and we may spot some other fixes in the final, since I believe this demo was built in late august, so it's almost like a stepping stone between the June demo and the Final. It's not there yet though, but just like Unleashed Sonic before it they'll work with what they got and tinker it until it's better. I mean look at that Modern Sky Sanctuary. That's some damn fine level they got right there. I never saw that coming back in the days of Unleashed, although Eggmanland gave some hints of branching level designs.

    I hope in the next main Sonic game though we finally get to play as someone besides Sonic. I don't want to branch too far off the path here, but lets throw Tails or Knuckles into the mix. I feel like Tails could easily inherit Sonic's Sonic Adventure gameplay and Knuckles could be like the werehog, only more platforming, less fighting rooms of enemies to unlock the door. I mean, Sonic 06 was shit, but they finally have some Sonic gameplay that works. Now's the time to experiment slightly, not SA1 when they thought everyone would love to fish >>
  18. Tenniru


    Duty Now For The Future Oldbie
    So, uh, there's something about that newly released picture of the Time Eater that's really bugging me. I was REALLY hoping someone would mention it, especially since I haven't posted in two years (I prefer lurking) and this isn't exactly the most substantial post anyone could make, but...


    Scrapped concept idea returns to screw up the timeline? I mean, Epic Mickey's pretty much done the same thing with Oswald the Rabbit.
  19. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    It's been mentioned at least five ten times buddy.
  20. Tenniru


    Duty Now For The Future Oldbie
    Huh. Of course, the first post I make in forever winds up being old news. I did *try* and check this thread to see if it'd been brought up, honest! It's just... such a big thread!
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