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Sonic Axiom game release thread

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by vexer, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like this game deserves some front page lovin'. It's really not getting the attention it should be.
  2. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie

    Also if it's chugging, I dunno, must be a slow PC. I'm running a Core Duo here and the framerate is fine in WINE.
  3. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    This. Again. I played through the first four zones in the twilight hours of last night and was extremely impressed. This is orders of magnitude beyond anything the fangaming community has ever produced. It's the best fangame I have ever played. Period. The graphics are surreal and lush. Echoing Sonic CD. The level design is on par with Sonic Team (or as close as a single person working alone is going to get). The music is just divine. The shield sound effect has a surround sound quality. I feel like I'm getting hit by a high-powered laser everytime it sounds. I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs here but I still need to complete the game so will post more detailed feedback later. Even so the creator (Vexer) should be profoundly proud of creating an amazing game here.

    I used to do this (creating games) in my teenage years and I know how eight hours can go out of the window just refining one tweak to the engine or designing a small section of a level so I know from experience that this game must have had a superhuman level of effort and hundreds if not thousands of hours of work over the years. That should be commended because the end result is a joy to play and as another poster said the best Sonic game since the Advance series. It absolutely destroys Sonic 4 and just reinforces the notion that Sega should have gone the classic route in creating a retro-styled sequel.

    Enough of that. This game is amazing. Everyone should play this. Download it.

    Posting again later once I have finished the game. I enjoyed the experience so much I am going to disregard the save file and just start up all over again. Thanks for letting me relive my childhood (for a few hours there) man.

    PS. The Steel Station boss is just immediate super peel-out then dash across the obstacle course whilst evading the boss. Trying to hit him burns time so just get the headstart and rush to the finish. I lost a few lives before trying this and then defeated him with ease.
  4. Rokkan


    The only issues that I have with this game seem to be Sonic Worlds-related really. I don't remember Sonic Worlds' engine being so awkward last year... Anyway, the levels are just plain awesome, one of the best of this year's SAGE, congratulations!

    The animations on this game are terrible though, I am a pixel-artist and I'd love to make some graphics for this game, so please contact me if you're interested!
  5. Hez


    I feel like some fan-gamers (Myself included) should take notes from this game. It's actually one simple note really...


    I feel like this game is great only because of its simplicity, which works very well. He didn't try to throw in 8 million characters, 6 million levels, or even an options screen. Enemys are simple, theres not an ass ton of complicated gimmicks, its just run to the end. And its extremely fun and enjoyable. I love it.
  6. vexer


    Hi I am happy to see my game has been well received. I am surprised at how many people have had trouble with the Steel Station boss however. I based it off of Sonic 1's Labyrinth boss so you don't need to avoid or attack Robotnick, you only need to hit him once when you reach the top.

    Also I don't know if anyone saw my edit at the top but I have put up some new links with some bug fixes.

    Thanks again for the feedback.
  7. One thing I feel is missing from this.

    Can you please add gamepad support? It would make my day!
  8. vexer



    Multimedia Fusion comes with built in gamepad support. Just hit the F8 button to show the menu bar at the top then select File, Players and change the controls to joysick. It works perfectly with my gamepad.
  9. Felik


    I like this game a lot. It looks really good and atmospheric and level design if trying to be varied but I got bored while playing and it started feel like a chore.
    Every zone except the second one (which is one of the best levels I ever played) feel the same. I had pretty much the same feeling about Sonic Heroes even though I really liked that game either. I really hope that it's not a final release because it still has a great potential. It desperately needs level-specific gimmicks and enemies that don't just walk from left to right because right now it feels like a bunch of levels in sonic simulator with stunning visuals and great atmosphere.
  10. Vinchenz


    Yo! Hustle! Hustle! Member
    Just finished this game. I was absolutely in love with the level design of the game all the way through. The final build up to Eggman in Machine Mayhem 3 really set the tone for a cool boss stage.

