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In-game continuity errors?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TheLazenby, Jan 14, 2011.

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  1. Life bars. God damn life bars.

    It would have been great if I didn't have to stop for 20 minutes at EVERY badnik/robot and mash A/X/whatever until it happened to blow up !
    Also, the controllers have triggers, why could the triggers not have switched between characters and the characters had more than two moves each ?

    It's just full of poor design choices to force difficulty, like the rest of 3D Sonic.
  2. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    You forgot to mention how bad the Chaotix' playstyle was.

    I usually like hunting for items and all that, but even I thought the Chaotix' levels were just hilariously bad and frustrating. The game really wasn't designed for that kind of play.

    Also, everyone in Heroes goes through the same levels at the same time. Maybe Team Rose is a little late because they went through the Sea Gate first, but nobody ever sees anybody else?

    And how about that Sonic Advance? At the end when Tails catches Sonic on the plane? Or was it Sonic catching Knuckles? Or was it Sonic catching Amy? Or was it Sonic catching Ta- wait, Tails can fly! What the hell?

    So Tails catches Sonic and then Sonic flies the plane two more times to catch everyone else... After Sonic catches him?

    What the fuck is going on?!
  3. Dan Genesis

    Dan Genesis

    As it was predicted. Plus, this is like some cute Member
    Top Secret. Bitch.
    KuroKomix LPs and Blog.
    Didn't we already go over this? Rashomon effect. Sonic thinks he saved Knuckles, Tails, and Amy, but Tails says otherwise. As far as Heroes, each team says they were there doin' shit first.

    I'm really surprised this hasn't hit home with you, considering you seemed to understand the concept pretty well with Sonic Adventure, which is one of the best examples of Rashomon effect I've seen.

    As I've said before, this shit happens ANY time you have multiple, interweaving stories (or just multiple stories in some cases). Adventure, Adventure 2, Heroes, '06, Sonic Riders (to an extent - namely on the final race, which take place on one course in Hero story and another in Babylon), basically every fighting game in existance, the list goes on.
  4. MarkoMan


    In memory of Dreds... Member
    Queens, NY
    Sonic 2 Turbo
    Sonic Heroes...

    As far as the "bosses" where there are millions of enemies at a time... well, there are millions of millions of enemies in mass production. Not hard to believe that.

    As far as Egg Hawk, Egg Albatross, and Egg Emperor, Metal Sonic probably had four different versions of each machine.

    As far as the battles between teams... well, that's Rashomon's affect... but... someone's gotta confirm this... when you fight Team Sonic the very first time as Team Amy (like, literally the first time you pop the disc into your system), does Team Sonic just jump off the stage? This happened to me the first time I played as Team Amy on the PS2, and I've never been able to duplicate it...
  5. Dan Genesis

    Dan Genesis

    As it was predicted. Plus, this is like some cute Member
    Top Secret. Bitch.
    KuroKomix LPs and Blog.
    Didn't happen to me. 'Course that is I have the Gamecube version.

    The PS2 version is notable for being much more buggy than the other two.
  6. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Fuck the Rashomon effect. They're just badly designed games, and the story is no bystander in the disaster. So, wait, Sonic could go Super while his butt munches just get some lame power shields and inconsequential attacks? I mean, Knuckles' attacks were pretty cool against the Egg Fleet ships, but that's about it. The fight was still awful, and so was the rest of the game'scontradictory buildup to it. I know we're talking about story and canon and whatnot, but nobody holds Sonic '06 in high regard because of it's great story, and neither do they for Shadow or Heroes. Even Sonic Adventure falls prey to these multiple story pratfalls, even though the gameplay outside of Big at least were competent or good.

    Didn't SEGA disavow everything between Sonic Adventure 2 and Unleashed a while ago? I thought I heard something about that.
  7. MarkoMan


    In memory of Dreds... Member
    Queens, NY
    Sonic 2 Turbo
    Many a fighting game falls prey to the Rashomon effect. Street Fighter 2 is an amazing example.Beat the game as Ryu, he wins the tourney. Beat the game as Chun Li, she wins the tourney. Beat the game as Bison, he takes over the world. Play well enough, and Akuma kills Bison. Play well enough as Bison, and Akuma kills Bison, but not the Bison you're playing as.

    Doesn't mean Street Fighter is a bad game. Doesn't necessarily mean the story fails either. + - inb4 SF4 changing everything.  

    That would be awesome.... but wait, why not SA1?
  8. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member

    That would be so nice. Do you have any idea where this was said?
  9. Overbound


    Sonic Time Twisted Creator
    Well Don't Sonic 3 stand alone and Sonic & Knuckles stand alone contradict Sonic 3 &K?
  10. Dan Genesis

    Dan Genesis

    As it was predicted. Plus, this is like some cute Member
    Top Secret. Bitch.
    KuroKomix LPs and Blog.
    So, pretty much if it's not a single story campaign, it sucks, right?

    Also, your point about Sonic Heroes' final boss fight is irrelavant to the point of your post.
  11. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Doesn't mean the story should be taken seriously either. It's a fighting game. The story is situational and built around the character you use, not any chronologically consistent timeline of events. Unless the next game insists on a given ending as canon and is competently believable. That is, the game is good and the story isn't offensively ridiculous.

    That's just what I remember hearing. It was an article of someone from Sonic Team, around the time of Unleashed's release, stating that Unleashed rebooted the 3D games' timeline, leaving off from Sonic Adventure 2. So, technically, SA1 would still be "canon". The intersecting plot events in both games aren't quite so terribly contradicting so as to invalidate a possible Rashomon effect, and the games and stories were actually pretty decent, voice acting/animation notwithstanding. The reason I don't care much for Heroes is


    1. The game itself sucks. Poorly executed team-based gameplay multiplied by four, poor excess of voices and out-of-character dialogue, etc
    2. An unceremonious ruination revival of Shadow with only a bare suggestion of cloning at the end, and an even more poor reintroduction of a trio of characters who made their debut on the 32X
    3. An overall lack of consistency with the previous game(s)*

    Emphasis on out-of-character: Why doesn't Knuckles recognize or acknowledge the Chaotix at all? How does Metal Sonic develop his personality, and how does he imprison Eggman?

    It only flies in the face of Knuckles, the guardian of the Master Emerald, being able to go Super. I could understand of Tails couldn't, but Knuckles? Come on. That's simply lame. By the way, what a lame deus ex machina that led up to it: everyone just happens to have a Chaos Emerald shoved up their ass?

    * This is something Sonic Adventure also suffers from. Knuckles is still stupid and gullible? Really?
  12. MarkoMan


    In memory of Dreds... Member
    Queens, NY
    Sonic 2 Turbo
    As far as Sonic & Knuckles is concerned...
    Well, there's Knuckles chillin in Mushroom Hill and having that Eggbot drop a bomb on him, as opposed to Knuckles adventure beginning on Angel Island...
    Also, there's the idea of Doomsday being complete with Super Sonic over Doomsday being complete with Hyper Sonic, as well as the existence of Super Emeralds in general.

    As far as Sonic 3 is concerned... well, the only thing that I can think of is the ending. Instead of believing that Death Egg is destroyed, Death Egg lands in tact.

    And let us not even venture into Sonic 2 & Knuckles. lol
  13. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Not to mention that when playing as Tails, Tails brings down Robotnik and the Death Egg all by himself. When playing as Sonic, Sonic brings down Robotnik and the Death Egg (and sometimes Tails helps). THIS GAME IS A CONTINUITY DISASTER IT CLEARLY SUCKS
  14. Frozen Nitrogen

    Frozen Nitrogen

    Wouldn't the door have been easier? Wiki Sysop
  15. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    AKA J.Matz Member
    Does it even matter? Sonic 3 alone and Sonic & Knuckles alone aren't even canon. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is what really happened.
  16. Overbound


    Sonic Time Twisted Creator
    No it doesn't really matter. But then isn't that true of the whole thread then?
  17. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    So wait.... Does that mean Shadow would still be dead :'D?
  18. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    So what really happened? Did Sonic destroy the Death Egg, or Tails?
  19. Dan Genesis

    Dan Genesis

    As it was predicted. Plus, this is like some cute Member
    Top Secret. Bitch.
    KuroKomix LPs and Blog.
    It's not really a deus ex. You do recall having to go through the special stages and getting all the Emeralds, right? Using that as a basis, you could say that the various teams actually did pick up the Chaos Emeralds along the way.

    Course, that is where I would agree there is a lack of consistency between games (series-wise, not just Heroes). In pretty much every game up to Sonic Adventure, the Emeralds could only be found in special stages (barring Sonic 1 on the Master System, where they were hidden in the level). Post-Adventure, they're kinda like the Dragonballs - they're more or less just laying somewhere for someone to pick up. The exception is Heroes, which retains the Special Stage placement.
  20. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    AKA J.Matz Member
    You could easily say the same thing with Sonic Adventure:
    "So what really happened? Did Sonic battle the Egg Walker, Chaos 4, and Gamma? Or did Tails?"

    Sonic's story is the canonical one, of course. Tails was just tagging along with Sonic. Notice how Tails doesn't even have Doomsday. Did you expect them to make you not fight the bosses as Tails or something?
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