    I absolutely love, LOVE the colour scheme you chose for this game. It's the opposite of the oversaturated colour schemes of official Sonic games and it absolutely works with the level art and atmosphere you tried to create.

    My favourite Zone was Mineral Mine; the level art was just great in this level and I loved the mixture of water and land we got here. The music fits perfectly, too.

    Sandy Sinkhole is my favourite Desert Themed level of all time now. It beats out Sandopolis for me. The level, to me, is Classic Sonic level design at its absolute finest.

    Really, I can't give this game enough praise. You did an incredible job here, Vexer. You really should be proud! I never thought level design in a fanmade Sonic game could ever come close to official Sonic games. This beats out Sonic 1 for me, dead serious. Really, great job man.

    Sure, the game may not be the strongest in relation to the badniks and gimmicks... but neither were Sonic 1 and Sonic CD really. And the Bonus Stage was also lacking, IMO, but those are tiny, tiny little cracks in a huge, shiny diamond.
  11. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie
    Oh awesome. I tried mapping my joypad to the keyboard on Ubuntu but the dpad kept sticking. Can't wait to try true gamepad support when I get home.
  12. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie
    Here guys, I built a Mac version of the latest Axiom build. Install the latest version of X11quartz for best results. Get the Mac version of Sonic Axiom from your choice of mirrors.
  13. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    Thanks man, you truly are a ninja!
  14. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie
    You a Mac user Jason? Did everything work okay? I was only able to do limited testing as I built that in a virtual machine without sound.
  15. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    I PMed Scarred Sun in an attempt to give this game some more attention (via the frontpage) but she is yet to reply. I played through the game last night and reached the later levels (Mineral Mine, Glacial Galaxy) and was shocked to see that the level of quality increased. Those two zones along with Neon Night are honestly on par with anything Sonic Team has ever done. I will admit I got stuck on Glacial Galaxy's boss and gave up. Are there more zones after this? If you're reading this Vexer it would be amazing to have a level select code or something (and native full-screen support; the one downside I will criticise about the game is that the frame rate drops sometimes because you have the old-school Alt + Enter full-screen mode and no alternative).

    Overall though this game is extremely good. It honestly plays like something from early nineties Sonic Team. I agree that this game is better than Sonic 1 and would even go as far as it being on par with Sonic 2. It really is that good. It truly deserves more attention than this so if anyone wants to PM one of the mods about this then go ahead. It deserves some space on the frontpage. It is criminal that this game only received three pages of feedback (Sonic Classic has over 34 pages for comparison). They're both good games and both deserve attention. I feel that Axiom has been shafted a little here.

    Well done on the game Vexer. I hope this site promotes your game here because it really is amazing. Do you have any plans for further releases?
  16. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    When I saw this thread, I only had a vague idea of what Axiom was, and needless to say I wasn't too hyped. But it's not very often a fully finished fan game comes out, so I gave it a go.

    Wow, am I glad I did.


    This game is fantastic, and has a few huge things going for it: first, the art direction. Fantastic choice in sprites, but most importantly, everything meshes. The levels feel organic because nothing feels out of place within the level art, badniks and obstacles. I loved the little touch of Sonic slipping on the ice in Glacial Galaxy. I can tell you put a lot of effort in it. Great job!

    Also, the music. You chose tracks that fit the zones perfectly. The tone they gave off was somewhere between Sonic CD's US soundtrack and Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn version) and it pushed the surreal aesthetic magnificently.

    The level design was absolutely brilliant. They were fun, with a lot of alternative paths and I loved finding them. Utterly perfect!

    There are some problems I found, however:

    The delay between hitting a monitor and getting its rings was a little bit too long, which lead to some pretty pointless deaths at times waiting to go from 0 to 10 to save myself.

    I can't remember the name of the lava level, but it needs major help. The spin-dash pipe is completely broken. Every time I tried using it, I got stuck inside. I would have had to exit the game were it not for being able to glitch myself back out by random combos of jumping, spindashing and peel-outs. Further, some of the lava pits are also glitchy, a lot of times after hitting the lava, I fell through the collision box and into the pit itself, where I wasn't damaged at all until I jumped back up and took damage from the surface again. This happened on a couple of different occasions. It was a great level aesthetically and musically, with some great design, but it was buggy as all get out.

    Framerate issues were constant, and though it never got to be unplayable, it was a bit irritating when it constantly dropped under 30.

    Animations need a lot of work; the frames themselves are awesome, but they're very choppy, some refinement is very much needed; it's especially visible in the first boss and Sandy Sinkhole's boss.

    There were fairly common collision issues with the badniks.

    Minor gripes: I really didn't like Sonic's muzzle color, it's really muddy looking. It would be nice to see a little bit more contrast between light and dark on the flesh colors. But the shade of blue was great :)

    The sound quality of the tracks varied greatly. For instance, the shield get sound was really good, but the invincible stars song's sound quality was disgusting; it could use a better rip.

    You good sir, have just made the best full Sonic fan-game I have ever played. With a little refinement on the mechanics side, this game will be right up there with the best 2D Sonics. Great art direction, great music, great design, and best of all, I didn't even know what I was missing until I played it. Bravo, sir, you must do more.

    9/10, no doubt at all. A few patches and it'll be perfection! :thumbsup:
  17. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    Well I just played this from start to end. I'll report the glitches I remembered first:
    - In the 9th Zone in one of the tubes after the door opened, I kept spin dashing and peel outing to the left and I ended up glitching through a wall.
    - Same zone; the fan platform is glitchy, sometimes the platform would disappear, and sometimes the fan would disappear. Sometimes however the two objects would go in opposite directions halting level progression (platform goes up, fan goes down, Sonic in the middle).
    - Some objects in other zones disappeared as well. Forgot which ones.
    There was some more glitches, but I forgot them due to being distracted with how fun the game was. :ohdear:

    Anyway, this game really does feel like you emulated the Sonic CD levels very well. However, even when you had tons of original gimmick ideas in each zone, some felt a bit empty and straight. This was an issue sometimes in Sonic CD as well so no surprise. Either way, all this game needs (as other people said) is to have things polished up (animation, bosses, etc.) and then it'll be golden.

    I'm really impressed, all I can say. Might have to try out Tails and Knuckles gameplay soon. :)

    P.S. the special stages should be a bit more clear, I went to the top unaware you had to climb up after getting 35 rings. To add to that, it's a bit of a scramble to get the rings. A bit too unforgiving for a first special stage.
  18. Bobinator


    My thoughts on your posting Member
    I really enjoyed Axiom, and I really liked the heavy Sonic CD influence you put in there. The thing is, though, there's a few things that are REALLY bugging me that need fixing:

    1. Minor nitpick, but why does the game's titlebar say 'sfangame'? Isn't that changeable with one dialog box in MMF?
    2. Why does my score keep getting reset to 0 between levels?
    3. The first boss needs some serious work. Some sound effects, some kind of warning he's going to shoot, something, because as it is, there's no way NOT to get hit by him unless you're psychci.
    4. I'm at Neon Night Act 2, and apparently I'm just no longer getting extra lives for 100 rings at all now. Or for 50,000 points.

    Also, this isn't a complaint, but did you use a remix of this for Glacial Galaxy? That's awesome.
  19. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    I need to tell my thoughts about this game sometime.

    For now, did you know Knuckles can bypass the first boss by climbing the wall to its highest point and gliding over it to the end container? I have found many strange things replaying the game as Knuckles by climbing those walls to the top. Pieces of background on the foreground, for example. I just followed what came natural to me when exploring/breaking the game as Knuckles in S3K.
  20. vexer


    I have fixed that problem as well as other bugs and posted the new links in my sagebooth.